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View Full Version : Basilisks

11-13-2009, 08:21 AM
Years ago, when the first model of the basilisk came out, (by the way it hasnt changes yet) I thought it was great, indirect fire, kills marines, awsome range, in later additions the ability to kill transports and whats inside in single shot. Yea Third addition killed a rhino ragnar and all:D. Well since then I find myself not taking any kind of artillery in my IG army even in Apocolypse games. Accuracy is abysmal, and they usually get counter batteried soon after. So I'm curious does anyone still regularly play with artillery ( manticore / basilisk) ?

11-13-2009, 08:28 AM
I use three basilisks in apocalypse games although vulnerable to counter battery or flanking type moves they have never failed to make their points back. The sheer range and killyness (that's a word and if it's not it should be!) combined with the sheer numbers of models on a table in apocalypse means that you're going to kill something with them. In smaller games I doubt they'd be worth it, the range isn't as useful and there are better options for a heavy support slot in the IG list

Lunar Camel
11-13-2009, 09:30 AM
My IG army is artillery themed: The Immerhass 522nd Artillery Regiment. I run three Basilisks and three heavy weapon squads with mortars with my infantry platoons who also have grenade launchers. Thats three ordanance and thirteen blast templates falling on the enemy. Ratling snipers to pick off the survivors and if the enemy gets too close, Ogryns to beat them off. The best game I ever had with them was causing a Necron army to phase out in turn one with all of the shelling. If you use enough of them, not much can survive through it.:cool:

11-13-2009, 09:38 AM
I use Mortars but thats about it. Cheap and effective.

11-13-2009, 12:39 PM
Artillery is pretty solid, the only reason I don't use as much is simply because I don't own any currently :P

Bassies kinda suck like the LRBT: an outdated version that serves no purpose with the new variants. It's minimum range is simply too long and S9 AP3 just isn't cut out to bust armor or kill off infantry, especially considering how everything has cover.

Medusas are great. Long range Demolishers are never a bad idea.

Griffons are cheap, accurate and blasty.

Collossi are pricey, but AP3 ignoring cover is pretty handy.

Manticores are awesome.

Arty do pretty well. AV12 seems kinda low, but with their range they can hide pretty easily (even better if you have Chimeras to hide behind).

11-13-2009, 01:16 PM
Bassies are always one of those units that I always want to like, however they just seem to get targeted all the time on the first turn... I can't tell how many have been shaken/ stunned into oblivion by random heavy weapons (its never the Mutli meltas, it always comes from a random Missle/ Assault cannon)


11-13-2009, 01:45 PM
Griffons, Griffons, Griffons, Griffons.

I run 2 and am considering 3.

S6 wounds all basic troops (except Nurgle Awesomeness) on a 2+ and accurate bombardment means you never miss. PLUS, it's still ordnance barrage which means pinning and lights out against chimeras and other poorly side-armored transports.

And you get them for the ROCK BOTTOM price of 75pts - isn't that f&#king cheaper than a WHIRLWIND???

11-13-2009, 01:53 PM
Artillery is pretty solid, the only reason I don't use as much is simply because I don't own any currently :P

Bassies kinda suck like the LRBT: an outdated version that serves no purpose with the new variants. It's minimum range is simply too long and S9 AP3 just isn't cut out to bust armor or kill off infantry, especially considering how everything has cover.

S9 AP3 Ordinance Barrage. It hits vehicles on side armor and rolls 2d6 and takes the highest for armor penetration. Seems like pretty solid anti-tank to me, especially if you can draw LOS to the target.

Also, unless infantry is actively hiding in area terrain, they will not get cover, as it is a barrage. As a large blast, it can hit a large number of models, and its high strength mean it wounds any infantry on a 2+.

36" minimum range isn't much of an issue, really. The basilisk is one of the few IG artillery vehicles that can direct fire (which also makes it one of the few that can move and fire).

