View Full Version : 600 points to spare to build up to 1850. what should i get.

07-10-2013, 07:03 AM
This is what I have so far.

Commander: cc, multi, puretide

Riptide: ion
Riptide: ion

14 kroot
14 kroot
11 fire warriors
11 fire warriors

3 rail rifle broadside: 6 missile drones, 3 target

Out of playing several differant games this is what has been key players and game winners. I dropped the Etereal to have more options. The leadership 10 is a big help, but for now I am side lining him

I have some thoughts on where to go from here.

Eldar allies
Wraith knight

The above listed is possible ideals. The basic Wraithknight provides me with2 strength 10 shots and extra mobility. With this model added on and with my riptides I doubt any vehicle will be an issue. My main concern however is am I am better with another tide or going with the knight. However I will have a model that's actually decent in combat.

With my troop options I can have the sturdy wraithguard or the quick jetbikes, both would mesh well with my Tau force. I lack both and one or the other would help with my army.

With hq a strength 9 throwing farseer on a bike wouldn't be a bad ideal. If I go telepathy and get invisibility it would really help tau who will now have a better bs that the other side, also fearless would help. I think all the powers would be helpful, but one. Divination is the same with re rolls to hit, +4 invulnerable saves, forcing re re roll on failed wounds. I think I probably go all divination and one telepathy. The spirit seer is simpmly there in case I want to use wraithguard.

Not 100% sure if I want Eldar allies, but that's what I am looking at.

With space marines I am thinking captain and a squad of bikes. However a libby would be nice. However I rather not have marines as troops.

Looking at Tau again I am thinking this
Another Riptide
Iridium Armour, maybe fnp, and shielding
Long strike

I am droping the pathfinders since I haven't really been using them. I can explain, but due to differant batles and flow I don't see them helpful all the time. They are great when postioned right, but if you have to move them due to playing skimmer heavy armies it takes them out of play. Lately I have people trying to out range me which reduce their use a lot. However they do come in handy.

The Farsight bomb. Much talk about that. I love Farsight, but thinking of deepstriking with fusion. However I am not strongly on this and thinking of running a body guard and a regular suit team to melta tanks from deep striking

Darkstrider gives my troops options and I can now outflank with fire warriors.

I am thinking heavily on taking devilfish. I think I need some mobility for my fire warriors.

Like I said befor thinking of adding another riptide. 2 riptides do really well and a 3rd would be great. It will give me more ranges power and tank cracking fire power. However I am thinking a wraithknight would be better and my list would look less spammy( 2 strength 10 ap 1 guns)

I may re add a hammer head with longstrike.

I also thinking of upgrading my commander. Making him more durable will allow me more options on my broadsides. Fnp and a shield gen with Irridium armour would be helpful. I just put him in front while he soak up wounds. This will help with my broadsides getting focused.

What I may end up doing is this
Upgrading commander to be more durable
Long Strike Railhead
Adding Krootox
Adding another squad of fire warriors??? W/ devilfish
Body guard and crisis suit as deep strike melta gunners as solos
If I have the points I may add in patfinders, but doubt I will be able too.

07-10-2013, 08:55 AM
600 points does not buy alot of eldar allies, that said a wraithknight would add a huge hard hitting cc monster to the mix.

fareer on a bike with mantle of the laughing god (2+ rerollabel cover save and passing out blessings) 155

bikes x3 1 cannon 61
bikes x3 1 cannon 61

swooping hawks 80
wraithlord 240

to make the spiritseer/wraithguard troop thing work though i think you'd need to drop down to a wraithlord

spiritseer 70

wraithguard x5 160

wraithguard x5 160

wraithlord scatter laser and lance 2x flamers

leaves you 50 points so a stock viper or more points for tau

07-10-2013, 10:13 AM
I like the add ons on top. I still think a singing spear would be cool and the mantle would make him hard to kill against most armies.

I like the manuverability of the top list with some decent fire power.

The second list would be better if both squads was in serpents and maybe one with d-sycthes.