View Full Version : For the sake of Apocalypse?

Mr Mystery
07-04-2013, 05:20 AM
How do?

Another quickie, just one off the top of my head...

Anyone else tempted to put together a set of models purely for use in Apocalypse?

I am. Most tempted by any involving lots of Stompas, Deffdredds, Megadredds, Mekadredds and Killa Kans. A veritable rusty green tide of clanking, stomping, dakka deff for anyone stupid enough to get caught in front of it....

1) It's hella cool
2) It'll look hella cool
3) It'll be a challenge for my opponents
4) It satisfies my greenskin fetish without having to paint any actual greenskin, let alone hundreds of examples....

And you? Tempted to put a formation together, even though you don't play it's typical army?

07-04-2013, 05:36 AM
Hordes of Basilisks, just to troll people.

07-04-2013, 08:52 AM
I guess I marginally fall under this;

Back when Apoc first came out I ended up scratchbuilding a Brass scorpion. And while I played Chaos marines back then, I didn't really care for anything Khorne, so in that regard it was my only Khorne unit (oh wait; I also painted up a Kharn just for Apoc).

And I also ended up with a baneblade kit, which I thought was stupid to just own said tank and not own a guard regiment, so I ended up with a small army of Vostroyans because of that. Though I guess that's the fallout of wanting something for apocalypse and ending up with more for a new army because of it.

07-04-2013, 09:00 AM
No, that is where madness lies.
I have enough problems with my collector habbits and five armies...

07-04-2013, 09:04 AM
Hordes of Basilisks, just to troll people.

This^ Or maybe a hydra battery for the inevitable waves of flyers

No, that is where madness lies.
I have enough problems with my collector habbits and five armies...

But then this makes more sense.

07-04-2013, 09:50 AM
For the current edition of Apoc, until it gets replaced soon, I had about 23 formations of which only 2 were painted, along with another 25 or more Apoc only datasheets, of which only 8 are fully painted.

I now have 3 Helldrakes for the new edition of Apoc.

What I need is not to collect any new vehicles, or units for the new Apocalypse. What I need to do is to finish painting the ones I have collected.

07-04-2013, 12:17 PM
I am definitely guilty of this. I have rounded out my Guard army into a full 8 company regiment, led by a company of baneblades. Every company is an apoc formation. I also have a 5000 point Grey Knights Strike Force and am working on 1500 points of Ravenwing that will only see Apocalypse tables. In fact, Apocalypse is pretty much the reason I am still in the game. Without it, I would have left the hobby a few years ago due to GW's policies. Instead, I am still throwing my money at them, just rounded out my Baneblade company with a Stormblade.

07-04-2013, 01:37 PM
Yeah, well I left the 40K hobby back in 95 and sold / traded about 2500 40K minis. I got back into it at the end of 2006, and now have nearly 100,000 - 150,000 points of 40k units and formations including Apoc stuff and that is built and organised into units or awaiting construction sitting in boxes. I bought a 30K army off ebay that includes, 2 emperors, 2 Custodes captains, 2 Sisters of Silence captains, 35 Sisters of Silence, 10 Custodes Jetbikes, 10 Custodes Terminators, and 45 Custodes. Most of it is metal, and I have not even put them together yet.

I have sitting on top of two of my cupboards, 23 rhino apcs, 4 landraiders of different variants, 2 basilisks, 3 chimeras, 2 of the new 40K box sets (1 unopened), and in my bedroom, I have 2 large boxes of FW stuff I need to put together, including 2 Spartan Assault tanks, a Minataur artillery piece, 2 Dreadclaws, and many more. things like Mk III and IV infantry squads (a lot of them), and the FW terminators (about 4 squads of them)

I have 4 Chaos Legion Battle Companies put together, and 4 more partly collected and/or put together. A female Space Marine Army awaiting to be built, and an old 3rd ed Arbites Army that I use to supplement either my Cultist, or IG as need arises. I even have about 60 - 80 daemons unassembled, 20 of which are plaguebearers.

I have 5000 points of IG and Sister of Battle, 12,000 in Daemons, and about 40,000 - 50,000 in CSM forces, not including anythin apoc related.

I am so behind in my hobby, and I am in the same boat with my Dystopian Wars (4 nations, and a very small amount painted), Classic Battletech (about 100 minis waiting to be built), DZC (2 full armies, unassembled). I even have a 30K heresy era looking 100 sons army that I was going to use as a counts as space marines codex force, which I have stopped painting, as I am too busy.

I think it all stems from a surplus in income because the army paid me too well. I have curtailed the spending now though. I buy miniatures only if I need them to complete a unit for a strategy I want to try out, like the Valkyrie I got for my IG, or the 3rd Helldrake i got when my usual opponent got a lot more AA in his Tau army. If possible, in ost cases, I substitute a model for another of similar size - say a obliterator for a mutilator, a defiler for a maulerfiend, etc. But that is for friendly games though.

07-04-2013, 01:51 PM
Daemonette - that's... a lot of stuff. I'd think the most expensive thing would be affording somewhere big enough to store all of that :p

Anyone else tempted to put together a set of models purely for use in Apocalypse?

Yep (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?33584-The-Khornepocalypse):cool:

It's actually going to be my second Apoc-only army.

Mr Mystery
07-04-2013, 02:01 PM
That's what I like to see!

I'm thinking.......two stompas, one with Bellygun (got a full plastic one already), 6 Deff Dredds, 18 Killa Kans... And probably a Mekadredd for their 'maker' and a matching bodyguard Megadredd for the Big Mek..

