View Full Version : Bigred's Alaitoc Eldar

07-15-2013, 01:17 AM
Now, this is what you might call a "long-term" project. We have everything from the original Space Elves from Rogue Trader, to the Wraithknight. The army predates Alaitoc in fact. It was originally painted in the scheme of the Rogue Trader era Yriel's Eldritch Raiders (that's how old Yriel is). Years later when the Craftworlds were codified, the blue with yellow helmets became the colors of Alaitoc and it was off to the races.

First up, the Aspect Warriors. We have all metal aspects here, mostly from the first range produced. There are some more recent ones in there, but alas after 20+ years still no Shining Spears. I've found I have more than enough to test out new army list builds and change up my army for tactical, or narrative reasons at will.

Next, the Guardian core of the force. We have a lot of the original "Space Elves", all the way up to the latest Guardians. My current project is a second set of the current Warwalkers to give my old Rogue Trader ones a well deserved rest. Also I am kind of a collector of the support platform gunner toting the "Eldar lunchbox" - see how many you can spot. I love that guy!

Next come the dead. We have a mix here of ancient "Eldar Dreadnoughts" with everything up to the Wraithknight. Next up for this warhost will be a squad of 5 Wraithguard with D-Scythes.

Now we have the Eldar motorpool of tanks. We have all the 4 codex types represented, including three original Forgeworld Wave Serpents. They are of a design I think is superior to the plastic kit, and one that makes much more sense with the current Serpent Shield rules.

Here we have the fast movers of the army. A Firestorm AAA tank, 2 Phoenix bombers, and a gaggle of Jetbikes and Vypers. Rounding out the group is a pair of jetbike Autarchs and a Farseer.

More coming...

07-15-2013, 01:19 AM
Our final group shot are the Outcasts and Psykers. We have a big group of Alaitoc rangers (who used to drive people mad with the Ranger Disruption Table, Harlequins, and the Farseers and Warlocks on foot.

More shots of:




07-15-2013, 01:53 AM
Nice, I'm digging the classic models, I still love the old scatter lasers and heavy plasma cannons.

07-15-2013, 05:03 AM
Lovely stuff, Bigred. Love classic Eldar, that's a great collection you've got there.

Also, your Wraithknight rules. Nice to see what it looks like in Alaitoc blue.

I still have a bunch of the 2nd Ed Eldar models that were my first ever purchases: Eldrad, Karandras, a handful of Rangers, Warp Spiders, Striking Scorpions and Howling Banshees. A metal War Walker that wouldn't ever stay together. Even have some of the plastic guardians with lasguns. Of course, they're horribly painted right now, but nothing a little scrubbing won't fix...

07-18-2013, 06:57 AM
Always nice to see more Alaitoc :) Love all your classic models, your army looks great!

07-18-2013, 08:09 AM
I am impressed at how closely you were able to match the paint schemes between the older models and newer. The generations of Wraithlord look particularly good next to each other, in a way I've never seen before. I've also been a huge fan of the older Jes Goodwin sculpts and I like to see armies that still have his older stuff in them, as I think they withstand the test of time better than anything else from that era.

07-18-2013, 10:36 AM
Great collection mate. I'm well jel.

07-18-2013, 03:19 PM
Why thank you!

I'm going to grab some D-Scythe Wraithguard next, so I'll try to blend them into the existing ones. Should be interesting.

I will drop pics into here as I continue to update the army.

07-18-2013, 04:13 PM
Looking good Red. I'm really quite envious :). So far I have a grand total of 8 models in my Eldar army at the moment :o
10 d-scythes are my next task.

08-21-2013, 12:31 PM

I've been on a painting spree!

Crimson Hunter (it's crimson on the underbody)
Lynx w/sonic lance (I can't wait to try this out at the next Apoc game!)


08-21-2013, 02:55 PM
Damn, man. Your collection is ginormous.

08-21-2013, 05:43 PM
Soooo pretty! Love the smooth panel colours with the Alaitoc blotchy blue :)