View Full Version : Most rewarding army to play in 40k both in competatively and just over all fun toplay

Crystal Mumfrey
07-17-2013, 02:19 AM
just wandering what people see in the most rewarding army to play in 40k in both tournament play and just over all fun to play.

07-17-2013, 02:29 AM
Well its not Tau or Necrons. Winning with such a point and click army might be fun to some but its not that rewarding

To be rewarding you need an army that requires you to be good to win.

07-17-2013, 02:36 AM
There is no "right" answer as there will be over a hundred different opinions from fifty unique posters. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal choice. I've found that many will say Space Marines because they are easy to learn but hard to master, though one could say a tough army to use - such as Chaos Daemons - that is both fun and very competitive would be more rewarding. I've not found any particular army stands out above the rest for me, though I will say that I like playing themed armies, particularly elite ones, as making them work is the most rewarding thing to me. A good cheap army for this would be a Draigowing list; fun, can do reasonably well, etc and it is incredibly difficult to win games with at a competitive level nowadays.

07-17-2013, 02:41 AM
A well painted one.

As Learn2Eel suggests, everyone has their own favourites and favourite play styles. I have been playing Blood Angels since the dawn of time and I love it when I win through crushing my opponents with my Death Company. For me they are the iconic troop choice for Blood Angels and being able to get them to the fight and win is like seeing the fluff in real life.

Mr Mystery
07-17-2013, 03:31 AM
Necrons are not point and click! Fluid battle line requires a lot of forward planning and judgement, thank you very much!

But overall? Orks.

Everyone loves Orks.

07-17-2013, 04:27 AM
I think a rewarding experience in gaming terms does depend a bit on whom you are playing against. Playing (and winning) against some is more rewarding than against others.

That being said; Tau can still be a fun way to play but I guess it does come down to how someone handles it and how you respond to those tactics. Playing Tau as gunline without flinching and totally ignoring what your opponent does is onesided, but so is any other army. And obviously some builds come to mind that require a similar mindset *cough*cron-air*cough*paladinspam*cough*

07-17-2013, 05:04 AM
But overall? Orks.

Everyone loves Orks.

Absolutely. Not my most competitive army but definitely the one I have the most fun playing.

07-17-2013, 05:48 AM
A well painted one.
Hells yes. :-)

Personally, I play Blood Angels primarily since that's what I grew up liking since my first exposure to Space Hulk and I love the vampire-angelic feel, I have some Grey Knights because big stompy mechs and assassins amuse me, I want to get a Tau force because again big stompy mechs, and I want to get a small Eldar force based around the Crimson Hunters because I love the idea of elite fighter pilots.

So, I guess my answer would be "whichever one's background, feel, flavour and figures interest you the most". Enthusiasm trumps all other factors.

07-17-2013, 06:31 AM
A well painted one.

As Learn2Eel suggests, everyone has their own favourites and favourite play styles. I have been playing Blood Angels since the dawn of time and I love it when I win through crushing my opponents with my Death Company. For me they are the iconic troop choice for Blood Angels and being able to get them to the fight and win is like seeing the fluff in real life.

Have you read the Flesh Tearers short story where an Inquisitor pops up on their flagship and accuses them of heresy? He kills a Death Company marine, then gets spanked by a Chaplain, and finally has a mind link through a Librarian to a Death Company marine that drives him insane. Pretty awesome. I haven't read it myself but my local hobby manager told me about it today and it sounds like a great insight into the Death Company, even if the ones shown aren't specifically the Blood Angels themselves, but a successor nonetheless.

07-17-2013, 06:37 AM
Dark Eldar,
Have played since release and had soooo much fun with them (win and lose)

. Also Kroot Mercs in 4/5 ed, lost most but such fun when 75% of the army could start at 13 inches. Rubbish against Mech, but choppy choppy.

07-17-2013, 06:48 AM
Well its not Tau or Necrons. Winning with such a point and click army might be fun to some but its not that rewarding

To be rewarding you need an army that requires you to be good to win.

I don't agree with Tau being point & click. You have to be able to stay out of assaults (easiser said than done vs. a lot of armies) and grab and hold objectives (or the relic) with fairly fragile troop choices. This makes deployment and movement very important...static gunline only works against noobs or tables with really poor terrain and a lucky first turn shooting phase (which really applies to any army that can pull off a turn 1 alpha strike). I don't understand all the Tau hate on the internet; it is not like they are dominating the tournament scene with the new book.

Back on topic: Some people like the appeal of taking an older codex that is consider "weaker" and trying to make it work vs. the newer books like Sisters of Battle, Tyranids and Ork players.

I also agree with the above posts about having a fully painted and based army with a display board (that you did yourself) is its own kind of reward/sense of accomplishment.

