View Full Version : D-Weapon rules question

07-15-2013, 11:27 PM
Quick question, and I apologize if its been asked already. Maybe it's just me but I find the Destroyer weapon effects a bit ambiguous when applied to non-vehicles (and by extension vehicle squadrons) and see two possible interpretations, best demonstrated through a scenario:

A space Marine Squad is hit and 9 models are touched, a 4 is rolled on the table (D3+1 wounds with no saves) and the wound total is 3. What happens now?

Interpretation one: apply the rolled effect to ALL models touched by the template, therefore all 9 Space Marine receive 3 wounds each and are therefore removed.

Interpretation two: apply the rolled effect ACROSS models touched by the template, therefor of the 9 models touched 3 are allocated one of the wounds each (enough to remove each one and move on to the next) and removed.

Logic dictates that it would be the former as this both makes intuitive sense (D weapons are supposed to be horrifyingly powerful after all) and seems to fit better with the way all other blasts work but Destroyer weapons are somewhat unique in how they function and the rule does not SPECIFY either way. Does anyone else see the confusion and/or have an opinion or am I simply reading too much into this?

07-15-2013, 11:42 PM
Any non-vehicle model touched by a D-Weapon, whether it is a template weapon or uses a blast marker, is automatically wounded. The chart specifies the "model", which means that you would usually roll for each separate model. Obviously though, you wouldn't bother with single-wound models as they would die regardless. Unless there are multiple-wound models hit by the D-Weapon, I wouldn't bother rolling on the chart.
Of course, the same cannot be said for vehicles.

07-16-2013, 04:17 AM
I disagree. I see it as a blast hits 9 space marines.

Roll 9 dice. 2 1's and 7 other results. 7 Space Marines instantly removed from play. The other 2 "dodge" the blast.

You don't roll to wound. But you still roll to see who is "hit"

07-16-2013, 04:18 AM
Well now non-vehicles are unaffected with a roll of 1. But otherwise yes, you would roll on the chart for every model under the template and, if the result matters, determine which order your opponent should take casualties in. For example, in a formation that includes a model with 6 wounds, where everyone else has 1, you would make your opponent distribute the low rolls on the D table, hoping to wipe out the high wound model with any result of 6 that you may have rolled.