View Full Version : Dark Elves Rumor Roundup

06-26-2013, 10:36 PM
via Warseer's Zeipherer (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?375273-News-amp-rumours-about-the-new-Dark-Elf-8th-edition-release&p=6819423&viewfull=1#post6819423) 6-22-2013

-New Book October 2013
-Executioner and Black Guard share same kit, with black guards having alternate caped back piece, head, and halberd.
The weapons are almost interchangeable without any work done no matter what torso you use for the body yes even if 2 handed.
-Cauldron of Blood. It is a hybrid kit with old witch Elf element for 1 build. While the new variation is like Empire War Altar.
It has a special aura similar to EOTG called ??? blades that is like a whirl wind of magic blades that damage surrounding enemies emitted by khain's hatred.

Via BoLS 6-26-2013

Look for many new Dark Elf models on launch, focusing on those "that needed it" *hint, hint*

via Warseer 8-1-2013

Dark Elves getting a hybrid kit....it is a plastic monster kit which can build a Hydra "supposedly the biggest monster there" or what is called a Warbeast of Karond Kar, don't quote me on the name....its what i'd call it....basically a monster and handler unit, with basic states, players can then pay points for upgrades, ie like +2 attacks, regen and etc...and therefore build if u want like a chimera or like basalisk or something in between, "yes something like acid blood upgrade"....no turn to stone upgrade but....think basalisk has something like that going by memory at the moment....

Via 40KRadio 8-25-2013

Dark Elves in October ~Editor's note, same as the very first rumor from back in June

via Warseer's soulferin 8-27-2013

One of our country represenatives on ETC was speaking with some VIP (i can't say who are these people) whose name is seen in each of the army books. The VIP told him that he has already tested new DE. There will be plenty of new models, two new monsters, two models of hydra, very powerful offencive lore with nice attribute which will boost it in addition. From the items will be for sure Sacrifficial Dagger which will work similar to the old one. You get PD on 4+ but you can roll as many times as you want till you roll 4 or more. Cauldron of Blood will be in a unit. That's all what he can say for now.

Via 40KRadio 9-4-2013

1) NEW Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box(Makes Spearmen, swordsmen, & crossbowmen)
2) NEW PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks
3) NEW Plastic Blackguard/Executioners
4) NEW Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner(Pulled by horses)
5) NEW Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne(This model is AMAZING)
6) NEW Plastic Hydra/Kraken
7) NEW Plastic Witch Elf box

Via Last Avenger 9-12-2013

1) NEW Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box(Makes Spearmen, swordsmen, & crossbowmen)
The new Warriors look quite different to me. But then again I am a big geek that notices stuff like that. They have cloaks that come down their back and all the helmets don't cover the eyes any more.
The cloaks hang down from underneath the shoulder armor and cover the back of the chain mail. It definitely is new for them but it looks really cool. The Druchii warriors also have shoulder armor. It makes them look simply awesome. The skull embossed on their shields looks great too.
The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings.
It does not appear that any of the banners have designs sculpted onto them. The pictures we have of the warriors show 2 regiments, one armed with swords and shields and one armed with spears and shield. Our source tell us that they will make crossbows but we don't have a picture of them.

2) NEW PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks
Warlocks appear to have one hand weapon
The warlocks are bare chested, and the weapons look mundane...aka not glowing. They look like large jagged daggers. They are held in reverse grips which looks pretty slick. The warlock champions eyes are glowing which IMO hints at some magical abilities.
The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings.
The Dark Riders are very cool looking. Sleek looking horses with only a bit of armor. All of the Riders are hunched over in the saddle to give the illusion of speeding fast cav. The helmets appear to be open faced and they are armed with spears in the picture I have, once again that doesn't mean they wont get crossbows (in the pictures we have they are in the back ground behind the Warlocks).
There does not appear to be a command group for the Warlocks, only a unit champion.

3) NEW Plastic Blackguard/Executioners
The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings. The Executioners appear to have skull faced helms. The theme to me appears to be a more sinister version of their High Elf bretheren. The plate armor has very spiked and jagged edges. The style will still fit well with the Shades and Reaper but next to these new models they will look very dated.
-Black Guard look very stalwart with large halberds and high helms with 3 spikes on each side with a flowing plume on top. Their armor is black trimmed in gold and they have dark purple cloaks. The unit champion is holding a sword by the hilt with the blade planted in the ground. Musician is a drummer.
-The executioners have what look like skull helms, and their armor is a brighter silver than the Black Guard. Their tunics are red in color and the Draiches are all held on the left hand side of their bodies (their left our right). They look very cool ranked up.
The Executioner champ is armed with an axe and is holding the decapitated head of a High Elf. Pretty dang cool.

