View Full Version : Horus heresy question

Isaac Gutierrez
07-20-2013, 08:53 PM
The rules for the horus heresy, or 30k as it is called, can be used together with the 40k rulebooks?

I play dark angels, and have a conversion for jetbikes, but no rules for them, so i haven't painted them yet, but I wonder if I could use them with the rules from horus heresy, probably just in friendly games. Wuld that be correct?

Thanks a lot.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-20-2013, 09:56 PM
Forgeworld's been releasing "modern" 40k rules for some of the Horus Heresy units, don't think they've gotten to jetbikes yet tho. Personally, I'd let you use the Heresy rules for jetbikes in your army, just swap the Legion-y special rules for Combat Tactics and such.

07-21-2013, 01:59 AM
FW have said that 30k is compatable with 40k but a few quirky problems may arise during play.
Im not sure what they might be, and FW dont say either.
On the jet bike issue, id either use your DA using the legion rules, or, have HH legion allies contingent with your codex DA.
These two solutions mean you wont be hybrid listing, and thus you shouldnt get anyone griping about cherry picking to win.

07-24-2013, 08:51 AM
In games with your friends, you probably can use the HH jetbike rules if you ask their permission first. Otherwise, just use them as regular motorcycles. Like other armies, the HH legion rules are designed to be played as an army. Taking a random unit from another army wouldn't be cricket, unless you take Popsical's suggestion and make an allies choice out of the HH.