View Full Version : Fearless on csm worth the points? Or take veterans of the long war?

07-06-2013, 08:56 PM
I'm working on my world eaters once again. Currently trying to figure out if i want to take icon or vets to give me the better ldr and hope i dont fail or simply pay the points to be fearless and never have to worry about testing :)
current army basically is this but i do have other options lots of them sadly this is just waht entertains me currently. (1850)
hq kharn
troops 2x10 csm rhino 2x plasma mok
troop berserkers x8 champ 2xlc 7 chain axes in a land raider
2x defilers
and flying chicken of doom aka helldrake
and before it comes to light yes this is meant to be a rather small compact elite list. I have a secondary list thats all ground and pound this is just my mech listing.

So my concern is if you take vets yes you get the higher ld and save some points but they can still be swept or do you take the higher costing icon and know that fearless will keep them there till their all killed.

07-06-2013, 09:28 PM
I think it depends more on you, more than what's worth the points. I always give my CSM Veterans due to fluff reasons (I HATE space marines :P). Veterans is good, usually 1 points per model. But for 25 points, you will never roll that 11 or 12 on leadership, never be run down in combat, never take a pinning/morale. I'm the kind of player that when my 10 man squad flees, I tend to get really annoyed and a bit ragey. OH! Don't forget the icon adds 1 to combat resolution, making that tie combat become a win!

I usually give them both, because I like being fearless and rerolling to hit against those dirty loyalists :D

07-07-2013, 12:27 AM
hmm that is something to consider but then they get more and more pricy i mean your looking at a 10 man unit and a rhino as being close to 300+ points then. hmm another thing im considering is do i want to run 2 defiilers im usually an it takes 2 type of guy but the more i think about it i might want to try and get a unit of havocs and an aegis defense line and drop the hell blade and a defiler and easily have those points and some left to spare... hmm damn looks like i will be playtesting a ton lol. i try and make balanced lists to get the most out of my armies. and it seems when i do balanced both players always have fun.

07-07-2013, 09:33 AM
Both options can be pretty expensive, but if you're just running an icon/veterans on those two 10 man CSM squads... hm. The icon is more expensive, but I think it's more useful for what you're doing. Those rhinos that your squads are riding in are going to explode. A lot. But that's okay, since the survivors can just jump out and attack anyway. That's easier if you're fearless. You don't have to take the morale check and/or pinning test from your vehicle getting destroyed, and I think that makes the difference in this case.

07-07-2013, 01:21 PM
Oh trust me i more then expect them to be destroyed lol. my regular opponents play both De and now eldar and tau.... so im expecting alot of lances alot of rail guns and missiles so my poor rhinos are just hopefully going to be able to take the midfield. after that i believe my next conundrum is weather 2 defilers is overkill :/