View Full Version : Dark Eldar/Eldar Harlequin 1850 point force

06-30-2013, 03:38 AM
Looking for feedback / comments - do you think this is a workable list? Intention is to field a Harlequin based force but wanted to move from Eldar Harlequins as Veil of Tears is now broken, in my opinion - thoughts

+++ Bloody Circus (1844pts) +++
+++ 1850pt Codex: Eldar 6th Edition (2013), Dark Eldar 6th Ed (2010) Roster (Allied Detachment, Primary Detachment)) +++


Codex: Eldar 6th Edition (2013) (Allied Detachment) Selections:
+ HQ + (140pts)

* Illic Nightspear (140pts) (Codex: Eldar (2013) p56) (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fearless, Fleet, Hatred (Necrons), Independent Character, Mark of the Incomparable Hunter (Warlord), Preferred Enemy (Necrons), Sharpshot, Shrouded, Walker of the Hidden Path) Voidbringer

+ Troops + (308pts)

* Rangers (125pts) (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth)
* 5x Ranger (125pts) 5x Pathfinder (65pts) (Sharpshot, Shrouded)

* Windrider Jetbike Squadron (183pts) (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Eldar Jetbike)
9x Guardian Jetbike (153pts), 3x Shuriken Cannons (30pts), Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

+ Heavy Support + (468pts)

* Dark Reapers (468pts) (Codex: Eldar (2013) p36 (Ancient Doom, Slow and Purposeful)
* 6x Dark Reaper (228pts) 6x Reaper launcher, 6x Starshot Missiles (48pts)
* Exarch (50pts) Fast Shot (10pts) (*), Marksman's Eye (10pts) (*) * Eldar missile launcher (20pts) Flakk Missiles (10pts)
* Wave Serpent (190pts) Crystal Targetting Matrix (25pts) (*), Ghostwalk Matrix (10pts) (*), Holo-fields (15pts) (*), Serpent Field, Shuriken cannon (10pts), Twin-linked Eldar missile launchers (15pts)

Dark Eldar 6th Ed (2010) (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (130pts)

* Lady Malys (130pts) (Fleet, Independent Character, Invulnerable Save (4+), Night Vision, Power from Pain, Precognisant, The Crystal Heart) Kabalite Armor, Plasma Grenades, Steel Fan, The Lady's Blade

+ Elites + (584pts)

* Harlequin Troupe (292pts) (Dance of Death, Fleet)
* Death Jester (28pts) Close combat weapon, Shrieker Cannon
* 7x Harlequin (174pts) 2x Fusion Pistol (20pts), 7x Harlequin Kiss (28pts), 5x Shuriken pistol
* Shadowseer (52pts) (Veil of Tears) Hallucinogen grenades, Harlequin Kiss (4pts), Shuriken pistol
* Troupe Master (38pts) Harlequin Kiss, Shuriken pistol

* Harlequin Troupe (292pts) (Dance of Death, Fleet)
* Death Jester (28pts) Close combat weapon, Shrieker Cannon
* 7x Harlequin (174pts) 2x Fusion Pistol (20pts), 7x Harlequin Kiss (28pts), 5x Shuriken pistol
* Shadowseer (52pts) (Veil of Tears) Hallucinogen grenades, Harlequin Kiss (4pts), Shuriken pistol
* Troupe Master (38pts) Harlequin Kiss, Shuriken pistol

+ Troops + (214pts)

* Kabalite Warriors (45pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* 5x Kabalite Warrior (45pts) 5x Splinter Rifle

* Kabalite Warriors (169pts) (Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain)
* 5x Kabalite Warrior (45pts) 5x Splinter Rifle
* Kabalite Warrior with assault weapon (24pts) Blaster (15pts)
* Raider (100pts) Chain-snares (5pts), Dark Lance, Flickerfield (10pts), Nightshield (10pts), Splinter Racks (10pts), Torment Grenade Launcher (5pts)

06-30-2013, 12:19 PM
I am pretty certain that the rules for Veil of Tears in the Eldar Codex will replace those in the Dark Eldar Codex via FAQ in the immediate future if they haven't already... So you need to go play this ASAP!!! Beacuse it looks sweet! Are you placing the HQs with squads?

07-01-2013, 02:40 AM
Ilic will go with the Pathfinders so he can deep strike them and not sure where to put Malys :p

07-01-2013, 08:50 AM
you do realize Illic has to be on the table for Pathfinders to appear near him, and then they count as moved so will fire snapshots? bad idea imo...

Also, almost 500 points for Dark Reapers? are you sure you want to do that to yourself? now admittedly you do need some Anti-Tank... but for the same points as those 6 models and their Serpent (which has way too much wargear imo...) you could get a tooled-up squad of 10 Warp Spiders (that even kinda fit the Harlie theme, with their namesakes being the guardians of the webway and all, and will murder anything below AV13 and most infantry squads as well) plus a Wraithknight without upgrades - and especially the latter should be an absolute blast to paint Harlie-Style, and once done will look magnificent.