View Full Version : Bel-Annath Eldar vs. Grey Knights 1850p TEXT RECAPISH...

Lost Vyper
07-26-2013, 05:48 AM
As i told on the boards, i was planning to use Bel-Annath, for that nice 4th Heavy slot. As the points were under 2k, i was able to do it last wednesday...mission was Lost Vyper original, Assassins, AWESOME mission, check my blog for the rules (in our match, HQ´s were 3kp, 4kp if killed in challenge, and fast units 1kp + FB,SWL,LB) i had :


2 x 3 W.Jetbikes
9 x DA + Exarch (Disarm,PW+SS) + WS (tlBL,Holo)

5 x W.Spiders + Exarch (FS,PB,Spin.)
Crimson Hunter (Exarch)

3 x 3 War Walkers (SL+BL) :D
Wraith Knight (GG+SS+2xSL)

his list, okay, this is way out there...


Psykers+some dudes
Terminators x 5

Dredknight x 2
Vindicare assassin

Stormraven x 2
Interceptors x 5

He went first, dropped a psychic bomb on the WS, made the Jink. VA who was infiltrated in the building near me, shot the WK in cover trying to shieldbreak his invl. save shield, i made my cover save. DK´s came closer.
On my turn WK went after the VA in the house, who got SMUSHED, FIRST BLOOD. Shuffled the forces around, had little to shoot.
His DK jumped the 30" (annoyiinnngggg...), Stormravens both came in and combined fire blew the WS (he had the ignores cover Psychic power) and the DK toasted every DA, Bel-Annath´s morale held.
This is the turn someone forgot, that the HQ was worth 3p+SWL...i moved Bel little to the side, Warp Spiders came in and the Crimson. One set of the WW´s came from outflank also. I went after the Stormraven, who got dropped, 1p. WK and the Spiders shot the DK, wounded twice, one saved. WW´s killed couple of psykercrew´s buddies, morale held.
God...WOOOHSSHHH!!! No more Bel-Annath, T3 is from the bunghole...3p+SWL Stormraven hit the Crimson 4 times, i made three of the saves! He got a penetrating hit, result, locked velocity. Interceptors came from the reserves and with another DK, killed the WW´s...
Game was 4-2 in his favor. Crimson flew out, one set of bikes and and Outflanking + Reserved WW´s came in. i finished the DK in my zone and decided to give the Stromraven a set of WW fire...they dropped him 1p !
Termies came in and DS´d to my deployment zone. Another DK moved in to ruins (i wondered, when was he going to jump 30"?) Interceptors moved behind a building, away from my WW´s (well, it was over 36" anyways, but, hey, they are worth 1p).
Crimson and the second bikes came in. CH had to move 36", straight up to the Interceptors and killed three. WW´s moved, others Battle focused and killed a couple terminators. WK went after his HQ, but it was very far away, so he ran also. Bikes turbo boosted.
Interceptors jumped in to ruins and killed one doing so! Morale held, damn! DK jumped the 30" in to ruins almost in my Zone. Bikes got killed by small weapon fire. Termies assaulted the WW´s (they killed one with overwatch!) and wrecked one.
I turbo boosted both of my bikes in to his Zone and the WK moved and ran closer to his HQ and the CH killed couple of Psykers. WW´s hammered the DK, one wound and the others held in the CC with the Termies.
DK got the LB, Interceptors failed to kill all of the bikes (morale held!).
Go time... i was losing by one point...my bikes shot one of the Interceptors, morale held...WK jumped in to ruins, killed couple of the Psykers, again, morale held...my bikes assaulted the Interceptor and...........KILLED HIM WITH IMPACT HITS!!! LB + 1p

Game ended in to a draw...lucky me...forgetting vital things can cost you a match...


- Bel-Annath is good for the extra Heavy slot, T3 insta-kills him FAST. Pyromancy powers were crap,S5 AP2 "flamer" is nice one time
- Crimson Hunter again...great thing to have...
- War Walkers...i´m seriously thinking about getting three more...ABSOLUTELY my favorite Eldar unit in the game.
- And jetbikes...normally, they´ll win the game by the last turn objective grabbing/denying, but getting a draw by ASSAULTING AND KILLING A CC INTERCEPTOR! DAMN! :eek:
- Wraith Knight is finding his place in my army, as the CC dude...

- Lost Vyper

07-26-2013, 06:14 AM

a) Needs an update (please get the IA11 PDF out soon FW) for correct Mastery level and new powers

b) Should never take Pyro - if you've got Divination, why take pyro?

c) Is better under the new Eldar codex than he used to be. Why? To me his big drawback was he meant you couldn't have Runes of Warding in your list. He doesn't have them and prevents you a 2nd Farseer. Now those runes are rubbish, hes not as bad. And a 4th Heavy is always nice

Lost Vyper
07-26-2013, 08:41 AM
Had to try the Pyro, never had. :( Yep, Divination is the shiznit...if he´s the "most warlike of all the farseer´s", why is he T3? Built for combat are we? Not ;)