View Full Version : Death spinner question?

07-03-2013, 11:06 AM
This came up and I just played through it without going back to the book to see what it did. After I read the rule again I realized I should had questioned it instead of letting it slide in my opponents favor.

The issue with the spinner is if you have a broadside team with 6 drones for example. The drones are int 4 and the sides are int 3. Monafiliment can be ap 1 and raises a strength 7 weapon to strength 8 due to int 3.

My question is this. If one model is at I 3 would the weapon get + 1 strength or would the majority of I 4 would cause the weapon not to get the bonus?

Another part of the question is if a model with I 3 fails when it's agreed that it's strength 7 would it instant kill a toughness 4 model which would be 8 due to int 3.

I believe it's off majority I. Just want to see what others thought.

07-03-2013, 12:52 PM
The only reasonable answer would be the highest majority Initiative, since that's how the rulebook handles every single other similar case.

07-03-2013, 02:38 PM
i agree it should be majority.

or if they wanted to be a jerk about it and take forever

see how many hits you get then roll for wound's as allocated to a model

07-03-2013, 03:14 PM

See, the majority has it!

07-03-2013, 04:09 PM
Eldar Codex in the weapons section specifically states majority initiative, I'm afraid your opponents had your eyes out there friend. Insta kill would only affect the T3 bods too.