View Full Version : Daemon Reward Print outs

07-19-2013, 07:08 PM

So I made some print outs for daemon rewards that I thought I would share cus I'm a giver like that.
I guess I also started a blog like everyone else, cus that's where the print outs are >.>

This may be an elaborate ruse to get my blog visitor count up (although I actually don't care about it)

Anyway, link! http://thewarwithoutend.blogspot.com/

a preview! 4384

ah well, either way, enjoy; or don't.

07-19-2013, 07:58 PM
Probably walking a fine line with copyright there mate.

07-19-2013, 08:38 PM
Probably walking a fine line with copyright there mate.

No, not fine at all. It's there stuff. I just made play aides for myself and thought I would share them with others. If they had made reward cards like they did psychic cards I wouldn't have bothered.
Although I forgot how paranoid forums are about GW and Copyright infringement so if I should remove this I will. (not saying the paranoia isn't deserved ^_^)

07-19-2013, 11:35 PM
very helpful i will be getting these as soon as i leave work and head home in about 5 hours lol. but yes very handy and i believe they are fine i believe bols has a video where a gamer uses something similar but its more akin to warmachines style cards.

07-20-2013, 12:34 AM
I think you will find that distributing print outs of direct extracts from GW rules is well and truly breaching their copyright.
Particularly since they are un-attributed.

07-20-2013, 01:52 AM
I think you will find that distributing print outs of direct extracts from GW rules is well and truly breaching their copyright.
Particularly since they are un-attributed.

I think you need to read fair use clauses for copyright from the appropriate legislation.

07-20-2013, 02:28 AM
Guess we'll see if a C&D is forth coming

07-20-2013, 03:15 AM
getting a C&D has almost nothing to do with whether or not copyright has been breached.

07-20-2013, 04:34 AM
Why else would they issue one ?

07-20-2013, 04:39 AM
Why else would they issue one ?

Because like most companies they are notorious for abusing C&D's and takedown notices, such action costs the company nothing and places the onus on the other party to respond.I refer you to the infamous spots the space marine.

seriously do you live under a rock, its probably one of the biggest issues in the digital frontier.

07-20-2013, 04:45 AM
So what allegations would they put in the C&D if not of a breach of copyright?

Spots was about Trademarks anyway

07-20-2013, 04:52 AM
jeeze you have the most uncomplicated view of the world.

look just because GW claims something breaches their copyright, and issue a C&D doesn't mean it actually DOES!

07-20-2013, 04:58 AM
look just because GW claims something breaches their copyright, and issue a C&D doesn't mean it actually DOES!

So by that I take it you mean that a C&D from GW WOULD be all about allegations of breach of copyright.

07-20-2013, 05:41 AM
So by that I take it you mean that a C&D from GW WOULD be all about allegations of breach of copyright.

dont pull that "well then your agreeing with me bull****"

I think you will find that distributing print outs of direct extracts from GW rules is well and truly breaching their copyright.
Particularly since they are un-attributed.

was your original statement, I responded that it was not necessarily copyright infrigement and that free use clauses should be checked.

stop twisting your argument.

07-20-2013, 06:05 AM
Perhaps more to the point, I'm fairly certain it violates BoLS terms of service (specifically point 10). I'd suggest taking it down before the mods get hold of it.

07-20-2013, 06:10 AM
Just to clear it up for you
"So by that I take it you mean that a C&D from GW WOULD be all about allegations of breach of copyright."
Is in response to you saying this.
"getting a C&D has almost nothing to do with whether or not copyright has been breached."
then this
"look just because GW claims something breaches their copyright, and issue a C&D doesn't mean it actually DOES!"
The first statement says the C&D isn't about whether or not copyright has been breached but the second one says it IS whether or not copyright has been breached.

If you mean that the claims made by GW in a C&D may or may not be valid you should say that.

As to your general stance I think you'd have a hard time proving fair use given the cards, useful and well done though they are, contain the words and images copied from the Codex:Chaos Daemons and the OP's blog carries a statement that more or less admits he is at fault.

