View Full Version : Did the Blood Angels "horde" fare well against the Eldar?

Lost Vyper
07-31-2013, 11:09 AM
Hi, itīs the Vyper...

Today, we played a game of 2500p, short edge deployment and The Scouring.

If you are impatient, the short answer to the topic, f*** yes! :mad:



Librarian x 2 (2lvl)


2 x Tactical Squad x 10 (Melta+Flamer) (Flamer+ML) COMBAT SQUADED, so 4 x 5 in two drop pods...

5 x Assault Marines in a Rhino

10 x Scout COMBAT SQUADED to 2 x 5

20 x Assault Marines Jump packs (with meltas) another COMBAT SQUADED to 2 x 5, another with Librarian and a Priest


2 x 10 Devastators one COMBAT SQUADED to 2 x 5





2 x DAīs x 9 (Exarch Disarm, SS+PW) + WS (tlBl)
2 x 3 Jetbikes


3 X Hornet (SL+BL)


3 x 3 WWīs (SL+BL)

Dark Reapers x 3 + Exarch (NV+FS) + Aegis + Icarus


My friend told when we started, that if i kill 10 models a turn, heīll have 15 in the end of the game...the rush was brutal. He let me start, and that was all he wrote really. Got the first blood, but the drop pods carrying 4(!!) squads ainīt fun :(, plus the three extra victory points on a table with AV11 didnīt help either...in the end, the rush was so overwhelming, that i had 1 x jetbike, 1 x Hornet, and about 7 DAīs on the table and i lost 10-5...

What worked with Eldar

- Avatar delivered, harassed, killed devastators and got got cut down only by a force sword...
- DR Exarch with Icarus AND Fast Shot. Killed marines and the first drop pod with Homing Beacon. Bought me at least some time...
- Eldrad Force Weaponed a Librarian down and holding heīs own with DAīs, until got cut down only by a force sword...

- Mediocre performance by bikes (altough, didnīt fail any morale saves) and WWīs. Dice was not with me on the 5+ saves today...and the first time, that shooting the Serpent shield cost me a WS (and probably the game)...

But if you are a Blood Angels -player, i recommend this list against the new Eldar...threw me off the loop...:rolleyes:

- Lost Vyper

07-31-2013, 01:06 PM
Thanks for sharing!

I would say though, that your Eldar lacked the tools to kill marines en masse, which is what all armies should really be built around.

In a 2000pt game, you have over 600pts spent on characters, and essentially 12 identical low armoured models in the Hornets and WW.

The Avatar works best in a footslogging army, although I can see him working in a mass AV army like yours, you just lose the fearless bubble he provides, which is a big factor in his point cost.

The avatar could easily be swapped for a prism and ranger squad, which can take out his buffing characters.

I'd also say only go with one 200+pt character, or two cheaper ones.

I wouldnt be too worried about seeing that BA army across the table from me. A lot of bodies, yes, but little long range firepower (dependant on Dev loadout). They are priority 1, but even 8 krak missiles will struggle dropping a serpent in one turn.

I'm a firm believer in bodies on the table. My 1000pt MEQ armies generally have 30 bodies. You have to know how to eal with them


Lost Vyper
07-31-2013, 02:34 PM
That was the main problem! i was SO caught with my pants down with that list. Last of his lists was a mechheavy, so i anticipated Stormravens this time...wrong...thatīs why i love to play against these dudes, they keep you on your toes. And yes, the 600p on HQīs was stupid, but hindsight is the best sight, right? :) Plus, we built a perfect table for Snipers, but again, how can you know? Perfect list would have been Illic with snipers and Farseers FILLING the table ;) My opponent NEVER waits turns to be on my zone. Itīs drop pods and jump pack -dudes all around. He has played longer than me, but thatīs no excuse, but these dudes be sneaky...when i got home, i immediatly built a MEQ lists for 1500/1850/2000/2250/2500 points...iīm ready! REMATCH BIIIIAAAAAAACCHHHHH!!!! :)

08-02-2013, 12:19 PM
I'd say tailing your army for your games is just going to see you get beaten, especially if your friends have large armies that can change from game to game. Make a take all comers army, and use it in every game.

I played a semi marine horde army yesterday. 4 tacticals, 1 dev, 1 assault (60 marines) in 2000pts, with a land raider, pred, rhino, and 2 storm talons, against my painted eldar - didnt quite have 2000, so I added 500pts BA allies.

My army:
Eldar - 1500
Farseer - guide, prescience, ignore cover power

5 rangers
10 avengers, serpent, scatters, holo
3 bikes, cannon

9 warp spiders, exarch, spinnerette, fast shot
5 hawks

5 dragons, exarch, fast shot, serpent, scatter, holo

Fire prism - holo
Fire prism - holo

BA Allies - 500
10 assault marines, 2 melta, powerfist, infernus

The Prisms outrange anything on the table. Starting within 12" of the farseer, a guided lance shot from each killed the predator, enough S6 firepower to down rhinos left right and centre. Prisms can reliably kill 5 marines per turn out of cover each.

Lost Vyper
08-03-2013, 12:07 AM
My point is to keep them also on their toes. I still have tricks, that i havenīt used, and a MEQ list is one of those "thingies" :) So, you didnīt tell who won? That BA allies list is dirrrrty ;), got to use that against CSM/Necrons -player sometimes...

08-03-2013, 11:48 AM
Oh yea, sorry, I won! The mission was kill points, which made me nervous.

Using Meph was a bit dirty, he plugs a gap in the Eldar army!

The fire prism got guided and lanced the laspred in the side turn 1, and from there my opponent didnt really have any long range anti tank.

The mobility of my army allowed me to redeploy to my left flank during my turn, isolating his land raider on my right flank.

Meph killed a tactical squad, half an assault squad, and a chaplain.
Fire Prisms took out the predator and 15-20 tactical marines and some of the devs
3 Vypers with 2 shuricannons each took down a rhino T1 then got guided and shot down a storm talon in T3.
The Spiders killed 5 tactical marines, then jumped away - I forgot about the Land raiders range, and they got assaulted and killed the turn after - they are super fast, and very deadly. Use 5 for transport hunting, or 10 for infantry murdering.
The assault squad ate plasma cannons and died

My opponent killed: Warp spiders, assault squad, rangers and my farseer, I tabled him T5.

My main mistake in the game/army design was not having a good place to put my farseer. He cant cast from inside the transport anymroe (as far as I know??) so he ended up going with my rangers, meaning they could not infiltrate, and were out of range the entire game (6'x4' board). They moved out of cover T2 to get some of the action/be in range for prescience, and got nuked by a stormtalon when it came on...

Next time, my farseer gets a jetbike and mantle of the laughing god, then flies around behind my prisms.

Lost Vyper
08-04-2013, 03:09 AM
Awesome! Jep, the Farseer is best on bike nowadays, due to the T4 + mobility + Armor save 3+...i use an Autarch with Mantle/Fusion gun/Banshee mask/Lance/Firesabres, thatīs one fast and nasty unit...