07-04-2013, 03:19 PM
Not quite what you asked, but since I saw the Masters of the Chapter I've been extremely tempted to build up my Ultramarines into a full Battle Company.

An Imperial Guard Tank Company would totally own, though.

07-04-2013, 05:13 PM
I bought the Emperor's Fist tank company when that came out. At the time it wasn't possible to field more than 3 Leman Russes at a time, let alone the 12 I ended up with. Since then I have ended up with 4 vindicators, even more leman russes, a handful of super heavy tanks, more deffkoptas than you can shake a stick at, a Stompa with a giant version of a shokk attak gun (Da Terarr-Attak Kannon) and am in the process of up arming my overwized Warlord to become an Imperator. Oh, and Da BuzzMork. And I suppose I'd never actually field my Jetbike Command Squad in a normal sized game. Unless I wanted to go into a game with just them and a couple of units of scouts...

I think it's safe to say I like apocolypse units... Now, where's my glue and tools; another idea has just sprung to mind!

07-04-2013, 06:40 PM
Hordes of Basilisks, just to troll people.

been ther, done that....

i run about 30k pts of joint BA and Ig when i play apoc. havn,t done it it almost three years, but the army is screaming to come out.

john m.

07-05-2013, 12:14 AM
one of my quickies for Apoc is taking all my Termies/Paladins with psycannons and treating them as GM's. Add a couple normal models as libbys, and take one Banner-holder, and treat him as a Apoth with Banner, and you got one big unit of IC's with one paladin.
I call this the "GK Party Crasher" List. When that unit hits the field (deepstrike always, hence the party crasher title) and shoots something, it going to die.... or explode and take a good chunk of models with it. :D :D

With the new Apoc ruleset, i am inclined to actually build more GM's and libbies for the list, that way it would look a bit more...planned, versus say "improvised" or proxied. :cool:

Mr Mystery
07-05-2013, 03:48 AM
one of my quickies for Apoc is taking all my Termies/Paladins with psycannons and treating them as GM's. Add a couple normal models as libbys, and take one Banner-holder, and treat him as a Apoth with Banner, and you got one big unit of IC's with one paladin.
I call this the "GK Party Crasher" List. When that unit hits the field (deepstrike always, hence the party crasher title) and shoots something, it going to die.... or explode and take a good chunk of models with it. :D :D

With the new Apoc ruleset, i am inclined to actually build more GM's and libbies for the list, that way it would look a bit more...planned, versus say "improvised" or proxied. :cool:

Some might consider that cheesey/unfair.

I'm not one of them. To me, that's 'Marines at the Movies' level of awesome! They simply should be that hard, all the time!

07-05-2013, 04:30 AM
And then someone drops a vortex missile on their heads. ^_^

07-05-2013, 05:32 AM
Right! It's what Apocalypse has instead of balance - an endless superweapon arms race~

(this is a good thing)

Mr Mystery
07-05-2013, 05:46 AM
I feel the need to create a datasheet.......

Featuring Techmarines with Thunder Fire Cannons.....Lots of them. All those subterranean explosions? Ooops, we cracked the mantle. RUN AWAY! Conveniently invented flak rounds? Yep. That's enough flak to set off a highly localised nuclear winter. Nice job lads! Speciliased Melta Shells? Lob them into a building and bring it crashing down!


07-05-2013, 06:12 AM
one of my quickies for Apoc is taking all my Termies/Paladins with psycannons and treating them as GM's. Add a couple normal models as libbys, and take one Banner-holder, and treat him as a Apoth with Banner, and you got one big unit of IC's with one paladin.
I call this the "GK Party Crasher" List. When that unit hits the field (deepstrike always, hence the party crasher title) and shoots something, it going to die.... or explode and take a good chunk of models with it. :D :D

With the new Apoc ruleset, i am inclined to actually build more GM's and libbies for the list, that way it would look a bit more...planned, versus say "improvised" or proxied. :cool:

That's why fielding 12 Warp hunters backed with Cobras in Apocalypse comes in handy sometimes.;)

Mr Mystery
07-05-2013, 06:16 AM
That's why fielding 12 Warp hunters backed with Cobras in Apocalypse comes in handy sometimes.;)

That's evil! But funny.

I'd be tempted to put in some rule to represent a crossing of the streams. Opening that many warp singularities, no matter how short lived they might be is bound to have some (highly amusing) risks!

07-05-2013, 06:28 AM
:rolleyes: Not more random events :D

07-05-2013, 06:30 AM
Yep, can fill up a considerable portion of the board with 2+ wounding AP ID on a 6+ blasts & templates bearing mind template weapons ignore cover too. I have written it into my Craftworlds background as one of their signature formations.

07-08-2013, 02:59 PM
i like to field my 3 hierophants with 6 barbed hierodules and covered by some flying harridans (2)

07-08-2013, 03:15 PM
i like to field my 3 hierophants with 6 barbed hierodules and covered by some flying harridans (2)

I'd like to see a photo of that!

Mr Mystery
07-08-2013, 03:39 PM
Yep, can fill up a considerable portion of the board with 2+ wounding AP ID on a 6+ blasts & templates bearing mind template weapons ignore cover too. I have written it into my Craftworlds background as one of their signature formations.

Would that be the Craftworld so psychotic and dangerous, it's simple known in the Imperium as Craftworld 'OOOOH ****!'

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-08-2013, 03:51 PM
I want a bazillion Flayed Ones.