View Full Version : Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot - Opinions?

07-02-2013, 05:44 AM
Afternoon all, I'm currently gluing together my new Burning Chariot for my Tzeentch Herald to ride and I was just wondering what people thought of them and chariots in general.

Not sure when I'll start painting it or when the army will be played with but I figured there wouldn't be any harm in finding out people's opinions :)

Thanks for any replies.

07-02-2013, 05:48 AM
Needs to be FAQ'd to be relentless. Otherwise hes a bit useless

Mr Mystery
07-02-2013, 05:50 AM

It's essentially a heavily upgunned Land Speeder, but seeing as it can't really move if it wants to shoot something up, it's quite limited.

Gorgeous model though.

Really should paint up my Daemons you know...

07-02-2013, 06:00 AM
I know the Burning Chariot needs to be FAQ'ed as both of the Flamer's attacks are Heavy but I wouldn't have thought the Herald would need it to be?

07-02-2013, 06:30 AM
Needs to be FAQ'd to be relentless. Otherwise hes a bit useless

Why is this?

All the Heralds Psychic Shooting Attacks are assault from what I can see and it doesn't get any of the Daemonic Gifts.

What am I missing?

07-02-2013, 06:34 AM
Do y'all even read. He didn't ask if the exhaulted Flamer is usefule, he asked if it was worth taking the herald on the chariot.

My issue with it out of the three chariots it's the easiest to kill.

Also hammer of wrath attacks can give away FnP or make it better.

I think for an Exhaulted flamer minus trying to shoot you can use it as a melee platform. With strength 6 or strength 5 ap 1 attacks hitting 3 times can be helpful with tanks.

If you don't have horrors I have thought about using one. I have one unassembled. The problem however with it's weak armour and open toppedwith a 5+ invulnerable is it even really worth taking. If you have not Tzeentch units and want extra divination powers for your army or 4d6 strength 6 shooting I can see using a chariot.

However I wouldn't waste true names on it. A 3+ invulnerable is possible with out true names, but you will need to make it a + 4 invulnerable with divination and hope for a 10 on the warp storm table.

In the end you rather really take atleast 10 horrors to attach him to or 16 horrors for 8d6 strength 6 shots.

07-02-2013, 07:05 AM
Going back to the relentless comment, where does it state that they are not relentless?

Page 71 'moving and shooting with vehicles ' - vehicles always have the relentless rule.

Chariot is a transport type of vehicle, and i cant find anywhere else to indicate it loses relentless......

07-02-2013, 07:09 AM
Going back to the relentless comment, where does it state that they are not relentless?

Page 71 'moving and shooting with vehicles ' - vehicles always have the relentless rule.

Chariot is a transport type of vehicle, and i cant find anywhere else to indicate it loses relentless......

The Herald and the Exalted Flamer are passengers, passengers do not become relentless.

I -think- what might be the problem is that the Exalted Flamer -might- be meant to be considered crew which should give it relentless.

07-02-2013, 07:23 AM
Ahh, ok, as he cant leave it, I've always just assumed he is the vehicle and yes I suspect that is how he was meant to be played. Glad I dont go to tournaments where rules lawyers would make you play it so he was useless and my group are happy to just employ common sense ;)

07-02-2013, 07:37 AM
Ahh, ok, as he cant leave it, I've always just assumed he is the vehicle and yes I suspect that is how he was meant to be played. Glad I dont go to tournaments where rules lawyers would make you play it so he was useless and my group are happy to just employ common sense ;)

It could be how they intended when they updated the FAQ they did not cover this obvious issue.

Unless going Tzeentch Tymed I don't see a reason to take an exhaluted flamer really. The skullcannon is very nice and a grinder is awesome. Which mean I have to drop a cannon or price to add the exhaulted flamer.

07-02-2013, 07:39 AM
It might be a bit of a game balance thing too, a Fast Skimmer with an S9 AP2 flamer Assault D3 would be simply brutal.

Eric French
07-02-2013, 10:19 AM
It can deep strike in without scattering within 6" of some Pink Horrors with an icon that had just pulled The Chariot in with their instrument and themselves just arrived by deep strike by scattering only 1D6 within 6" of an Icon from some Slaanesh Seekers who just moved up to 24" in the previous first turn and then shoot its awesome sauce all over the enemy and maybe live maybe not......INHALE.....or am I missing something?

07-02-2013, 03:47 PM
While it's nice to talk about the exalted Flamer this thread is for the herald and chariot so if we could go back on topic please :)

07-03-2013, 07:39 AM
The Chariot for the Herald is not too bad. It's a 50pt survivability upgrade... if you look at other upgrades such as Palanquins and figure out their survivability increase for the points, the Chariot is not a bad deal. The problem is that you don't really need, in general, to upgrade the durability of Tzeentch Heralds, as you generally want to give them the Locus of Conjuration and put them in a squad of Horrors instead. A squad of Horrors is a 90 pt upgrade that increases the survivability a LOT more than a Chariot, you can still move 6" and fire (though you can't move 12" or more), and the squad adds significant additional firepower. So the Chariot isn't too bad, but it's not as good as the options.

07-03-2013, 07:56 AM
I suppose I could still use it if I had points spare, try and tempt the other player to waste shots on it :p

07-03-2013, 08:29 AM
It can deep strike in without scattering within 6" of some Pink Horrors with an icon that had just pulled The Chariot in with their instrument and themselves just arrived by deep strike by scattering only 1D6 within 6" of an Icon from some Slaanesh Seekers who just moved up to 24" in the previous first turn and then shoot its awesome sauce all over the enemy and maybe live maybe not......INHALE.....or am I missing something?

Problem is that in that situation it can only snap shot 1 to 3 Blue Fires and can't fire the Pink Flames at all ?

07-03-2013, 08:59 AM
I suppose I could still use it if I had points spare, try and tempt the other player to waste shots on it :p

My current daemon list I am thinking of usin one.

I am running

Khorne herald
Slaanech herald
Tzzentch herald
Flesh hounds
Tzeentch prince

I have little rooom for the horrors which I want to run as a squad of 16.

The problem I have however is I would like him to be my true names bearer, while my khorne heral is my riftbringer/ portalglpgh guy

My Slaanech herald is 7 attacking character killer re rolling to hit goodness with 2 telepathy powers.

Fate and prince will give me biomancy and a mix of telepahy and divination.

My taeentch herald is for more divination.

Personally I would and thinking of running 2 tzeentch heralds. I done the 12d6 strength 6 attacks with prescience and it's rather nasty. It even killed 5 storm shield terminators quite easily thanks to 40+ wounds.