View Full Version : Soul Trap/Tesseract Labyrinth question.

07-26-2013, 07:13 PM
Hello all.

I have a question about the mysterious Necron Tesseract Labyrinth & Dark Eldar Soul Trap...Fluff wise...

I have read a little about the Tesseract, so mostly I would like to know how the Soul Trap works.

I don't know alot of Dark Eldar technology fluff, but all I want to know is can lets say... a Inquisitor stumbles upon one of these pieces of wargear...is it possible for said Inquisitor or his Henchmen to be able to use em?

I know Ordo Malleus Inquisitors/Grey Knights use the Tesseract Labyrinth to trap demons...(also would like to know what it looks like)

but can Soul Traps do the same?

I am asking this for a Inquisitor model...want to make a Tesseract or Soul Trap in his/her hand out of Greenstuff.

Thanks in advance.

07-29-2013, 05:13 AM
I don't see why not. They would have to somehow figure out how to activate the thing as Eldar technology is often activated in strange ways, but if they could somehow acquire that information they could probably use one.

Mr Mystery
07-29-2013, 05:45 AM
More than likely they could use it.

But, whether they could use it safely or not is another matter entirely!

07-29-2013, 09:35 AM
And dark eldar technology, while weird, is not likely to be psychically operated like a lot of craftworld technology. So yeah, I agree that an inquisitor could theoretically use a soul trap.

07-29-2013, 02:35 PM
Cool thanks...

I already have a Soul Trap objective marker...cause fighting over a few Promethium cans & a box Lasgun ammo is kinda dumb...

...now just need to know what a Tesseract Labyrinth looks like...

I may just have to make a greenstuff box & make it look like the is a maze on/in it...

07-30-2013, 07:06 PM
Oh today I was reading a bit about the Soul Trap...and it says its traps the soul of a killed enemy...?

So said Inquisitor could only use it to nab a soul from someone he killed?

not exactly how I thought it worked....but still The Ordo Xenos would still want to study it...

Also would a Soul Trap work on a Demon...?

cause Demons don't have "real" body's, just that Warpstuff that hold there "soul"...that when they are "killed" they just go back to the warp...

so would the Soul Trap take the "soul" from a Demon without having to kill it? cause Demons body are just vessels to hold there "soul" ...or would they have to kill the Demon then use the Soul Trap? or am I missing something...?