The purpose served by both the basilisk and the LRBT over their variants is versatility. Both can deal with both armor and infantry with reasonable efficiency (though they admittedly suffer against heavy armor), and they can both do this from further away than their variants. They are also both cheaper (or the same cost) as their variants, with the exception of the griffon heavy mortar, which has a comparatively short range, cannot move and fire, and cannot deal with armor well.

11-13-2009, 02:02 PM
My artillery hasn't seen much of the table since the start of 5th ed but I've been seeing a nice amount of manticores being talked about and I'm considering dusting off my bassies and giving them a whirl. GW needs to get on a new kit to make some of these bad boys instead of FW or building my own which I dont have much time for lately.:(

p.s @SAM if a basilisk has LOS to a tank then it would be hitting the front armor I do believe. You only get side armor from firing indirectly.

Lord Azaghul
11-16-2009, 08:18 AM
I think the question is why wouldn't you take artillary?

The basilisk is still a very viable and accurate guard toy. Yes its not as good at tank killing as a couple of other choices, but I NEVER leave how with out mine.

PS: you can fire indirect WITH LOS, you're just subject to the min range.

11-16-2009, 09:24 AM
Griffons are cheap, accurate and blasty.

I can only second that, my Griffons seem to kill more AND last longer then any of my 'Russes.

Cheers B1

11-16-2009, 09:50 AM
My IG army is artillery themed: The Immerhass 522nd Artillery Regiment. I run three Basilisks and three heavy weapon squads with mortars with my infantry platoons who also have grenade launchers. Thats three ordanance and thirteen blast templates falling on the enemy. Ratling snipers to pick off the survivors and if the enemy gets too close, Ogryns to beat them off. The best game I ever had with them was causing a Necron army to phase out in turn one with all of the shelling. If you use enough of them, not much can survive through it.:cool:

Wow. Thats the exact type of army I've wanted to play if I played Guard, although I had the thought of usin g Griffons for my heavya rtillery and Missile Launchers in line squad for more blast template goodness. I had the thought of using ratlings and Ogryns. How does the army fair vs your opponets?

Brass Scorpion
11-16-2009, 09:53 AM
Basilisks are great against less mobile armies that can't reach them easily or quickly. You can pound those foes mercilessly as they move around the board for many turns. Against fast moving armies that can have specialized troops assaulting and neutralizing your Basilsks within two or three turns, they are obviously a lot less useful. Against fast moving armies a battle tank like a Leman Russ is much more useful than hiding a Basilisk in a far corner of your deployment zone. So the answer to the question is, as always, bring the right tool for the job. SPA (self propelled artillery) is great against some foes, not a great choice against others.

11-16-2009, 10:27 AM
I do like to field Manticores. The idea that a pair of them can deliver (assuming survival) 8d3 S10 pie plates is just stunning. Sure, they're not the best against MEQ (AP4 only), but they work great against other things, and instakill S5 or less.

Plus, I've got a pair of models that just look perfect.

Lord Azaghul
11-16-2009, 10:39 AM
Plus, I've got a pair of models that just look perfect.

Got any pics?

I'm debating on building one, but I'm not the best scratch builder/converter. So I may just wait until they release the hydra/manticore boxest (I'm just guessing on that one)

11-16-2009, 10:44 AM
Got any pics?

I'm debating on building one, but I'm not the best scratch builder/converter. So I may just wait until they release the hydra/manticore boxest (I'm just guessing on that one)
See attached. FW Exorcist + Heavybolter

11-17-2009, 01:50 PM
I have two Basilisks that I never use anymore. I still like the Earthshaker, but I prefer the Medusa and Colossus.

11-18-2009, 05:29 AM
Medusa all the way...

Even after I learned that if you upgrade the weapon on it, you lose the original weapon profile, I still loved the damned thing. Large Blast strength 10 ap 2 is just rape. No other word describes it.

11-18-2009, 05:59 AM
Basilisks are good. But tanks are better, and I will use the absolute minimum of squadrons, so for me Basilisks probably wont get a look in until apoc.

Spotting rounds - rock!