View Full Version : zoming flyers leaving the table turn 2

07-05-2013, 09:50 AM
I am currently trying to think of ways to make my crimson hunters to live longer. one issue i have is everybody and their bropther bringin ADL and otehr fortificatiions. I already take a solitarch on a bike for reserve manipulation. but they still come in on a 4+. I have read and reread the flyers section and unless i am missing somthign if i clip in and enter a corner weither out of los, or out of range of anti air guns with intereptor can I zip on and off the table turn 2, I think it would be a legit tactic giving me mroe time to deal with guns, or if my opponent has flyers still in reserve then zip off till they show up since as all endar units crimson hunters have one job and that uis anti flyer.


ok, now know you cannot end the movement phase off the table, but what about flat out as this is in the shooting phase in place of shooting

07-05-2013, 10:00 AM
saw it, page 80 on like the 4th re-read, can enter at any angle but cannot leave the table the turn it enters. , sorry for cluttering the page but maybe it will help somebody asking the same thing in the future

07-05-2013, 10:01 AM
From the Flyer section, p 80 in my little rulebook, "In a turn in which a Flyer enters the board from reserve, it can do so facing any direction you wish, providing that the resulting move will not carry it off the board again."

07-05-2013, 10:06 AM
yes, now I am trying to figure out if i can still flat out a flyer off the table. IE if i can stay out of range ending the movement phase but beside a table edge can I then flat out off the table. or if i am forced to jink and face the flyer to a board edge instead of shooting can I flat out off the board the same turn

07-05-2013, 10:51 AM
You cant flat out off the board, because that movement is not mandatory. Flyers in the movement phase have a mandatory minimal movement, so "the leaves off the board" situation needs to be addressed.

07-05-2013, 11:15 AM
My Crimson Hunter is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to - thanks to the Aegis Line + Comms Relay ;)
70 points for re-rolling reserves and 4+ cover right where you need it. Yes, please.

07-05-2013, 11:37 AM
where does it say that the leaving the board can only be by manditory movement?

i may be wrogn or missing somethign please quote a rule if i am

pg 80- zoom page 80 2nsd paragraph 3rd sentence
"In a turn in which a flyer enters the board form reserve, it can do so facing any direction you wish, providing thatthe resulting move will not carry it off the the board again."

so this means I have to end movement on the board, got it

pg. 72
moving flat out

"A vehicle can move flat out instead of firing in the shooting phase, immediatly moving up to 6"; this triggers dangeros terrain tests as normal ."

means i can move instead of shooting

pg 81
zoom and flat out
" a zooming flyer that goes flat out must move forward in a single line between 12" and 24"."

says I just move farther but still does not seem to limit me from leaving airspace

pg 81
leaving combat airspace.
It is quite likely a flyer making a zoom move will leave the board, either deliberatly or by accident. If this happens the flyer is said to have left combat air space- it then enters ongoing reserves (see page 125). A flyer that leaves combat airspace must zoom back on when it returns from ongoing reserves, even if it has the Hover type.

if i am correct in reading these or not mistaken on interaction I think you could flat out off the tabel in the shooting phase

07-05-2013, 12:12 PM
p10, Movement, "Models cannot, however, voluntarily move off the board."

07-05-2013, 12:29 PM
p10, Movement, "Models cannot, however, voluntarily move off the board."

seems like that is covered in "leaving combat air space"

a flyer making a zooking move will leave the board, either deliberatly or by accident. I choose to flat out and thus move a min 12 inches and that could mean off the table

07-05-2013, 01:17 PM
you really asking this??? If you enter the board you can't leave. it means for the whole turn and not just for movement phase,.

07-05-2013, 01:21 PM
Moving flat-out is not zooming, it is moving flat-out. Think about it from infantry terms. You cannot move off the board, but say you were making a run move. You still cannot move off the board.

07-05-2013, 01:44 PM
you really asking this??? If you enter the board you can't leave. it means for the whole turn and not just for movement phase,.

sure? why not?

It says I have to enter the board, it says I have to end up on the table which you do, which i agree , but doesn't say you have to stay on the board after.

This stems from research into how to keep my crimson hunters alive for an upcoming tourney... i am debating just cutting them as they pretty much die immediatly and usually before my opponent's flyers come in despite having an autarch on a bike and me makign it a 4+ so trying to delay even mroe if possible. this was a strategy listed in several blogs about using flyers and specifically the crimson hunter but obviously that is people saying it vs actual rules discution on why which is why i posed the question here. if they answer is yea... i need to find a way to ally a storm raven because the crimson hunter is so pathetically fragile

07-05-2013, 01:46 PM
Moving flat-out is not zooming, it is moving flat-out. Think about it from infantry terms. You cannot move off the board, but say you were making a run move. You still cannot move off the board.

I agree an infantry model may never leave the table but flyers specifically can and do leave the table.

07-05-2013, 01:52 PM
Flyers are specifically allowed to leave the table, and automatically come back on again from reserves the next turn. The only real restriction is that they can't enter and leave on the same turn.

07-05-2013, 02:12 PM
Yea mroe research on forums and tournament rulings seem to indicate that you used to be able to do it, however the faq now says you cnanot leave the board the turn you entered so yes you can flat out off the table ... but unfortunatly you can no longer do it the same turn you come in thanks to the april faq, so i am a few months behind in flyer tactics... lovely now to keep trying to figure out how to get these crimson hunters to live... so many points for such low av, could at least let me buy/come with holo fields. Guess ti is back to trying to make a ally list to add a storm raven becuase this ch is just a disappointment

07-07-2013, 05:21 AM
It is called: kill the AA.

07-08-2013, 08:02 AM
It is called: kill the AA.

Easier said than done when facing Tau. In a 1500pt army the other day opponent had 4 Intercepting units including a quad cannon. Bye Bye Eldar vehicles with 5+ jink save.

07-08-2013, 09:02 AM
Well. That makes sense for Tau. That's their whole fluff thingy.