View Full Version : One marine army, any codex. Is it possible ?

07-24-2013, 01:21 PM
So I have been thinking is it possible to build a "core" marine army ? One where you could in theory use any marine based codex (not grey knights as they are too divergent) and then add the more unique elements to represent the current codex your using ?
I know some will have issues with this but I think in theory it's possible. Lets face it a marine squad of any flavour is pretty much the same with the exception of the special weapons.
For example a Warsmith could easily be counted as a Techmarine. A librarian a Sorcerer. A chaos god hammer Landraider is armed very similar to any other from another marine based codex. Same goes for most predators.
Of course all marine army's have unique units which would be added to the core models. So if your using the space wolf codex you could add some thunder wolves or if its chaos maybe a heldrake or some Obilterators. I hope I'm getting my idea across.
Now the tricky part. Which chapter do you use ? Remember in theory the idea is to be able to use any marine codex. Personally I'm thinking it would have to be a Legion that's fallen to chaos. Here's how.
You want to use just the Vanilla codex, then you say it's pre-heresy.
You want to use the blood angels codex, well add some berserkers to count as Death company.
You want to use Thunder wolf cavalry, stick some marines on crushers. Counts as doesn't have to be too difficult as long as the models are armed WYSIWYG.
I'm thinking Skyrars Dark Wolves are a good candidate or if you want to add a pre-heresy element Iron warriors.
What do you guys think ?

07-24-2013, 01:27 PM
I think it would be easier to come up with a unique Chapter and create the modifications needed to field it how you want.

07-24-2013, 02:24 PM
I like the format that Horus Heresy: Betrayal came up with:

Legion List
2 pages of Death Guard Characters & Special units
2 pages of Emperor's Children
2 pages of World Eaters
2 pages of Sons of Horus

There are also a few specific rules for each of those armies that affect the basic units, but everyone essentially has the same list with a handful of personalized units.

07-24-2013, 03:39 PM
This is what many players used to do with back in 3E and 4E. Jervis Johnson's "Grey Marines" are a good example. Various DIY Chapters will go this route, and I had grey marines for this purpose to play as SMs, BA, DA, and CSM.

With Codices and sub-Codices costing $50+ a throw in 6E, I decided on Chaos Marines, narrowing down to a single Codex per edition.

07-24-2013, 03:45 PM
My astral claws cover several army lists and i love them more for the varience this provides.

Seige assault vanguard
Tyrants legion
Codex smurfs
Horus heresy legion

For the HH legion i take it as a "what if" for Huron's dream. Also i cant wait for Alpharius and Omegon, as i will play my claws as if they were turned by the Alpha legion primarch, which causes the Badab war.
Heck if im buying a pure FW army i want my bloody moneys worth.