View Full Version : Squat Weaponry

07-20-2013, 11:56 PM
Hey lorehounds,

I am working up a squat acolyte NPC for an inquisitorial warband, and I'd appreciate some insight from those who remember the days of squats in 40K as to what sort of gear they carried. I know that Rogue Trader and 2nd edition gear was very different from what we see nowadays, but any knowledge you can share will help inform the character. Thanks!

07-21-2013, 02:38 AM
Squats generally wore Flak armour, unless they were one of the Warhost's Bodyguard, or the Squat Warhost general, in that case they wore Squat Exo-Armour (a form of power armour). The Squats were very tech savy, and so they sent a lot of their people to work and study under the Mechanicum, so you might see some technological implnts, srevo arms, etc built into some of them.

As to weapons, the Squats did not need anti-grav suspensors to reduce the weight of the heavy weapons, and because they generally came with the anti-grav suspensors fitted, squats benefitted from a relentless type ability. They were generally slow, so they could not run as fast as other unit types. In 6th ed you would probably allow them to move normally, but they would not be able to run, and they would have a reduced charge speed, and give them relentless.

Normally they had bolt pistols and either a close combat weapon or bolter. The heavy weapons they had were the usual ones we see now adays - Plasma guns/ Plasma cannons, Melta guns/ melta cannons, heavy bolters, autocannons, lascannons. Missile launchers were not that commonly carried by individual troopers, although they like to have rapiers, mole mortars, thudd guns, and other more exotic, but by now very rare weapons carriage based heavy or ordnance weapons.

Squats had special units that were the equivalent of the Ork speed kults. They were called guild biker hosts, and have an assortment of guild trikes (3 wheeled biked with a pair of bolters on it), or the heavier support trikes that generally mounted a heavy weapon and a twin linked bolter. They had gyro copters, which you can represent nowadays by retro-modifying a Valkyrie to look like one of the old models. They used airships, large land trains, and medium through to Huge artillery pieces. They had the usual plethora of additional gear like binoculars, med kits, personal radios, power pack rechargers, gas/air filter masks, night visoin goggles, etc.

They were generally described as hard to make friends with (not trusting of others easily), but once the loyalty was earned, it was hard to break their bond of friendship. They held grudges, and paid their debts.

I think you will have to check out a few of the internet websites that hold ancient details of the Squats, if you can find any. GW got rid of a lot of the information relating to them, and made others get rid of it as well. It is out there, but may be hard to find.

07-21-2013, 05:49 AM
I never played (with or against) Squats and only remember to 2nd edition, not RT, so I'm not the best source of information, but as it happens I've been researching them lately.

From what I recall or have recently found, Squats tended to have basic IG outfit (i.e. lasgun and flak armour), but could take bolt pistols/guns and possibly heavier armour (mesh/carapace?). The exo-armour mentioned above was closer to terminator armour than power armour.

Cpt Codpiece
07-21-2013, 12:55 PM
yeah termie armour was said to have been a modified squat environmental suit that was used to go inside the fusion tanks in warp engines.

squats are very much little IG :) but you wont go wrong with daemonettes guide :)

07-23-2013, 09:11 AM
They had charts in the back of the old Rogue Trader books for generating random equipment for each race.

I seem to remember the squats had access to more unconventional weaponry, like conversion beamers, etc. I don't have my old copy handy anymore, it's in storage, and would take me a few days to dig out. I do remember a graphic next to the chart showing a squat holding a hoverboard, complete with backwards facing hat and sunglasses.

Maybe someone else has a copy that's handy?