View Full Version : Farsight Enclave - The Eight

07-21-2013, 03:17 PM
So I'm sure it has escaped no-ones notice that if you use "the Eight" out of the Farsight Enclave Codex supplement that list clocks in at 1494 points. Just right for the standard 1500 Warhammer 40K game. I suspect that was done on purpose and could be a fun battle. However, I'm not sure what the units count as for holding objectives. I think the options are:

1. XV-8 suits (Except for Farsight) count as troops in the supplement and therefore can hold objectives (and are the only units that can hold objectives).
2. All of the units including the Riptide, the Broadsides and Farsight can hold objectives.
3. They are all essentially HQ units (being Commanders) except for the Riptide (Elite) and the Broadsides (Heavy) therefore NONE of the suits can hold objectives and you can only win by tabling your opponent.

Perhaps I have missed something in the supplement that clarifies this. Can anyone shed some light for me?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-21-2013, 04:30 PM
Units chosen from the XV8 Crisis Team unit entry can hold objectives (w/ the Farsight Enclaves supplement). None of The Eight are from that unit entry, they're HQs, like the Commander unit entry, so none of them can hold objectives.

Edit: As far as I know, nothing in "The Eight"'s rules says you don't need 2 Troops choices in your army, so you couldn't run all 8 in a 1500pt list. The cheapest combination of 2 troops choices available for the Enclaves (one unit of 3 Suits, one unit of 1, all must have Bonding Knives) tallies up to 92pts, while The Eight clock out at 1493.

07-22-2013, 08:20 AM
The thing is, they imply that you can run a list with just the Eight since they mention how it would be an interesting challenge. It would sure be nice if GW had their own discussion boards where they can answer this sort of thing "officially."

Patrick Boyle
07-22-2013, 09:05 AM
I don't see where it implies that at all. It's pretty clearly stated they're HQ choices that don't take Force Org slots. The only ambiguity I see comes from them not taking an HQ slot, so do I still need another HQ, like say a fireblade, to satisfy my HQ requirement if I'm taking some number of the Command Team?

It'd be a pretty crummy list anyway, you only get 7, not all 8, and everyone besides Farsight, Bravestorm(Iridium armor guy), and the Riptide and Broadside guys are going down to a single krak missile each, the Broadside to a single melta gun. Farsight only has to fail a single invul save to either weapon. Beyond that you're basically the equivalent of ~24 MEQs(+ drones) and a single Riptide, wound wise, it's not that hard for an entire 1500 point list, even one somehow without any Krak or melta, to kill that many.

07-22-2013, 09:16 AM
I don't see where it implies that at all. It's pretty clearly stated they're HQ choices that don't take Force Org slots. The only ambiguity I see comes from them not taking an HQ slot, so do I still need another HQ, like say a fireblade, to satisfy my HQ requirement if I'm taking some number of the Command Team?

It'd be a pretty crummy list anyway, you only get 7, not all 8, and everyone besides Farsight, Bravestorm(Iridium armor guy), and the Riptide and Broadside guys are going down to a single krak missile each, the Broadside to a single melta gun. Farsight only has to fail a single invul save to either weapon. Beyond that you're basically the equivalent of ~24 MEQs(+ drones) and a single Riptide, wound wise, it's not that hard for an entire 1500 point list, even one somehow without any Krak or melta, to kill that many.

The riptide and the +2 armour suit can take the missle hits and look out sir the normal hits. With at least 4 wounds each on almost all of them it will be a bit hard to kill them all. Especially a feel no pain riptide.

I would drop the broadside and take two cheap troop choices. Even at 1850 they eat up most of your army.

07-22-2013, 10:32 AM
It seems to me, that the "Eight" were designed for apocalypse level play.... since they are stupidly expensive and ridiculous. Now the interesting aspect of the unit is this: They are ALL independent characters. They do not state that they require to be deployed together, or in a single unit, therefore you can seperate them out and put them in other units. Or join them all to another, bigger unit. :) All in all, it's meant to be fun, not competitive, i think :P

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-22-2013, 02:54 PM
It seems to me, that the "Eight" were designed for apocalypse level play.... since they are stupidly expensive and ridiculous. Now the interesting aspect of the unit is this: They are ALL independent characters. They do not state that they require to be deployed together, or in a single unit, therefore you can seperate them out and put them in other units. Or join them all to another, bigger unit. :) All in all, it's meant to be fun, not competitive, i think :PYeah, sticking the Independent Broadside into a Fire Warrior (w/ Shas'ui w/ Multi-tracker) squad camping an Aegis/Quad Gun would be a pretty good unit, and bane of fliers.

07-22-2013, 06:48 PM
I appreciate everyone's insight and perspective on this.