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View Full Version : 1500 Dark Angels Tournament

07-07-2013, 08:16 PM
Alright, I've submitted a list for an independent tournament coming up soon. It is now concrete. Set in stone. I just want to get a feel for how screwed I might be.

Two very specific rules to keep in mind at this tournament:
1. You cannot bring multiples of any unit other than Troops. That means you cannot go 3x Riptides, 3x Wraithknights or any of that silliness. Every unit counts as 0-1, except for units in the Troop category.
2. You cannot bring Special Characters. Which is why I couldn't go Deathwing or Ravenwing (besides the fact I have nowhere near enough for either.) even if I wanted to.
(I actually quite like the no doubling of units special rule.)

So here's my list for the upcoming tournament:
Dark Angels Space Marines
Interrogator-Chaplain Ezrit's Dark Hunters

1500 Points
Master Alxe
Company Master with Storm Bolter, Power-Weapon, Artificer Armour.
130 Points.

The Lion's of the 4th
Company Veteran Squad with 5 Veterans, 3 with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords, 1 with Plasma Pistol and Power Fist, Veteran Sergeant with Power Weapon and Bolt Pistol.
145 Points.

Tactical Squad Wrath of Caliban
Tactical Squad with 10 Marines, Veteran Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, 1 with Melta Gun, 1 with Lascannon.
180 Points.
Tactical Squad Pride of Angels
Tactical Squad with 10 Marines, Veteran Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, 1 with Melta Gun, 1 with Heavy Bolter.
170 Points.
Tactical Squad Lion's Roar
Tactical Squad with 10 Marines, Veteran Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, 1 with Melta Gun, 1 with Heavy Bolter.
170 Points.
Tactical Squad Green Spear
Tactical Squad with 10 Marines, Veteran Sergeant with Plasma Pistol and Chainsword, 1 with Plasma Gun, 1 with Plasma Cannon, Mounted in Rhino APC.
215 Points.

Fast Attack
An Unkindness of Angels
Ravenwing Attack Squadron with 6 Bikers and Attack Bike, Veteran Sergeant with Close-Combat Weapon, 1 Biker with Melta Gun, Attack Bike with Multi-Melta, Land Speeder with Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon.
316 Points.

Heavy Support
Devastator Squad Long Hands of Fate
Devastator Squad with 5 Devastators, Sergeant with Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon and Signum, 4 with Rocket Launchers with Frag/Krak/Flakk Rockets.
170 Points.

Total = 1496.

-Using the Ravenwing as my power unit, playing them as hunters for big horde hunters or tank hunters depending on which threat is more dire.

-4x Tactical Squads for locking down points and flank defense.

-Devastators for Anti-Air, because I have literally nothing else that can deal with it.

-Commander in the squad with the Company Vets to deal with moderate CC threats. (Under no illusions how badly they'll do against a strong dedicated CC unit)

So there you have it. How screwed am I?