View Full Version : Horus Heresy — The Imperial Army

Prince Nuada
07-17-2013, 01:54 AM
Hi all!

For those of us who have picked up a copy of Horus Heresy Book One: Betrayal, you will notice that on the allies chart it mentions the Imperial Army (obviously fore-runner to the Imperial Guard) as well as the Mechanicum (the Adeptus Mechanicus).

I've been curious about what to expect of the Imperial Army when Forge World bring out a subsequent book. And so I put the question to you:

What do you suppose an Imperial Army list would look like?


07-17-2013, 02:35 AM
HUGE blobs, big tank squadrons, big flyer squadrons, loads of big guns and it will be big :D

Prince Nuada
07-17-2013, 02:51 AM
I'm guessing no Ministratum Priests and no Commissars, maybe something like the Death Korps Seige Regiment list (in terms of Infantry Platoons and cavalry) but with many of the goodies of regular guard?
What else? What about elites? What can we expect there? Or vehicles - do you think many of the vehicles will change? Can we expect anything new and exciting (or rather old and exciting, lol)?

07-17-2013, 02:57 AM
There has to be new and exciting things in order for them to make money by selling them to us :)
Priests are right out.
I think there will be significant variations of existing vehicles and gun platforms.
The Imperial army is a much larger and cohesive force in the Heresy and hasn't yet been split into army and navy so I'm thinking flyers and space ship support.
I'm wishlisting some imperial army bikers, jetbikers and landspeeders as a nod to Rogue Trader.

07-17-2013, 03:09 AM
No psykers!

Prince Nuada
07-17-2013, 03:21 AM
Why no Psykers?
The Geno Five-Two Chiliad regiment (mentioned in Legion by Dan Abbnet) had Uxors which were psykers.

07-17-2013, 03:32 AM
No OP psykers but maybe psykers as commanders

07-17-2013, 06:49 AM

Mainly Beastmen :D!

07-17-2013, 04:16 PM
I think like HH:B, obviously there will be a few special characters and the way you build your list will have a different force org but I imagine that most units will be bigger. There will be more vehicles and perhaps the robots will come back. Perhaps "rogue trader" units will make an appearance as well as old weapons like plasma cannons for troops.