View Full Version : Blue or Green?

07-11-2013, 02:57 PM
Like probably most of you, I have a collection of Codex Marines in addition to my "actual" army (Chaos atm, was Tyranids previously). I have decided to clean them all up and bring the models up to a uniform condition so I can field a decent-looking army out of them. My problem is this; I've got it narrowed down to one of two Chapters, and 2 color schemes per Chapter, but not sure which way to go.

Option 1: Ultramarines
Yes, yes, I know, they're practically a walking blue punchline. That being said, I like the blue-and-gold (especially since Ultramarine Blue goes on really smooth through the airbrush). Additionally, I got my first exposure to 40k through Final Liberation, and someday aspire to fielding an IG army themed to that game, which means I'll need an Ally detachment of Ultramarines. (Should I pre-model the Stormraven as having piled into the ground, as Thunderhawks were contractually obligated in that game to eat bolter fire and die every mission?).

Color scheme ideas: classic bright blue, or moden dark blue/metallic gold. Both are pretty easy to paint, with the bright blue lending itself to a very clean "parade" army, or the dark blue looks more likely to go the chipped and worn look.

Option 2: Salamanders
Completely aside from the Vulkan bandwagon, my first real game of 40k was back in 3rd ed against a meticulously-painted Salamanders army, and that was pretty much what sold me on the game and the hobby. Main problem here is, my collection slants heavily towards Fast Attack choices as well as Drop Pods, which goes against Salamanders fluff. My thought however, is if Vulkan He'stan is trying to recover priceless artifacts or intelligence leading toward same, wouldn't he choose units for maximum speed?

Colorg scheme ideas: standard green (which I have not yet hit on the right mix of shades to paint), or a green-trimmed black, with fire detailing. I know the latter isn't standard Salamanders livery, but it might help them stand out more as a "special operations" force, and would save me the need to figure out exactly what mix of colors makes that green they show in the codex.

07-11-2013, 05:48 PM
Go with the Armies on Parade blue and gold, I would say. What you've written about the Salamanders sounds a lot like you're trying to talk yourself into it - and that your army would not lend itself well to Salamander fluff-compliant play. You'll get more mileage out of the UltraSmurphs, I would suggest.

Of course, what do I know? I play Tau, and I've been procrastinating on my marines for six months now because it just feels wrong when I start putting them together...

07-11-2013, 06:23 PM
The more I look at them, the more I'm favoring the Ultramarines, if I can get the blue to come out right. Time to scrounge up some test minis

With the Salamanders, I'm more surprised that Vulkan doesn't get first dibs on any kit he wants considering the mission, and that a relic-retrieval team wouldn't try to hit their target like coked-up Blood Angels.

07-11-2013, 08:06 PM
I imagine he does, but remember that the Salamanders only have six assault squads in the entire chapter, and unlike most chapters their tactical companies aren't equipped to deploy in bikes or Land Speeders. It doesn't contradict the lore for a Salamanders army to consist of sixty marines on bikes; such a force just doesn't present the general look and feel of the Salamanders. Whether that makes it "un-fluffy" is in the eye of the beholder.

White Tiger88
07-11-2013, 10:31 PM
Don't use ether pick pink & Baby Blue! You can be the Bronie Chapter or Pepto marines!

07-12-2013, 02:14 AM
Just do them all powder blue, with a rainbow lightning bolt cloud chapter symbol, it'd be twenty percent cooler.

07-12-2013, 03:58 AM
I never regretted going Ultramarines. It's a great colour scheme.

07-12-2013, 06:00 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone- now I just have to figure out how to walk the line between "I'd like to do my Ultras as 3rd company, but I don't want to have to do the pad trim red". Maybe a lot of gold on other details to make up for it?

As for the Bronie suggestions, I have a bucket-load of Landspeeders and Bikes to do at some point, and the Fast Attack icon is a lightning bolt . . . I'm sure it will happen somewhere. Speaking of crack character references, I'm going to have to do an Ex-Rumia model at some point, and then find the appropriate army with which to field her. (Chaos Sorcerer maybe, of the "screw power armor, I'm protected by *evil* variety?)