07-20-2013, 08:31 AM
Frankly, I don't think you have a solid enough understanding of IP law to make that call. Not that any of us necessarily do either, but that's the point. We're not all lawyers here. So unless you actually are...

Why else would they issue one ?

Because they profit from it. Fighting a C&D requires significant legal expenses. Simply the threat of receiving a C&D that you can't afford to fight, even if you did nothing wrong, is something most smaller companies, and individuals, can't deal with. It's very, very common for companies to stifle free speech and/or protected use of IP by throwing out C&Ds. The company knows it won't stick if it goes to court, but it doesn't matter because the smaller party normally can't go to court. It allows the company to get away with figurative business-murder, and they can enforce a monopoly. GW does this all the time.

07-20-2013, 08:40 AM
Frankly, I don't think you have a solid enough understanding of IP law to make that call. Not that any of us necessarily do either, but that's the point. We're not all lawyers here. So unless you actually are...

Because they profit from it. Fighting a C&D requires significant legal expenses. Simply the threat of receiving a C&D that you can't afford to fight, even if you did nothing wrong, is something most smaller companies, and individuals, can't deal with. It's very, very common for companies to stifle free speech and/or protected use of IP by throwing out C&Ds. The company knows it won't stick if it goes to court, but it doesn't matter because the smaller party normally can't go to court. It allows the company to get away with figurative business-murder, and they can enforce a monopoly. GW does this all the time.

well said darklink

07-20-2013, 05:40 PM
Frankly, I don't think you have a solid enough understanding of IP law to make that call. Not that any of us necessarily do either, but that's the point. We're not all lawyers here. So unless you actually are...

Which is why I made the comment "Probably walking a fine line with copyright there mate." A simple heads up to a fellow forum member nothing more.
In usual style it has been taken on a journey far beyond its original scope.

Because they profit from it. Fighting a C&D requires significant legal expenses. Simply the threat of receiving a C&D that you can't afford to fight, even if you did nothing wrong, is something most smaller companies, and individuals, can't deal with. It's very, very common for companies to stifle free speech and/or protected use of IP by throwing out C&Ds. The company knows it won't stick if it goes to court, but it doesn't matter because the smaller party normally can't go to court. It allows the company to get away with figurative business-murder, and they can enforce a monopoly. GW does this all the time.

That wasn't what I was talking about. The comment was made that a C&D would have little to do with whether or not copyright had been breached. I was asking the question that "if it isn't about copyright being breached then what would it be about".

07-20-2013, 07:01 PM
Well, while some of you are busy arguing the intricacies of IP law, I have downloaded it. Now if it does get taken down, I'll at least have a copy.

Thanks Melon, very nicely done and appreciate you sharing it with us.

Stone Edwards
07-20-2013, 09:44 PM
Well, while some of you are busy arguing the intricacies of IP law, I have downloaded it. Now if it does get taken down, I'll at least have a copy.

Thanks Melon, very nicely done and appreciate you sharing it with us.

I have done the same. It just boggles my mind that GW hasn't made cards like this already.

07-20-2013, 10:14 PM
I have done the same. It just boggles my mind that GW hasn't made cards like this already.

Thanks you two =)
Glad you like them. If you see any errors let me know so I can fix them please.

I was surprised they didn't make them either.

07-22-2013, 12:01 PM
Shoot, forget cards, why doesn't the exisiting psychic powers app have a gift tracker? Its a nearly identical function they could easily add.

Thanks for these, I'm using cards for my daemons but having little tokens you can put on the card is sweet, as opposed to having to write them in.

07-28-2013, 10:06 AM
I wrote up cards that are per actual Daemon - so one card for each one that you use a Dry erase marker to mark off etc - with psychic spells per list. It is what you see in the Daemon Batreps. Its the only way to quickly play daemons.

If you want them you can shoot me an email.