View Full Version : 40k Rulebook for ipad? Advertised in White Dwarf but I can't see it!

06-29-2013, 07:38 AM
Any ideas? Is it out in countries other than the UK first?

Edited as I got a reply from GW about the release date ( see 3 posts down)

06-29-2013, 08:44 AM
I'm guessing it'll go up on iBooks in a couple of weeks. When White Dwarf says an iProduct is "available now" it generally means "this month sometime".

06-29-2013, 09:19 AM
I thought it might be a digital pre order like Apocalypse (which I have pre ordered) but its not visible at all. Oh well, glad it's coming. The digital codexes with quick reference are so much easier to use.

07-02-2013, 03:05 AM
Just got an email back from GW and they said:

Many thanks for your reply, we have just spoken to our digital team and unfortunately the digital version of the 40k rulebook isn't out just yet but we can confirm it will be released later in the month.

We do not have an exact date yet, however as soon as it is available there will be an announcement on our website.

So sometime quite soon - the digital codexes were a real eye opener for me, having the quick reference for special rules makes them invaluable.

I'll be selling my pocket sized 6th rule book and collectors edition now!