View Full Version : Re-Rolling?

06-27-2013, 08:03 PM
Well you can only re roll once, but I figured I'll ask this any way.

In some circumstances I found this can happen a bit more often than I realized.

1. Let's say you playing an Ethereal and rolling for a Warlord Trait
You roll 3d6 in your assault movement, which you have to re roll
On your re roll you get deepstrike without scatter and it says you need to re roll

At this point do you keep the unkeepable trait or you keep re rolling till you are told not to re roll any more

2. Another situation this came up in is psychic powers. For example you are a master 3 psyker.

You roll on Biomancy first.

The first power you get is Endurance. You roll again and get Endurance so you roll agan and get Endrance, do you take smite now, or do you keep rolling till you do not roll Endurance. When you roll for your 3rd power let's say you get Endurance and you can't get smite due to you alreay have smite. Do you keep rolling till you get a differant power. Will you have two endurance powers and on smite, or you simply only have one power now.

This has actually happened to me twice so far.

06-27-2013, 08:19 PM
Well you can only re roll once, but I figured I'll ask this any way.

In some circumstances I found this can happen a bit more often than I realized.

1. Let's say you playing an Ethereal and rolling for a Warlord Trait
You roll 3d6 in your assault movement, which you have to re roll
On your re roll you get deepstrike without scatter and it says you need to re roll

At this point do you keep the unkeepable trait or you keep re rolling till you are told not to re roll any more

2. Another situation this came up in is psychic powers. For example you are a master 3 psyker.

You roll on Biomancy first.

The first power you get is Endurance. You roll again and get Endurance so you roll agan and get Endrance, do you take smite now, or do you keep rolling till you do not roll Endurance. When you roll for your 3rd power let's say you get Endurance and you can't get smite due to you alreay have smite. Do you keep rolling till you get a differant power. Will you have two endurance powers and on smite, or you simply only have one power now.

This has actually happened to me twice so far.

Both these situations are not the same as "re-rolling" in the game.

Similarly to a daemon prince re-rolling spawn and dark apotheosis, you re-roll until you get a result that you can use (even limited use counts).

powers you roll one at a time, sawping out ffor the primaris before rolling the next dice, you roll until you get a power you don't have and can use.

06-28-2013, 04:21 AM
In regard to powers, we usually use the PsyCards. You draw a number of cards from a power, i.e. Bio, you are entitled to, check them and swop 1 for the primaris if you wish. Not handled exactly as per the rule book, but works well with randomness and simplicity.

06-28-2013, 05:01 AM
There is another situatin, What about if you keep rolling either Spawnhood or Dark Apothesis on the Chaos Boon table for Abaddon, you have to keep rolling until you get another result. Some of the Tau Warlord traits have to be rerolled if you do not have those certain pieces of equipment or skills in oyur Warlord's equipment. (through boldness victory, the ghost who walks among us, precision of the skilled hunter). These are all exceptions to the normal rule of re-rolls can not be re-rolled. There are not many of these exceptions though.