View Full Version : my 40k music recomendations

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-12-2009, 12:04 PM
seems whenever people make/post in 40k music related threads its always the same tired old mainstream music that has little to no cinematic value or "grimdark" feeling that suits any of the 40k armies, so I thought id make a list of my own recomendations of music I feel DOES fit 40k. To do this I felt about the aspects of each army and related them to music styles or artists that suited them, regardless of yep, personal taste. And yes, you'd be correct in assuming I have too much time on my hands.

Imperial Guard :

What else but the dark military sounds of Martial bands. Theres nothing like the sound of feet stomping, explosions, gunshots and war noise put to dark orchestral symphonies and heavy as hell march type drums. Perfectly grimdark.

Necrons :

as posted a bazillion times, its a whole genre inspired and influenced by Necrons. Its overwhelming, dark, brutal and insanely mechanical, and kicks the living hell out of any ***** metal tripe. The vocals will crush your ears apart, crazy daemonic-robot sound. I love it.

Space Marines :
http://www.myspace.com/dutiescalling (shameless plug, sue me)

So their like cyborg super-soldiers right ? well what music sounds like sci-fi war music with cyborg vocals ? oh yeah thats right, the more multi-layered styles of electro-industrial music.

Chaos :
http://www.myspace.com/wraiths (perfect for nurgle, and they even have an album alled Plaguebearer)
http://www.myspace.com/devourallstars (duh)
http://www.myspace.com/susanlawly (harsh noise with sick perverted lyrics ? sounds like Slaanesh!)

Like the name, chaos as in chaotic as in without structure or limitation with no order. Well it should sound dark and twisted too right ? well the only thing I can think of is death-ambient and noise. Might not be music to most, but then most would go insane if they felt the hand of chaos in reality too.

Dark Eldar :

This was a tough one, but high-tech synthetic evil sounding music like Terror-EBM seems to be apt. Most of it has hellraiser samples and dark gothic melodies that are thematically dark eldar esque. The vocals sound inhumanly eldar-esque too I guess. I could totally imagine this stuff being the anthems of Commoragh.

Adeptus Mechanicus :

Powernoise of course. noisey beats and archaic mechanical noises seem to be perfect for the priors of Mars.

The Inquisition :

pretty easy this one, first band I thought of was Decree then went for similar acts. Strong cinematic sounds, fire and brimstone and JUDGEMENT. Unfortuantly I couldnt find a band doing this kind of stuff with a female singer for Sisters of battle, sorry Mellisia!

Orks :

What else but junk-punk and really low-fi type stuff. Lots of metallic/junk percussion and low production value sounds suitably "orky" to me.

well thats it, maybe you might expand your music horizons and find something you like to play for your army. Sorry I couldnt find anything for Tau or Eldar (assuming you even care) - but ill keep looking for something of cinematic value that suits both.

11-12-2009, 01:13 PM
seems whenever people make/post in 40k music related threads its always the same tired old mainstream music that has little to no cinematic value or "grimdark" feeling that suits any of the 40k armies, so I thought id make a list of my own recomendations of music I feel DOES fit 40k. To do this I felt about the aspects of each army and related them to music styles or artists that suited them, regardless of yep, personal taste. And yes, you'd be correct in assuming I have too much time on my hands.

Unfortuantly I couldnt find a band doing this kind of stuff with a female singer for Sisters of battle, sorry Mellisia!

Just because some music is mainstream doesn't mean its bad :p. I have yet to hear a song better than "Bodies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO_QntXc-c4)" by Drowning Pool for Khorne. And "Disposable Heroes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUQz_eTe4kg)" by Metallica sounds as though it was written specifically for IG conscripts that are thrown into battle to die. And I like "Chosen Ones (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPyBCDeFCck)" by Dream Evil for Space Marines.

And it seems like every one of those songs is Industrial or techno in one variation or another. There are other genres, you know:p.

A youtube search turned up these for Sisters of Battle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpZOULt6NN4
Seem fairly appropriate to me.

