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View Full Version : 1000pts VC list - Help Please

07-30-2013, 05:36 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am returning to fantasy after about 6 years and have game lined up tomorrow with someone in the same boat. We are playing a 1k point battle and I need help with an army list. I want to use all the models I currently have, even though it is an awful composition. The models I have are:
- 30 Skeletons (Full Command)- hand weapons and shields
- 20 Ghouls
- 10 Dire Wolves
- Corpse Cart
- Necromancer
(Army Box plus a few extras)

I will be going up against a Demon army, and am expecting a herald of Tzentch on a disk, some bloodcrushers, flamers and bloodletters.

I am currently thinking maybe grab a vampire hero, make the necro a lord and get Crypt Horrors to tarpit the bloodletters.

Any advice on lists or tactics would be appreciated.



07-31-2013, 02:17 AM
10 Grave Guards or 5 Black Knights may perform better than 3 Crypt Horros in dealing with the bloodletters.

Crpyt Horrors' I is lower, 5+ regen. but no armour saves, and most VC troops have lower WS than DoC.
Since your opponent is using Herald of Tzentch & Flamers, I would not be surprised to see the bloodletters bringing banner of eternal flame becoz of the warpflame special rule, which would also ignore regen.

Black Knights may have 2+armour save, +2 S on a charge, and out-maneuver the bloodletetters.
They can also be used to take out the Herald on Disk with their speed.

Grave Guards may have GW, which means lots of killing power (the ASL doesn't matter since the DoC simply gets better I).
Bloodletters can't take serious hits but you Grave Guards can regain wounds with the wizard.
Also a Grave Guard costs less than a Bloodletter so it's always a good deal.