View Full Version : August White Dwarf arrived today...

07-24-2013, 07:48 PM
And Lizardmen are on the cover. There is almost NOTHING in this issue related to 40k; the closest thing is a multipage rundown on a new city apoc table at Warhammer World. You can see a picture of the table in yesterday's white dwarf daily: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/wnt/blog.jsp?pid=10200024.

I don't play WHFB, but it looks like there are some new Lizardmen models. As a 40k and SM player, I would *love* to get next month's issue a few days early because I'm dying to know about the new codex and the new models. But I'll have to wait. Pictures soon.


07-24-2013, 08:55 PM
Did you miss the digital-only Black Legion supplement?

07-25-2013, 05:35 AM
Hey- I screwed up and posted this thread twice- once in this forum and once in News and Rumors. It's probably more relevant to that forum, so when I post pictures of the WD in a few hours I'll do it there.

In any case, I just flipped through the magazine again (I didn't have time read it fully last night or this morning, I am afraid) but I didn't see anything about any digital releases, period. In "This Month In Black Library" there is a write up of Aaron Dembski-Bowden's new book Armageddon, which is about the Black Templars. That's about as close as they get to discussing the Black Legion supplement in this issue.


07-25-2013, 06:22 AM
That's odd....

07-25-2013, 07:03 AM
When you do post pictures, could you do those fantasy players amonsgt us a favour and put the lizardmen pics in the appropriate thread down on the fantasy forum? Thanks.

07-25-2013, 07:42 AM
In any case, I just flipped through the magazine again (I didn't have time read it fully last night or this morning, I am afraid) but I didn't see anything about any digital releases, period. In "This Month In Black Library" there is a write up of Aaron Dembski-Bowden's new book Armageddon, which is about the Black Templars. That's about as close as they get to discussing the Black Legion supplement in this issue.


Flicked through a copy earlier today and the Black Legion supplement is mentioned on the Digital Releases page. Also the Army of the Month is an Iron Warriors force, there's a short interview with Aaron Dembski-Bowden about the Armageddon stories he's written, and the several page feature about the Hive World city fight board that is new at Warhammer World and how it was made.

Also the first Forge World model to make it into the Hall of Fame is the Dark Eldar Tantalus!

07-25-2013, 09:01 AM
Flicked through a copy earlier today and the Black Legion supplement is mentioned on the Digital Releases page. Also the Army of the Month is an Iron Warriors force, there's a short interview with Aaron Dembski-Bowden about the Armageddon stories he's written, and the several page feature about the Hive World city fight board that is new at Warhammer World and how it was made.

Also the first Forge World model to make it into the Hall of Fame is the Dark Eldar Tantalus!

Brakkart is right- it is in the Digital Release section, page 36.

I have pictures of the cover and the Black Legion write up in the 40k news and rumors thread, and I'll go post a few lizard man images in the WHFB section.


07-25-2013, 09:21 AM
And Lizardmen are on the cover. There is almost NOTHING in this issue related to 40k; the closest thing is a multipage rundown on a new city apoc table at Warhammer World.

Yeah, that's how a lot of WHFB players feel when they walk into an American game store.

07-25-2013, 10:23 AM
Yeah, that's how a lot of WHFB players feel when they walk into an American game store.

Hmm the GW store closest to my house (and Im a lucky one, we have 2-3 within an hour drive) usually has 4 tables in it. One is set up with WFB armies, one is set up with Marines & Tyranids, and the other 2 just have some scenery and are open for use by players. Despite leeching onto anyone that walks in and asking them 400 questions, the staff is usually pretty good at hawking both systems.

I myself only play 40k now, though I started with fantasy, and still have a decent amount of Lizardmen and Dwarves. Debating buying the new codex, just cause I have all the old LM ones.