View Full Version : 1850 point Yme-Loc Eldar List

Alex Knight
06-29-2013, 11:46 AM
I am really not planning on starting Eldar any time soon (Just have a Farseer and will be grabbing my FLGS' last 10 man Dire Avenger box...) but decided to point up a quick Eldar list based on the Yme-Loc craftworld. I find that the orange and grey scheme is rather sharp so it would be the craftworld I'd do if I did any. So here it is, 28 models in 1850 points...

- Farseer (100 pts)

- Dire Avenger Squad (345 pts)
- 10 Avengers with Exarch w/Dire sword, shimmershield, and Shield of Grace
- Wave Serpent (Twin-linked scatter laser, shuriken cannon; holo-field, star engines, vectored engines)

- Windrider Jetbike Squad (122 pts)
- 6 Windrider Guardians, 2 w/shuriken cannons

- Wraithguard (The Tears of Isha) (385 pts)
- 5 Wraithguard w/ D-scythes
- Wave Serpent (Twin-linked scatter laser, shuriken cannon; holo-field, star engines, vectored engines)

Fast Attack
- Hemlock Wraithfighter (185 pts)

Heavy Support
- Fire Prism w/ Holo-fields, star engines, vectored engines, crystal targetting matrix and kitchen sink (195 pts)
- Fire Prism w/ Holo-fields, star engines, vectored engines, crystal targetting matrix and kitchen sink (195 pts)
- Wraith Knight w/ 2x Starcannons, suncannon and scattershield (320 pts)

Totals: 1847

According to the book, Yme-Loc goes to war with Engines of Vaul and Titans... Well, since I can't have super-heavies and Titans in a regular 40K game, the proliferation of grav-tanks and the Wraithknight are my stand-ins. (Plus thems be expensive kits!)

Things I am not entirely sure on: Star Engines on the Wave Serpents; D-scythes over Wraithguns; Exarch build on the Dire Avenger Exarch and leaving the Farseer vanilla. Also considering making it an Iyandan list so that the Wraithknight can be the Warlord instead of the Farseer.

Things that are not changing: Existance of the two Fire Prisms and the Wraithknight as well as having the Wave Serpents. - They are the key for the theme.

Thoughts? Other difficulties, aside from the sheer lack of numbers? *Constructive* criticism?

Dave Mcturk
06-29-2013, 02:06 PM
how many point is the kitchen sink ?

Alex Knight
06-29-2013, 02:52 PM
More than I want, and less than it should be. ::nods sagely::

Also, am pondering dropping the Jetbikes in favor of something else. Not sure what yet though... Mostly because I don't like the current heads on those models and as this experimental army is already expensive enough, I don't plan on buy a boxes/ boxes of guardians to replace it. Don't need the guardians...

Dave Mcturk
06-29-2013, 03:08 PM
loving the wraithblades 4+ iv save ... hopefully augmented by farseer seems to keep them alive all game...

06-30-2013, 11:44 AM
In regards to the exarch load out query, I would swap shield of grace for disarming strike. I would also consider swapping out the Farseer for a Wraithseer as that would turn your Wraithguard into a 3rd scoring unit (not to mention the other potential buffs), which I think could be key for this list in objective missions. I would definitely keep the bikes, as I have been saying they are one of the best troop selections in all of 40k since 4th edition. 6th only made them stronger and the new codex which reduced their points considerably while increasing their BS and vastly improving the potential of shuriken weaponry has boosted them through the roof. I may be partial as a long time Saim-hann player, but I would take 122 point jetbike squads over pretty much anything!

06-30-2013, 11:57 AM
Who is your Farseer supposed to hang out with? both of your infantry squads are in transports, so good luck casting much of anything... maybe put him on a Jetbike?
I'd keep the jetbikes, maybe split them into two squads of 3 for cheap fast scoring - unless you use them as bodyguard for your farseer
your DA exarch is actually illegal - you either swap your catapult for DSword+Pistol or PSword+Shield
I'm not sure about the D-Scythes either, but on paper they do look scary when in a Serpent to get them close - hard to ignore that kind of threat, and not that easy to remove either
I'd drop most of the upgrades on your tanks, except for Holofields... that saves you a whopping 170 points, or 140 if you want to keep Star Engines on your Serpents. I kinda fail to see the point of the other upgrades...
the Hemlock is pretty trash sadly, if you want a flier go for a Crimson Hunter (Exarch comes to almost the same points) - or, depending on how conversion happy you are, build it into a Nightwing Interceptor, which for how little it costs is absolutely brilliant.
Also, you might want to consider Warp Spiders (maybe instead of all the vehicle upgrades? dropping all but the star engines on the serpents gets you a 7 man squad that will murder any infantry and/or light vehicles and is even rather scary for heavier troops because of rending-lite - and if you ever get caught in close combat with Warp Spiders either you or your dice are doing something seriously wrong...)

Alex Knight
07-03-2013, 02:32 PM
Yeah, I saw that about the DA. I think I'd lean towards the PSword + Shield and take disarming strike instead.
Vectored Engines - Maybe not on the Fire Prism. On the Wave Serpents, it'll let me off load the troops closer to the enemy and still face them with the stronger armour.
And the Farseer would likely be within the Serpent with the DA. Have to look at the powers again to see if that is worth the sacrifice of only being able to target himself, the vehicle or the unit he is with.

As for Warp Spiders - If it wasn't a specific theme list... and if I liked the Warp Spider models...

07-03-2013, 04:17 PM
I've modelled my jetbikes with DA helms, there should be enough spare from your DA sprues to fettle some up :)

07-03-2013, 04:18 PM
Wraithknight - why are you taking a third gun when you can only fire two per turn? I would also recommend taking a scatter laser just to twin-link the suncannon for devastatingly accurate fire.

07-03-2013, 04:22 PM
Try and get a warlock in your bike squad too, bit of a potential buff with any of the battle powers really and load him with a spear for some tasty 12" S9 fleshbane goodness