View Full Version : Two Questions.

11-13-2009, 09:05 AM
Ive never had these two things come up before in a game until last night.

1. Can a unit benifit from a cover save against a Markerlight? - I thought a cover save was something you take if you take a wound.

2. When you destroy all the weapons on a tank does the last weapon destroyed count as a immobilized or does the next one? - I shot off ever weapon the chaos land raider had in one turn with my broadsides but we couldnt agree on if the last weapon destroyed counted towards it being immobilized or not.


11-13-2009, 09:11 AM
1. No cover saves against markerlights. There's nothing to save against.

2. It is only immobilized if it suffers a weapon destroyed result but has NO weapons left, so the final weapon destroyed does not also apply an immobilization. In other words, you don't get two results for the price of one.

11-13-2009, 12:17 PM
Right. Markerlights just put counters on the unit, nothing to take saves against there.

And if you suffer a weapon destroyed result, and all your weapons have been previously destroyed, only then it goes to Immobilized. Each damage result only ever causes one type of damage, unless the weapons specifies otherwise.

12-22-2009, 04:03 PM
Although i agree with the no saves against markerlights, fluff-wise the markerlight could hit a tree/building and discounted the shot.

12-22-2009, 09:15 PM
I think that's adequately represented by the Tau firing the markerlight having to roll to hit. If they miss, it can be assumed they lit something else up (tree, building, etc.)

12-23-2009, 09:59 AM
Saves can only be taken against "wounds" and since marker lights don't inflict wounds there is nothing to "save" against.

As for the weapons, I think it’s been covered. If you score a weapon destroyed result against a vehicle and the vehicle has NO weapons to remove then it counts as immobilized. And if you score another Immobilized OR weapons destroyed result (because the weapon destroyed result would become an immobilized result) then the vehicles is wrecked