View Full Version : 40k Revenge: Chaucer Style

07-23-2013, 06:07 PM
I think I’ve come across a healthy way to vent nerd rage.

Our local gaming group has been running a really fun summer campaign that emphasizes good sportsmanship, fluff, and modeling. Recently the local store held a weekend tournament that was incorporated into our campaign but was also open to all comers. We thought it would be fun to share the adventure, so to speak. Some uber hardcore players showed up packing buckets of unfinished, unpainted, half-broken wave serpents and proceded to hammer most of us (and our beautiful, wussy armies) into the ground.

There was some grumbling and talk of confronting the power players but fortunately wiser heads prevailed. Hey, it’s just a game right? There were no modeling requirements, we could have brought better armies, etc, etc. But these guys had won most of our entry money and the groaning continued. Even I might have added to it a wee bit…

Fortunately, I remembered the “Knights Tale” film and the scene about Geoffrey Chaucer’s revenge against two villainous men to whom he owed gambling debts. Rather than fight them, he chose to lambast them in literature. Since I have been in charge of writing the fluff for our campaign, I decided to follow Chaucer’s example.

I would not be so low as to blast the actual players as Chaucer would. Rather I decided to lampoon their army. I imagined the Eldar enjoying a post-victory celebration and I wrote a short fluff piece about it. It is currently posted in the “40k Background” section of this forum if any of you want to see an example of what I’m talking about: or if you just don’t like the Eldar. The title is "Annoying things the Eldar do when off duty." http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?34520-Annyoing-things-the-Eldar-do-when-off-duty

In all honesty, I’m not really anti-Eldar myself, but writing this piece did feel good. Furthermore no dice were thrown in anger thanks to the therapy of story-crafting. So next time you lose a battle to those cheaty Tau, or those overpowered Chaos Marines, or those unfair swarms of Tyranids, don’t get mad at your opponent. Consider letting their army have it “Chaucer Style.”

07-23-2013, 09:24 PM
That is a clever and mature approach to frustration.

However, you should to these kinds of players in the future as, "wives of Bath." That will show them.

07-24-2013, 11:09 AM
That is a clever and mature approach to frustration.

However, you should to these kinds of players in the future as, "wives of Bath." That will show them.

That is brilliant! By the way, my fluff got moved to the Obliette. Probably a good idea in the end.