View Full Version : cheese, or rules? Phoenix Lords & the save improvement

07-07-2013, 11:30 AM
If a warlock or sprit seer casts the +1 to save power (I forget the name) on a unit with a Phoenix Lord, his save improves to 1+. Now, obviously any roll of 1 on the save automatically fails. But... AP2 weapons would not automatically penetrate, as they have a higher AP value than the armor. So, you could effectively ignore powerfists, lascannons, plasma, etc. Only melta would give you worries and cause something other than a regular armor save.


07-07-2013, 11:34 AM
Page 2 comes to mind: "A model can never have an Armour Save better than 2+."

Page 19 covers other types of saves: "However, no save (armour, cover or invulnerable) can ever be improved beyond 2+."

So, independent of the fact that a roll of 1 is always a failed save, I don't see that any power can improve any save to 1+ unless it explicitly overrides the rule that no save can ever be improved beyond 2+. Protect doesn't explicitly override that, so it can't improve a save beyond 2+. Indeed, as page 70 of the eldar codex specifically notes, Protect can only improve a save to a maximum of 2+.

07-07-2013, 12:16 PM
Lets not forgot the power it self says it cannot improve a save above 2+