View Full Version : Victoria Lamb Female Troopers, WOOT!

06-27-2013, 05:35 PM
Saw on FaceBook that Victoria Lamb is in the process of sculpting bits for female troopers:


06-27-2013, 10:39 PM
Faces are a bit crude but not too bad and the more female troops the better.:)

06-27-2013, 11:18 PM
I like Victoria's faces because (1) they are not static and (2) they are sculpted, not computer generated. Even so, fair cop.

I'm still going to buy them though. ;)

06-27-2013, 11:24 PM
Hey I never said I wouldn't be buying any.:p Just a little critique, still a lot better than a lot of the alternatives.

06-28-2013, 07:55 AM
Love that they're visibly female models, but without the...exaggeration that usually comes with the territory. Fantastic stuff.

06-28-2013, 12:18 PM
I like them - recognizeable female but not too outstanding. But the toughes girl of the galaxy from RH are even cooler ;-)

06-28-2013, 12:23 PM
Female Not-Mordians! Woo!!!

06-28-2013, 11:52 PM
But the toughest girl of the galaxy from RH are even cooler ;-)

I cannot agree* ... but only because I have a soft spot for Victoria in the deepest, darkest, inky black depths of my heart.

Of course I'll be getting the entire TGotG set because I already have all the Kurganova sisters and naturally I wouldn't want my collection to be incomplete. I'm also planning to get Tallulah Bell (http://www.infamyminiatures.com/infamy_character.php?id=60&char=54) from Infamy because my daughter is a monstrously huge Disney fan.

I've also recently acquired Athena (http://www.agoraminiatures.com/en/athena/) and Cassandra (http://www.agoraminiatures.com/en/cassandra/) from agoraminiatures.com (http://www.agoraminiatures.com) for more practical reasons ... those being that I'm a total freakin' pervert.


*PSSSST! Any rumor on when those bad babes will be up for sale?

06-29-2013, 07:35 AM
@Necron 2.0: Hmm ... nice girls, sexy poses but IŽll not going to collect all what is a miniature and shows her boobies or ohter nice-looking bodyparts. For me a little sense - out of only collecting - is required. Means I want to play also with the girls and for that, they have to mainly clothed ... sounds strange?

06-29-2013, 11:39 AM
Faces are a bit crude but not too bad and the more female troops the better.:)

Hi, here is a larger version of the female Guard I am working on. My aim is to create fully modular female versions of all my 'Galaxy's Finest' regiments so it will be possible to field mixed squads. These are test sculpts, so all feedback is welcome.
Thanks, V

Just sayin'

But yay for more minis from Victoria Lamb! I like her stuff, and not just because she's Australian. She sculpts the kind of guard I actually want!

06-29-2013, 01:32 PM
@Necron 2.0: Hmm ... nice girls, sexy poses but IŽll not going to collect all what is a miniature and shows her boobies or ohter nice-looking bodyparts. For me a little sense - out of only collecting - is required. Means I want to play also with the girls and for that, they have to mainly clothed ... sounds strange?

Hey, I warned everyone. I did say "pervert" didn't I? ;)

I collect LOTS of minis. What I pull in for 40K is just a fraction of it. I have hundreds of nude and semi-nude figures (both male and female ... although mostly female) that I've been collecting for decades. My wife refers to them as my "Bimbo Brigade." Lately I've been collecting mainly from (in no particular order):

Kingdom Death
Raging Heroes
Anima Tactics
Tin Man Miniatures
Dark Sword

Of course, I've got all of Raging Heroes' "Blood Vestals," and those will be showing up in my DE army at some point, and yes they'll be bare-@ss naked. :)

I've also collected several from Victoria which aren't naked and that I couldn't use for 40k (don't have the army) simply because I like them - the Michael Caine I-Guard Captian for one and the Spanish Inquisition for another. I've also got her Penal Troops, which I currently don't have an army to go with, but I may build one up, using DreamForge Eisenkern troops.

03-28-2014, 07:56 AM
I think the faces look just fine. The range is fantastic looking, and all of a sudden I need yet another guard army... as for er, Raging Heroes I kinda like the sculpts and I admit I have seen paratroopers in heels (you know who you are) but they're really really NOT reccomended for combat. Have a look here http://impetuousorders.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/sexism-in-miniature-worst-of-infinity.html for a good look at what is wrong with wargaming generally and why Victorias new minis are so welcome.

Disclaimer: I like girls. A lot. Frankly, I felt the Avengers film should have been called Stop blocking my view of Romanovas' arse! That said, I can only assume the young'uns are pushed for time and have to get their wargaming and their soft porn at the same time...

03-28-2014, 04:31 PM
I truly love Victoria's ladies and will be getting some of them but I have to laugh at the people who cast stones at the Raging Heroes girls(both here and on other forums). They don't seem to understand the game they're playing. RH has a better grasp of the dark and bolder than life imagery that is the heart and soul of 40K than Vic does. Vic clearly isn't trying to embrace that aspect of 40K imagery. Vic's figures are truly more realistic depictions of what real female soldiers in this world might actually be wearing than what RH produces; there is no doubt on that score but Raging Heroes IS 40K. Some of the figures are somewhat titillating in appearance but no moreso than the SoB figures that have been around for years. Some of the armor is less protective than visually appealing but very few of the SciFi RH figures are scantily clad. I'm not big on the penal themed army but the other two factions could blend seamlessly into the 40K world.