View Full Version : csm and epi??

07-09-2013, 06:23 PM
For the life of me i cannot find the faq on epi its no longer on my laptop and the amerian faq is like a page... with some magenta highlights which tell me nothing... so do anyone remember the ruling on nurgle units and the tally? and if so link or pdf copies would be appreciated?

07-09-2013, 06:55 PM
For the life of me i cannot find the faq on epi its no longer on my laptop and the amerian faq is like a page... with some magenta highlights which tell me nothing... so do anyone remember the ruling on nurgle units and the tally? and if so link or pdf copies would be appreciated?

Both books got new codexes with new wording that eliminates the need for a faq. And epi is pretty bad now any way

07-09-2013, 07:13 PM
Tally of Pestilence specifies "Daemons of Nurgle," so merely having the Mark of Nurgle is not good enough, even if you are a daemon (e.g., a Nurgle-marked Possessed). A CSM daemon prince that had been ugpraded to a Daemon of Nurgle would count, though.

07-10-2013, 08:49 AM
yep perfect example of overly nerfing something into uselessness.

hey lets make it not count with CSM anymore.
Brilliant! AND let's make it a 6" bubble to make it more worthless!
You sir are a genious!

07-10-2013, 02:01 PM
This is all overly depressing :( not really sure why there was a need to change the wording.. i mean they are all there for grandfather nurgle and suddenly they wont help each other... i mean would that seriously be so game breaking if allies actually benefited the other army.... hmm well since i dont regularly play in tournes perhaps this would be the perfect rule to change :) make it an army wide rule that can impact both chaos and daemons :) problem solved or just make it an appoc formation... hmm many many ideas.

07-10-2013, 05:36 PM
i mean would that seriously be so game breaking if allies actually benefited the other army

Given the hell that was Epidemius in 5th Ed I'd say yes.

07-10-2013, 06:25 PM
Why would you say thats suddenly game breaking? its not any worse then any of the other lists we have seen come about and then go away as some one figures out how to deal with them? Not sure why thats suddenly so broken. you needed to take nurgle units.. you had to pay points for epi as well as a csm lord when they werent so cheap. you had to buy your mark of nurgle on any shooting unit that benefited from him and last time i checked nurgle deamons have very few shooting attacks so you were relying on assault attacks from them to up the tally. so not really sure how he was so game breaking as to suddenly make his effect a mini umbrella and make it effect only daemons suddenly? it was an unnecessary nerf if you ask me. and looking at his table in this edition... ya not like it would be game breaking at all i mean seriously 4+ feel no pain and posioned attacks once you get 20+ kills isnt exactlty horrifying.

07-10-2013, 06:38 PM
All I know is in Apoc games I played in 5th once Nurgle CSM teamed up with Epidemius it was game over if you didn't dedicate all you resources to taking the big fella out.

07-10-2013, 06:56 PM
Not sure how thats game over in appoc.. there are plenty of ways to eliminate him rather quickly d weapons. vortex weapons. titans baneblade variants? vindicare assasins. i can think of several other things that would do just the same against him.

07-10-2013, 07:09 PM
Getting said weapons to him are the trick.

He doesn't exactly stand out in the open, generally out of sight behind legions of T5, 3+ FNP, Plauge Marines who's shots ignore armour and wound on a 2+ .....

07-10-2013, 07:22 PM
Getting said weapons to him are the trick.

He doesn't exactly stand out in the open, generally out of sight behind legions of T5, 3+ FNP, Plauge Marines who's shots ignore armour and wound on a 2+ .....

Well obviously things appear broken when you don't follow rules. Daemon IC's cannot join other armies units.

And if it was apoc, well that doesn't really give an indication of balance either. Unless of course you really think 2500 pts worth of army can take on an imperator

07-10-2013, 07:46 PM
In a regular game their fnp is 4+ with epi they get the 1+ str and all that other fun stuff but have to earn it.. and it only effects deamons now and is a 6+ so basically took a huge nerf that wasnt needed.

Depends on what you take to be broken i woudl say. he isnt exactly easy to hide model wise he can be killed being that he is a deamon just sheer weight of fire will drop him and plague marines are only as durable as the number of shots the take. weight of fire has always dropped units.

07-10-2013, 08:01 PM
Well obviously things appear broken when you don't follow rules. Daemon IC's cannot join other armies units.

Who said anything about joining him to a unit?

As for Apoc I guess we'll just have to see what comes out of the new rules in regards of how much a threat a Titan is.

He's also taken a bit of a buff in that the Tally is now unsaved wounds, not models killed.
Now rather than have him lurking in back play he needs to get out in front a bit more but can make a Daemon Prince S7 T6 wound on 2+ with 4+ FNP.
I think he is a bit more sane than he used to be.

07-13-2013, 09:43 PM
Im not saying that Epi/Nurgle lists couldn't have been toned down in 6e, however the they were made practically useless, especially when it comes to Allies, which the Daemons and CSM are SUPPOSED to be. Make it a 24" bubble around Epi and change up the boons granted a little bit, leave it for any model with a Mark of Nurgle/Daemon of Nurgle, and call it a day. Im SOOO glad I didn't waste $$ on Epidermus and Plague Marines to ally with my CSM.

07-16-2013, 09:43 PM
@demo i would have totally agreed to something like that. instead they beat it down with the proverbial nerf bat like gw does. Instead of simply fixing the issues they simply make something that worked no longer valid and call it a day... me i think i will be making an appoc formation with him and a functioning tally and hopefully fixing his rules in the daemons codex and simply not attending any tournaments and playing with the group of guys i regularly play with.

mind you this is the same group of guys who wants to make the scout speeder count as a dedicated troop choice for SM and make it so that dark eldar can take a friggin jet bike on their archon... heck we're even trying to fix the rules for mandrakes so that they don't suck.. and before you ask yes we aske kelly at games day last year and he pretty much confirmed that they didn't turn out the way he envisioned them.