View Full Version : “Semi-Official”

11-15-2009, 02:41 AM
How do people feel about older “semi-official” codex lists such as The Lost and the Damned, Kroot Mercenaries, and Deathwatch Killteams? Obviously though these lists came from GW originally they are not tournament legal lists, but how do you feel about seeing them across the table from you?

11-15-2009, 02:48 AM
Kroot Mercs, Feral Orks, or 13th Company doesn't really bother me as much as Lost and the Damned or Deathwatch would. The fist three had mostly independent codexes which haven't really been changed by other codexes being updated. Lost and the Damned borrows rules from three separate codexes now, in addition to the Eye of Terror book and thats kind of just a headache. Deathwatch bothers me simply because you can basically make Deathwatch using the C:SM rules.

11-15-2009, 03:04 AM
tbh I dont like them because of unclear codex meshes.

I'd rather see a selfmade reincarnation of the same lists, will all the stuff together (preferably from the bols minidex colum because I do not have to double check for balance before the game then).

11-15-2009, 03:49 AM
I don't mind. I always take every opportunity to introduce additional flavor into 40K.

11-15-2009, 01:45 PM
Leaving aside the likelihood of this ever actually happening :p I'd love to see these lists updated to current (even if it was just for Apocalypse or some such). I got into 40k for/with 13th Co. and while I'm enjoying the new SW Dex and can actually build a list that works much the same way with it I do miss the flavor of 13th Co.
Pretty much all the players I've heard from who run a list like this are doing it for fluffy reasons and I would adore seeing more official competitive support for that coming out of GW.

Now in reality there are other core books (Dark Eldar, Necron, Tau, et al) that need done first and the balancing would take an additional portion of effort etc. so I'm not sure we'll ever see it in a world of finite resources. But if we did I would totally take 13th Co. to a tournament even if it put me at somewhat of a tactical disadvantage.


11-15-2009, 04:21 PM
What is with this obsession with trying to make everything 'tourney legal' ffs?!?!?!

Especially when there is NO standard for such a thing, and probably never will be, as EVERY tourney at EVERY level is different. And since less than 1% of 40k hobbyists even play in tourneys.

My opponents due use lists like these, and why not? They bought the models, have an army list, they just update the rules a bit, and there you go....

11-15-2009, 04:33 PM
I think as long as your opponent doesn’t mind and the home brew is not too crazy I love them. So long as the rules cobbled together for them are as close to rules as written now to try and keep the armies from being too outdated to even play.

I mean the rules for them are already there so why not?

11-15-2009, 04:47 PM
Lost and the Damned need to come back as an official army period. Cultists and mutants are waaaaaaay more common than chaos marines on the battle field. If GW did like a pdf for armys like kroot mercs that could be neat and Death Watch Kill teams are fine although I would just take sternguard and use them as Death Watch marines.

11-15-2009, 04:53 PM
I don't mind any army with clear rules. We've got a Kroot Merc player who attends the local monthly tournaments, and no one minds playing him because it's pretty clear how the "codex" works. LatD and Deathwatch are complicated and tricky for an opponent to follow. I'd prefer not to see those kinds of lists because rules arguments and/or confusion are not fun.

For what it's worth, about 75% of players that I've met in my area go to tournaments at least occasionally. We have very low-key tournaments with a $10 entry fee, though, so it probably depends on the area.

11-15-2009, 08:48 PM
If the rules are straightforward and in a single source: go for it, no problem at all. I'm planning to do kroot mercs myself eventually. Those armies that have an apoc sheet as a guide are even simpler, there is a guideline for how they line up to the recent editions.

11-15-2009, 10:40 PM
Lost and the Damned need to come back as an official army period.


11-16-2009, 01:00 PM
Outside a tournament (which is most of the time) I'm up for anything!