View Full Version : 1850 Dark eldar/ Eldar Monster Mash quick response force!

07-01-2013, 10:42 AM
225 Avatar of Khaine: Fast Shot, Disarming Strike
105 Baron Sathonyx
175 9 Hellions, Helliarch+ Stunclaw
183 9 Windrider: 3 cannons
183 9 Windrider: 3 cannons
120 10 snipers
240 WraithKnight
240 WraithKnight
240 WraithKnight
135 Talos Pain Engine: Chain-Flails, + 1 attack, twin heat lance

Basically you have to deal with 5 MC's which 2 do pretty well in combat. All the MC's also have some anti-vehicle ranged weapons.

The rest of the army can quickly report to what ever part of the field they are most needed. I have 6 S Cannons that can provide 18 strength 6 rending shots for cover on my big guys. The Hellions can drag away IC's out of combat which may be hard to deal with and with a +2 invulnerable on my dark eldar hq they can keep said character tied up. Not to mention having a re roll on the +2 invul due to being out numbered in the challenge.

07-01-2013, 10:57 AM
I would divide bike squads up for more troop choices, 2 3 man and 2 6 man still with cannons then split rangers to 2 5 man groups again for target saturation.

this also lets you add another ranger so 1 6 man one 5 man and you get to use 1848/1850 instead of 1836/1850

07-01-2013, 11:09 AM
main problem I see: you have absolutely no way to deal with fliers... except if you play purely for fun and can convince your opponent that your Wraithknights are tall enough to judo punch fliers :D

07-01-2013, 11:35 AM
main problem I see: you have absolutely no way to deal with fliers... except if you play purely for fun and can convince your opponent that your Wraithknights are tall enough to judo punch fliers :D

In a lot of games you can still wim by simply ignoring flyers. Flying MCs you can't ignore and I'll just have to shot till one is grounded.

I guess I can drop the DE MC and add a flyer for anti air.