View Full Version : Best army size for a 5x3 table

Simon Landreville
07-19-2013, 12:25 PM
I think the title says all. My kitchen table is 5x3, so I'm wondering what would be the appropriate points allocation for a game on this type of table.

07-19-2013, 12:32 PM
I would say you would be looking at an upper limit of 1,000pts, perhaps something like a 750-800 sort of size. Chuck down some dice and see what works best for you.

07-19-2013, 12:37 PM
not a perfect solution but i used to play with omebody on a 3' x 2' tbale we just helfed distances for eveything. you would only move 3" and 1/2 shot range.obviously the bases were to big but it worked alright

07-19-2013, 12:38 PM
I'd say around the 1,000 - 1,250 point range.

Obviously IG, Orks and hoard lists won't like it. Elite Grey Knight or Eldar lists will like it more.

07-19-2013, 12:45 PM
I'd say the most important thing to do when playing on an odd size is come up with some new deployment zone rules for yourselves. Try to start more than 18" apart. And I would think no more than 1250, but as has been mentioned, in some armies that is a lot of models.

The other possibility would be to get yourself something you are able to unfold and put on top to expand the table a bit, and store in a closet or under a bed when not in use.

07-19-2013, 01:02 PM
The other possibility would be to get yourself something you are able to unfold and put on top to expand the table a bit, and store in a closet or under a bed when not in use.

A 4x6 sheet of plywood would sit fairly well on top of that table. You can maybe get away with masonite too.

07-19-2013, 01:52 PM
5x3 is 15 sq ft, while standard 6x4 is 24 sq ft, a ratio of 5/8, so a good rule of thumb would be to scale down any lists by a similar factor. For example, 1500 x 5/8 yields 937.5 points, so something like 950 or 1000 would most likely feel the same as a 1500 point game with your table.

If you do stick to the 5 x 3 try to maintain a gap of at least 20" between the deployment zones, or Bikes/Jump Infantry are going to make Turn 1 assaults, which will throw off the game quite a bit.

I have a similar problem of not having an appropriate tabletop, and the solution I went with was to get 3 2' x 4' boards of thin (1/8" or so) plywood and an 8' x 6' sheet of green felt. I laid the boards out in a 6 x 4 configuration, leaving a 3/8" gap between #2 and #3 (this will come in to play in a moment) and then laid the felt over them and secured it (glue and a few small nails around the edges, bent flush on the underside). On the back, slit the felt at the gap between #1 and #2 so that it can hinge freely. When you don't need the table out, simply fold #1 onto #2 and then fold #3 over top of the other two (the gap in the felt between 2 and 3 gives enough leeway to get up and over). Voila- a 2' x 4' stack that can be tucked away almost anywhere.

07-19-2013, 02:50 PM
yea there are a thousand ways to do a table topper, while plywood is good, i went with a 4x8 sheet of foam insullation and cut it to 4 2' x 3' squares, taped it with gorilla tape across and on the opposite side up halfway so it fold into a nice 2x3 square and like people above put felt on it, but any of these options obviously costs time and money to so