View Full Version : FW EC Palatine Blades

07-05-2013, 09:27 AM
£32 (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/EMPERORS_CHILDREN_LEGION_PALATINE_BLADES_SQUAD.htm l)

Oh and these:
£33 (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/LEGION_MK_IV_DESTROYER_SQUAD_WITH_JUMP_PACKS.html)

07-05-2013, 09:42 AM
those palatines are beautiful, I want some...

surprised the destroyers are not available until the end of the month, you would have thought they were just a combination of stuff they already do...

07-05-2013, 09:45 AM
Yep, absolutely love the Palatines and it isn't often I say that about a Marine unit. Not so fussed about the MIV and to be frank not sure what justifies the extra cost of the Legion tartarosii compared to the old ones.

07-05-2013, 09:52 AM
glad to see jump pack destroyers personally, planning on doing some world eaters and a unit of them will go nicely. I am really hoping they do sets of pistol/close combat weapon arms before too long, need some for world eater tactical squads

07-05-2013, 10:10 AM
Nice, those are some cool looking models!

07-05-2013, 12:29 PM
I like the Palantines very much, but I´m struggeling with a usefull reason to fit them in my EC CSM-Army (no I don´t start a PH-Army too). Maybe as a honour guard for lucius and count as (very expansive) choosen with dual powerclaws (to represent the supreme fighting skill).

08-09-2013, 08:49 PM
Not a fan of FW prices (especially shipping to the States) but the Palatines will be an Honor Guard squad for my Loyalist EC. And soon. :)