07-17-2013, 06:58 AM
I think this is very personal. But for me it all comes back to lore I have to be able to relate to the army in someway so for me thats necrons and choas and go on about cheese but I don't play for keeps and I normaly try to set a disadvantage of some sort be it points or troops this is always fluffy though just part of who I am

07-17-2013, 08:25 AM
I don't believe any army is point and click although some are more forgiving than others. My favorite to play are fast armies. Eldar, Dark Eldar and Marine bikes are my 3 favorite tournament armies... although regardless of which army I pick I go for as much speed as I can reasonably fit in the list.

07-17-2013, 12:22 PM
Well its not Tau or Necrons. Winning with such a point and click army might be fun to some but its not that rewarding

To be rewarding you need an army that requires you to be good to win.

Statements like these..... just kind of depress me a little. The fact that people actually believe this is disappointing.

Moving on..... there is NOTHING more rewarding to me then playing my Tau. Just seeing my army of FW crisis suits on the table is amusing to both me and my opponents who don't get to see that everyday. Playing cat and mouse with my JSJ fusion blasters/plasma rifles until I eventually get caught in CC or hit by a good blast. Each turn, every phase - my units have something to do.

Every army and player add their own flavour to the game, that is what makes it rewarding.

07-17-2013, 04:12 PM
I find Orks are the most fun to play and paint. I can make all kinds of builds from foot slogging to mech. Plus all of the models have a lot of character.

07-17-2013, 04:34 PM
I have to say I have been loving playing the new Eldar. I can make a list without a single duplicate unit and it still performs admirably. Their speed and trickery is so fun. My opponents have gained a very speciest (discrimination against another species) view towards my Eldar because of all their little tricks they use.

And serpent shields. Everybody hates them. But not me :)

07-17-2013, 05:27 PM
I think that everyone has there own taste in, there is no right or wrong answer to this question, I love my CSM night lords army which is kind of based around the dembski Bowden night lords novels in how its constructed but I also have a SW army that ive used once or twice but never used it to its full capability.

Can't wait to use my IG purely for Apocalypse, I just know I will love that!

Ive only ever fought SM though which leads me to question who is most enjoyable to fight against, or peoples opinions anyway!

The Sovereign
07-17-2013, 06:13 PM
To me, the key is dichotomy; I believe in having two armies that play very differently from each other, so you never get bored with a single play style. For instance, I main Wolves and Dark Eldar, which couldn't play more differently, but I love bouncing back and forth between the two.

07-17-2013, 07:37 PM
I don't understand all the Tau hate on the internet; it is not like they are dominating the tournament scene with the new book.

Because they're absolutely miserable to play against.

07-17-2013, 10:17 PM
Because they're absolutely miserable to play against.

You know, they can be pretty miserable to play as well. I've played them since they were released in 3rd (in addition to other armies), and they have just gotten absurdly monotonous, especially with the overall reductions to assault and the Overwatch buffs Tau got in the new Codex. Back when assault was devastating, there was this desperation you felt in trying to blast units away just before they smashed through your lines. Now not so much.

07-18-2013, 12:10 AM
I've noticed games against Tau tend to involve hunkering down on objectives waiting to see if you make enough saves to last to the end of the game to win it. Tau are pretty terrible at actually moving into the midfield and grabbing objectives (Battlesuits as troops will probably change that), so a good list can win just by playing to the mission, but that doesn't make the games fun.

Lost Vyper
07-18-2013, 01:01 AM
I have to say I have been loving playing the new Eldar. I can make a list without a single duplicate unit and it still performs admirably. Their speed and trickery is so fun. My opponents have gained a very speciest (discrimination against another species) view towards my Eldar because of all their little tricks they use.

This. You can switch your list in every game (Fast/Mech/Footdar all of these combined etc.) and keep your opponent on his/her toes. I used to play CSM before the Space Elves and i didnīt find them as versatile as Eldar. Altough 3+ armor save was good...:) ...but now i have it on the Eldar (some units)...

07-18-2013, 01:05 AM
of all the armies that i've collected and played over the years i will say even though i love my marines my orks have always proven to be the most amusing. whether its through their own quirks or in game comedy. though i will say they do have one of my favorite memories of all time :) can't forget when you have a titan kill under your belt :)

07-18-2013, 08:14 AM
I've noticed games against Tau tend to involve hunkering down on objectives waiting to see if you make enough saves to last to the end of the game to win it. Tau are pretty terrible at actually moving into the midfield and grabbing objectives (Battlesuits as troops will probably change that), so a good list can win just by playing to the mission, but that doesn't make the games fun.

I move my Tau up, infiltrate, or out flank with my kroot. Most games I enter my opponents deployment zone. Although against Daemons, Grey Knights, and Nids I found it is hard to advance into the other deployment zone.

Since fire warrors can move and shoot and 15" away from the enemy isa nice soft spot. I use th Ethereal's run and shoot a lot and than triple tap.

It depends on how moible/ nasty stuff th other side have. If you can't apply strong foward preasure I can easily advance up. The issue turns into that I get pushed back trying to mantain a 6" perimeter.

