View Full Version : FW Autocanon assembly fiddly difficulty

07-08-2013, 03:54 PM
Hi all,

I have been trying to assemble 10 autocanon legionairies together, all was going fine (even the pinning of the arms, etc.) until trying to stivk the ammo feeds to the guns themselves.

Now my modelling skills are far from excellent but I have read 'ere'n'there that to bend the resin intomshape you need to soak the parts in hot water. I did this but it is extremely fiddly to do (yes, this comes with the territory of putting little toy soldiers together, I know). However, they do make me happy in the fact I've never atempted a thunderfire or two!

My question is....have any of you put some of these bars-tards together? How did you get the feeds to fit? Any pointers, tricks I'm missing?

Thanks in advance

07-08-2013, 06:20 PM
It may require discreet part shaving.