View Full Version : 1000pt Necron tourney list

Bedroom General
06-29-2013, 08:37 PM
1000pt Tournament coming up

1000pt Necron

Vargard Obyron
Destroyer Lord MSS, SW

5xNecron Warriors in NightScythe
5xNecron Warriors in NightScythe
5xNecron Warriors

4xScarab Swarms

3xSpyders with twin linked Particle Blasters

1000pts exactly.

Basically I use Obyron, Destroyer Lord and the Spyders as a deathstar. Pump out Scarabs for a turn or so, then go wherever I want it to using the Ghostwalk Mantle.When they land they can dish out 3 twin linked templates re rolling 1s due to preferred enemy (useful for wounding). 5 high toughness multi wound models, 3 of which are monstrous creatures. tanking possible on both characters due to 2+ saves. Preferred enemy on everyone in combat, and it can choose to leave combat (Ghostwalk) if necessary. I used it with success in a higher point game and its my current favourite combo.

Its a take all comers list, but I do expect a few Space Marines will show up, and new Tau.

Any thoughts?