View Full Version : An Idea I'm having that you all might enjoy.

Commissar Lewis
11-16-2009, 01:05 AM
Posting this in the general section because I dunno where else to put it. Anyway, my plan is on my HQ and veteran troops for my Guard, I'm gonna start converting and painting the guns to be like the guns of the different companies in Borderlands.

Aka black and yellow box-fed shotguns (S&S Munitions) snipers with a wooden stock and body (Jakobs), whitish grey lasrifles/heavy bolters (Atlas), camo autocannons (Dahl), and other guns with the color schemes of the various weapons manufacturers. Should be interesting.

Dunno, thought some people may get a kick outta this, moreso if anyone here plays Borderlands.

11-16-2009, 07:29 PM
:) Well I dont play "Borderlands" in fact I have never heard of it. ??
However I have always painted my Plasma Guns/Pistols Yellow, Flamers Red, Meltas Black/drybrushed Boltgun metal. This not only helps my opponent know what weapons are in my squads but helps me remember to roll different coloured Dice. Normal Bolters in my B/Templars Army are Boltgun metal.

In my Sisters Army, normal Sisters have Red Gore Bolters & Celestines have Bronze weapons. Flamers & Meltas have different coloured Muzzels. Bronze for Flamers & Black/drybrushed BGM for Meltas. This is as per my BTs.

IG have black Lasguns again Drybrushed silver & Special weapons follow my usual colour scheme.

All Power Weapons, Powerfists etc are painted a metallic light Blue.

Brosef Stalin
11-17-2009, 04:57 PM
Speaking as someone who's playing quite a lot of Borderlands, I can say that I approve and think that is an awesome idea!

Should be a fun painting project.

Commissar Lewis
11-18-2009, 04:00 PM
@imperialsavant: That's a good idea, makes WYSIWYG easier and makes weapons identifiable at a glance. As for Borderlands, it's a FPS/RPG for PC, X360, and PS3. It's rather fun, and has an astronomical amount of guns in it. I'd recommend it.

@Brosef Stalin: Glad you approve, bro! Currently I need some yellow paint, cause I'm going to make a veteran squad with all shotguns. And every shotgun is gonna be S&S Munitions, as I love their shotguns.

Next, I have a sniper guy I'm gonna give a Jakobs rifle. Then I'm thinking Maliwan for flamers, bolters, melta, and arguably plasma. Need me some blue paint for that. As for the other manufacturers, have to think up which guns would best suit em.