View Full Version : Colour scheme and transfers or decal help for eldar

07-06-2013, 04:48 AM
Hi guys,
I've recently started an eldar army, dont have anything painted as yet but thinking about a deep purple (naggaroth night) and white colour scheme with either golden yellow (yriel yellow) or very light turquoise (sybarite green and white mixed) (or possibly both) as spot colours.

I was hoping to use the eldar/high elf phoenix icon or something similar as the craftworld's symbol. Does anyone know where i can get yellow or white transfers / decals of this symbol small enough to fit on a guardian's helmet and large enough for a grav tank?

Also with regards to my colour scheme, do you think it will look okay with the yellow and turquoise as spot colours? Naggaroth night and sybarite green are cool colours but yriel yellow is a warm shade. Use of the yellow would be very limited such as helmet icons for guardians, symbols on the robes of my seers, etc but i'm concerned it contrasts too much with the other colours.

The basic paint job for guardians is a black or dark grey under suit, purple armour, white face plate, turquoise eyes and spirit stones and black or dark grey weapons. white or yellow iconography.

How can i work this for my aspect warriors so they all seem part of the same army but still retaining a bit of separation from the Guardians?

Dire Avengers i was going to go for purple armour and black weapons. Purple helmet with white faceplate, white and black crest and turquoise eyes, gems and tabards. Also considered the tabards and faceplates in yellow though.

striking scorpions are tougher. As theyre supposed to be stalkers so to me they should be painted in dark colours. i was thinking the same dark grey undersuit as the guardians, black armour plates with extreme purple edge highlights, purple banding on the armour and yellow on parts of the dreadlocks. Again turquoise eyes and gems. Will this work?

i normally work with a palette of 2 or 3 colours and would consider dropping the yellow because it differs so much from the other colours but i was intending to pick up a squad of fire dragons at some point and i feel they just need a strong yellow or red n their paint scheme. Any suggestions as to how to work the aspect warriors in with the army scheme?

07-06-2013, 01:59 PM
small enough?