View Full Version : Warp spider purchasing woes

Aspire to Glory
07-16-2013, 05:25 PM
I'm a little annoyed.

I really want to acquire 10 warp spiders without an exarch.

However, they come in packs of five, one of which is a compulsory exarch in a configuration that I NEVER intend to field him with.

Guess I'm just whining. Not exited about buying 3 boxes and having 3 crappy extra models I don't need or want.

07-16-2013, 05:48 PM
eBay is your friend in this situation... :)

Aspire to Glory
07-16-2013, 06:26 PM
eBay is your friend in this situation... :)

Not quite. I tried eBay. Nothing but metal (I abhor metal minis). Judging from people's unsuccessful attempts to sell their exarchs, pawning my extras off won't help.

07-17-2013, 12:12 AM
Convert the fine cast exarch in the second box just reposition his arms remove the blades and move one spinner and loose the other.

07-17-2013, 06:10 AM
As lattd said, you could easily convert him, but if you ask me it would be a shame because the warp spider exarch is one of the few exarchs worth taking...

07-17-2013, 09:55 AM
As lattd said, you could easily convert him, but if you ask me it would be a shame because the warp spider exarch is one of the few exarchs worth taking...

the problem is, you just don't need three of them - and least of all with the crappy loadout the model has... so buy two boxes, convert one with something resembling a Spinneret Rifle (however you want that thing to look...) and the other with a regular 'Spinner

Aspire to Glory
07-17-2013, 07:29 PM
The exarch configuration that I'm interested in is the spinneret rifle.

The conversion work worries me though. Most of the ones I've seen online look dumb as hell, IMO.

07-17-2013, 09:25 PM
Not quite. I tried eBay. Nothing but metal (I abhor metal minis). Judging from people's unsuccessful attempts to sell their exarchs, pawning my extras off won't help.

Abhor metal? As long as you don't lick them, they'll play ok.

Aspire to Glory
07-17-2013, 11:09 PM
Abhor metal? As long as you don't lick them, they'll play ok.

Hate everything about metal minis.

07-18-2013, 08:17 AM
Finecast hasn't been around long enough for people to have a ton that they don't need anymore, so while the price of the metal ones is going up due to being discontinued, there aren't enough finecast ones available, so dwindling supply is also driving up prices.

The packaging for Aspects has been screwed up ever since they went to the boxed format over the blister format. Even when blisters were available to supplement the box, you were always either one short or had one too many. But there is a serious overage of Exarchs now because of the stupid numbers.

I, for one, prefer working with metal as opposed to finecast in all but the thinnest pieces, but I love the level of detail in finecast. Also, let's not start up the metal/finecast debate again.

07-18-2013, 08:28 AM
Hate everything about metal minis.

I'm the opposite.

07-18-2013, 10:03 AM
The exarch configuration that I'm interested in is the spinneret rifle.

The conversion work worries me though. Most of the ones I've seen online look dumb as hell, IMO.

Yeah I'm in the same boat. I'd like to convert my half a dozen exarchs but 1) I haven't seen a decent conversion for the spinnerette and 2) I don't really WANT the powerblades I don't think (even though with stalker its pretty nice but boy are they expensive)

If you take the blades off the model, he looks kinda dumb. I was thinking about making my own Exarch model out of the autarch WSJG backpack, a guardian head on a DA exarch body/legs. Part of the problem is the rifle itself. How to model it. Nobody knows what one actually LOOKS like. I was thinking some kind of fusion gun body, with the death spinner end piece then a "nozzle" of some type on the end of it, but I'm quite worried that it would look like crap.

Damn 2nd edition models!!!

If an enterprising young 3rd party studio is reading this - spinnerette rifle bits would be a GREAT addition to your offerings. Call it "Space Elf Insect MonoRifle" or something.

07-18-2013, 10:20 AM
I would do what DarkApostle did, which is put the exarch death spinner nozzle on the end of a reaper launcher with the barrel cut off, and then I would take that up a notch and put a Dark Eldar Heat Lance tip on the end of the death spinner piece. It should give you a long, slender weapon with a single nozzle, but still have the spinner appearance in the middle there.

Power Klawz
07-18-2013, 11:08 AM
If you take the blades and stuff off it kind of looks like he's doing the "peanut butter jelly time!" dance.

He could fire the spinneret rifle from his crotch I guess.

07-19-2013, 12:10 PM
I intend to get Forge World Shadow Specters and use them as counts-as Warp Spiders. What I fear though is new Warp Spiders being rumored just after I buy the Forge World models, or a third party conversion kit for Warp Spiders being released.

Aspire to Glory
07-19-2013, 06:33 PM
I'm the opposite.

Fair enough. They're just not for me. Got tired of them in 3e.

Dave Mcturk
07-20-2013, 05:58 AM
i like the metal spiderz... but since no one in their right mind would take twin linked spinners over the rifle, just play counts as... im reckoning the new wraith guns could be modelled to rifles ?... not got round to it yet but got plenty to practice on as all my new wraiths have snatty axes... so also got 20 spare fancy swords ...