View Full Version : Prison-World Imperial Guard

07-04-2013, 10:59 PM
Okay so... A buddy of mine, and I had written this list a couple years back, during 5th ed. We had every intent on making this army (for him) but then he lost his job and things went sideways for a bit there.

But! Now things are going back in-line, and he can once again afford both Food and Mini's!

So, back onto the block is this: "Prison World" Imperial Guard.

The idea is that this world is a prison world, but long abandoned by the Imperium. What weapons they have were once designed to keep the prisoners in (or, in the case of the Hydras, to keep people from breaking the prisoners out). Everything will be slapped together.

Al'Rahem Squad will be the former Warden- Command squads former guards etc.

And the prisoners have been left out because: lets face it, if Tau or Tyranids or orks show up, you want the people with low moral fiber to help.

HQ: (1/2)
Company Command Squad
x4 Grenade Launchers
Company Commander, Astropath
+ Chimera

Fast Attack: (3/3)
Scout Sentinel Squadron
x2 Scout Sentinels w/ Autocannons

Vendetta Gunship Squadron
x2 Vendetta

Hellhound Squadron
x2 Devil Dogs w/ Multi-Melta

Heavy Support: (3/3)
Leman Russ Squadron
x2 Leman Russ Battle Tanks w/ Lascannon

Hydra Flak Rank Battery
x2 Hydra Flak Tanks

Ordnance Battery
Medusa w/ Bastion Breacher Shells

Elite: (1/3)
Guardsman Marbo

Troops: (5/6)
x2 Veteran Squads
(each) x3 Melta Guns

x2 Infantry Platoon (identical)
* Platoon Command Squads
x4 Grenade Launchers
Platoon Commander
+ Chimera
* x3 Infantry Squads (Combat Squad)
(each) Grenade Launcher
x1 Commissar

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
x4 Laspistol/CCW
Captain Al'Rahem
x2 Infantry Squad
w/ Grenade Launcher & Missile Launcher

Okay so here is the tactics:

Outflank with the Vendettas (which are holding the Veterans), Scout Sententials, and the platoon that must. Also Marbo- less not forget Marbo.

Get the two blobbed platoons flanking the three command chimeras. The tanks can protect the order-giving astropathing cargo within - and still offer up some more grenade shots.
Get the artillery pieces to safe places on the board so they can do their things - and use the Devil Dogs and Leman Russ as they are meant to do.

So- the platoons move up slow and steady, and shoot down anything in their way. The chimeras helping in that regard too.

Now, I know I should avoid close-combat, but with Rashid he seems at least somewhat competent at it - so I geared his command squad to be CC as well (dual weapons, FNP).

His infantry are not blobbed, and they would be the target of his "Like the Wind" - allowing the heavy weapons to be fired, and still they can move. So this keeps mobility up to par with the blobs.

Last Minute Add-on!
Oh! And I'd have 0 issue adding in a good Fortification to represent the prison it's self... just lemmie know how you'd wedge it in. (i'm leaning towards bastion, my buddy is thinking the Fortress).

Okay, there it is.
As always, comments and questions welcome.

Thank you.
- Hammerman

07-05-2013, 10:49 PM
Okay after taking some advice, and the like. Here is the Updated Version.
Please let me know what you think!

Oh, and we like Grenade Launchers, for their versatility.

HQ (2)
Company Command Squad
w/ x4 Grenade Launchers
- Company Commander "Warden Greenly" {Warlord}
+ Astropath (second in command)
+ 2 bodyguards
+ Chimera

Primaris Psyker (to be named something scary later) - Formerly on Death Row, but now working w/ Greenly to help defend the planet.

Elite (1)
Guardsman Marbo (to be named something scary later) - Formerly on Death Row, but now working w/ Greenly to help defend the planet.
[Where the Psyker is more of a... sophisticated sociopath, the Marbo is just a blood-soaked murderer)

Troops (6)
x2 Veteran Squads (These are the Guards or Arbiters that watched the prison before.)
w/ 3 Meltaguns & Grenadier Docterine (for Armor)

x2 Penal Legion Squads
- what more needs to be said? These guys would be the beefed up "Maximum Security" wing dudes.

Infantry Platoon (a)
Platoon Command Squad w/ 4 Grenade Launchers
+ Commander Chenkov aka "Arbiter Oakley" - the one that oversees the Low-Level Prisioners.
+ Infantry Squad w/ Grenade Launcher
+ Infantry Squad w/ Grenade Launcher
+ Conscripts Squad, 50-men large w/ "Send in the Next Wave!"

Infantry Platoon (b)
Platoon Command Squad
+ Captain Al'rahem
+ Infantry Squad w/ Grenade Launcher & Missile Launcher
+ Infantry Squad w/ Grenade Launcher & Missile Launcher
Fast Attack (3)
Vendetta Gunship Squad
x2 Vandettas

Hellhound Squadron
x2 Devil Dogs w/ Multi-Meltas (combo's well with their Melta Cannons)

Scout Sentinel Squadron
x2 Scout Sentinels w/ Autocannons

Heavy Support (2)
Hydra Flak Tank Battery
x2 Hydra Flank Tanks

Ordinance Battery
x1 Medusa "Big Birtha"
- she's the last Big Gun they got. Was taken from the main prison before it got blasted away.

Fortification (1)
Imperial Bastion w/ Quad-Gun Emplacement

Generally the Command Squad will station its self in here, use the bolters and their grenades to keep things away - and the Commander can man the quad-gun. BS4 w/ twin-linked aint bad.

15 points short, and not sure if this is "Still Good" or not. Just an idea.

07-06-2013, 01:17 PM
What is your total points so far?

Have you considered adding a Leman Russ?

07-06-2013, 03:13 PM
And we had, but its kinda hard to believe there's a russ on a Prison world. But, i guess the same could be said for the Medusa.