11-12-2009, 01:27 PM
Fear Factory & Bolt Thrower are also great themed music (industriel & Chaos minded metal). i also listen to alot of the so called'gothic' metal & various podcasts when painting.

one of my friends has questionable tastes and listen to country 'music' as he pushes his guard around..... oh well, pobodys nerfect.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-12-2009, 02:13 PM
Just because some music is mainstream doesn't mean its bad :p

I didnt say it was bad, just felt it was unsuitable for 40k. I like public enemy, faith no more, pink floyd and prodigy for mainstream bands but their nowhere near dark or futuristic enough for 40k.

And it seems like every one of those songs is Industrial or techno in one variation or another

Other than the admech, inquisition and space marine recomendations - Id disagree. Death-Robot has nothing to do with industrial, its more like electronic metal but even harsher, its way too formulaic for industrial which is more about experimentation - infact I know a few guys that make that stuff that outright hate industrial. Martial is a style of dark military music, with its roots in more neo-classical territory, myspace just doesnt have a tag for it, and the ork stuff is more in the post-punk/no-wave vain (which also isnt my thing but perfectly orky in its crudeness and DIY approach). Terror-EBM is hardly techno, its more like angry goth trance (and I dont particularly like that either but it suits dark eldar IMO).

Still, each to their own, I just wanted to recomend and expose music I thought was more cinematically fitting. Thats all. The topic wasnt meant to be about whats musically better or not, but I apologise if I came across that way. I often forget My tongue in cheek humour doesnt translate well on the internet and can make me sound arrogant (which isnt my purpose).

11-12-2009, 04:08 PM
I didnt say it was bad, just felt it was unsuitable for 40k. I like public enemy, faith no more, pink floyd and prodigy for mainstream bands but their nowhere near dark or futuristic enough for 40k.

Other than the admech, inquisition and space marine recomendations - Id disagree. Death-Robot has nothing to do with industrial, its more like electronic metal but even harsher, its way too formulaic for industrial which is more about experimentation - infact I know a few guys that make that stuff that outright hate industrial. Martial is a style of dark military music, with its roots in more neo-classical territory, myspace just doesnt have a tag for it, and the ork stuff is more in the post-punk/no-wave vain (which also isnt my thing but perfectly orky in its crudeness and DIY approach). Terror-EBM is hardly techno, its more like angry goth trance (and I dont particularly like that either but it suits dark eldar IMO).

Still, each to their own, I just wanted to recomend and expose music I thought was more cinematically fitting. Thats all. The topic wasnt meant to be about whats musically better or not, but I apologise if I came across that way. I often forget My tongue in cheek humour doesnt translate well on the internet and can make me sound arrogant (which isnt my purpose).

No worries, I was just joking around too. Though I'm not an artsy person, so I don't what half the stuff in your second paragraph means :D. Math and engineering is what I do, not so much right-brained stuff.

11-17-2009, 12:18 PM
I've just started hacking through the list from the top - I may be some time...

I guess what you're looking for is almost an overall feel, rather than specifics - to that end, I guess a lack of lyrics (or those which are more abstract) is a benefit.
Similarly with more popular/mainstream music, a lot of it almost has too many (or too strong) other associations to make it entirely gel with the 40k universe.
That said, I think that some music which is associated or draws heavily from the same influences as certain of the 40k armies can work quite well too - here I'm thinking specifically 'Those Once Loyal' by Bolt Thrower, about the horrors and heroism of the First World War, with the obvious link to the Imperial Guard (though it is also one of my favorite albums ever, so I may be a little biased).

Although I can't identify any specifics with them, you've got me wanting to listen to Juno Reactor and look up some Corvus Corax remixes...

I don't suppose you managed to catch any of the 'Sound of Warhammer 40k' CDs or records?
I own all three CD compilations, and while they're a bit of a mixed bag ('Blood Angels' by John Starlight and 'Tyranids Vs Space Wolves Pt 2' by Thomas Brinkman are both very much odd...), but there are some fun tracks in there, and even some pretty good ones - I'd say overall the Eldar come out on top (Codec and Flexor are great in my opinion, even if it doesn't initialy sound obviously Eldar-y), and there are a couple of other good tracks in there like 'Blood on Borscht' by Jimi Tenor (Orks) and 'Soul Desert' by Mike Ink (Space Marines iirc, mostly abstract and marching feet).

person person
11-17-2009, 03:30 PM
Death-robot stuff sounds exactly how I imagine a Necron sounds like.