07-18-2013, 12:12 PM
I would say Codex Orks, would be the fun and tournament friendly codex, mainly because the army/faction has the funniest fluff (Wazdakka crashing into a Titan's bridge and killing them, etc...) And the most veristile codex out of the whole game. You can do foot slogging horde, Bikerz, mech, and static Gunline. Phil Kelly hit a real high point with this codex, with only a couple of units fading away from the meta (I.E. Flashgitz), but units like Big Gunz, are highly underestimated, and best part is, even if you know your opponent can shoot down your flyers, you can easily max the number of them out. (dakkajets are with the Vendetta's in cost) Battlewagons offer good tank/transportation, and all ork transports are open-topped, meaning "assault vehicles". Ork units are the most customizable models in the game, as anything and everything can be "looted" or added on for extra flare or effect. Having "Extra Armor" represented by captured gaurdsmen (or a commissar) tied to the sides of the tank, is totally acceptable. Add on to that, with Forgeworld units coming into the Tournament acceptable range, your unit selection is expanding quite nicely, and again, customized vehicles means you could just build what you want. So if you have a problem with GW/FW pricing, you still have options.(even though they are pretty models...)

rules wise, Orks are in a good spot, their BS 2 is mitigated with lots-o-dakka (lots of shots) and can offer a unique experience versus the usual "Marine vs. Marine" match-ups. Orks only suffer from 6th ed. in that nothing (so far) can assault after running, deminishing the effect of the "Waagh!" rule. Don't be set off by this though, as "Red Paint Job" will sow hate into your enemies hearts.

Example: Battlewagon with Deff Rolla, Tank Shocks 13in. and does 2 glances and 1 pen to a land-raider, you move/run another unit up and prepare for assault. In the assault phase, you use Boarding Planks to allow an Ork warboss to assault the Land raider, Finishing it off, and allowing the other ork unit to assault the passengers.

Another funny tactic to use is the swarming move, simply surround a vehicle with models, as to block any disembarkation, and simply wreck the vehicle. If the passengers cannot disembark, they are counted as destroyed. I find this to be a funny way of dealing with Wave serpents with Wrathguard inside. Or *insert expensive unit with transport here*. This move works best with Ghazkull Thraka, as his special "Waagh!" allows Ork Mobz to move 12 inches that turn.

07-19-2013, 03:26 AM
I don't get to play often but I do have a fully painted/ converted/ lots of scratch builds Wazdakka led badmoonz biker army (fluff be damned lol) which is a lot of fun to play. It's not a cheesy maxed out on bikernobz list, in fact in around 15 games played with it (told you I don't play often) I have only won around 7 times, rest are losses/ draws but still, lots and lots of fun to use!
I am currently trying to start painting my new Saim Hann army (when my airbrush stops being broken) and I expect that to be lots of fun also...

07-19-2013, 07:54 AM
ork! the funnest

but the new eldar are a close second

07-19-2013, 11:22 AM

07-19-2013, 11:47 AM
The old school lost and the damn codex was a fun way too run ones army.


Dave Mcturk
07-20-2013, 06:06 AM
think the sovereign is spot on ... two or more varied armies keeps your interest and gives variety to games... i play ork and newdar... very different

07-20-2013, 02:04 PM
I think daemons are the most rewarding. I mean you can puchase rewards for you models. What is more rewarding than that.

07-23-2013, 02:04 PM
I as most will know have played Chaos since my return to 40K back in 2006/2007 after almost 12 years out of 40K, and into other wargaming genre.

When I got back I almost exclusively played themed Legion type armies, as they suited my love of the Horus Heresy. I would say in order I enjoyed playing Emperor's Children, followed by Night Lords, and then Death Guard. Each has its merits and weaknesses, and as 40K has evolved each has gotten either easier or harder to play a fully themed army.

I had to get use to mixing the unit types up, and taking my favourite or themed units as the core, while other hangers on such as obliterators, and some of the new stuff like Helldrakes join on to make the army flexible, and counter the weaknesses that a new codex or edition of 40K have created.

A balanced army, correction, a fully painted, themed and balanced army gives me the most satisfaction. I have not used Orks since I got back into 40K, but they are fun to play against (most times), as long as I am not facing the inevitable green tide foot slogger army all the time, that always seems to have too many models to take down before they overwhelm you in numbers.

With the current CSM Dex, that is Dice to others, I have begun to use mass cheap cultists, and relied less on transports (since 6th ed nerfed their effectiveness). I have also used allies a lot more. Daemons and Imperial Guard are the one I use the most, but if a friend allows me, I use my "Corrupted to Slaanesh" Sisters of Battle and Allies of Convenience basing them on the graphic novel where almost the whole of a planets SOBs fell to the influence of Slaanesh, and the elite cadre and the Cannoness were possessed by daemons.

Oh I like to play games that are outside of the basic missions. Ones where you have to do something different. Combining 2 or 3 missions together really mixes it up, and means you do not win by just getting the most objectives held, or by the most kill points. Imagine a game where you have the Relic, 3 other objectives and you have to kill the enemy warlord. Each being worth 3 points, and yo have to make a rule where the Warlord has to be on the table 1st turn, so the opponent can not cry foul.