4) NEW Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner(Pulled by horses)
The new chariot crew is armed with spears and what looks to be a large crossbow or bolt thrower on the chariot.
For the Scroungerunner charoit the crew look similar to Corsairs. The passenger shooting the crossbow/boltthrower has what appears to be a sea dragon cloak on. There are reins but they look like just normal black leather. The horses look awesome and angry. Both are black in color with red eyes. The chariot only has one wheel that is centered on the back part. Sounds stupid, looks cool. And as usual nasty spikes and blades al
And yes the Cold Ones on the chariot match the current Cold One Knights.

5) NEW Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne(This model is AMAZING)
The Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne look very cool. If you are a fan of the newer larger models GW has been putting out for WHFB you will really dig it. It is a bit toned down compared to the Empire Celestial Hurricanum/Luminark of Hysh and has blades and hooks on it to make it very sinister and Dark Elf.
The Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne are on a bigger base than the chariot base.
Yes the Cauldron and the Blood throne both have 6 wheels. They are on the same chassis, just with different stuff on the altar. I just noticed that the Witch Elves on Blood Throne have metal masks that cover the front of their face with the exception of their chin and mouth area and of course their eyes.
Ok and now to answer the Medusa question: She has the lower body of a snake and it appears there are other snakes on her base. The right side of her torso is bare, including her breast. In her right hand she is holding a spear. She has armor over her left breast and has a nasty looking clawed gauntlet on her hand. Her mouth is agape and she has snakes for hair. There is also a significant amount of blood on the model.

6) NEW Plastic Hydra/Kraken
About Hydra:It looks bigger and beefier.
Yes the Hydra does have 2 handlers.
-The Kraken has 5 heads/fanged maws. The have spines and scales with smooth neck and belly flesh. Scales are painted a Dark Grey with the softer flesh painted blue. Looks awesome.
The Kraken doesn't have tentacles, it has four legs with webbed appendages ending in claws and it also has a tail.
Yes the Kraken has multiple heads. From the pic it looks like there is one main head with eyes and the other four necks end with fanged maws. Very cool looking. It may sound stupid to people as it is walking but wait until the picture comes out before passing judgement.
You have to clear your head of any preconceived notions of what a Kraken is or looks like. Because lets face it, an 8 legged octopus creature flopping around on land would just not look right. It has 4 limbs that end in webbed feet with claws on them. It also has 5 heads. The main head has beady little eyes right above the mouth. The lower jaw on the main head extends kind of like an octopus tentacle but with teeth on it. The other heads end in an mouth with teeth and 4 claws around the head that look to facilitate grabbing their next meal.

7) NEW Plastic Witch Elf box
-The pictures we have of the Witch Elves has them with two hand weapons.
The witches are also sporting thigh high boots and are very dynamic with their poses. I wonder how much of a pain in the butt it will be to get them to rank up.
The Witch Elves look great. No mowhawks or anything like that. Long flowing hair, thigh high black boots and red loincloths and for lack of a better terms bras. They appear to have open mouths so lord only knows what they are saying before they come in and hack my poor High Elves to bits.
There appears to be a command group for the Witch Elves.

Crone Hellebron?
-Apparently one of the pics we have is Crone Hellebron. She is a little more armored up than a normal WE. She has a sword and a small blade (I am thinking Deathsword and Parrying Blade). She definitely has the big hair like in her artwork in the current army book.She looks young like a regular WE. She has a a bit more clothing, but not much. She has a gold mask covering her face that extends upwards in a crown like fashion. Both arms are raised towards the sky.

Via Shabadoo 9-17-2013

Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne
The whole contraption is a large lower platform on six wheels with a smaller raised platform towards the rear, which is reached by two staircases that curve from the lower center outward to the left and right front of the upper platform. The upper platform is where the Hag stands/Medusa is coiled. Near the top of each staircase is a witch elf guard, and they stand with their feet on different levels of the stairs in a nice "guarding" action pose. Those that guard the Medusa have spears, which they are pointing down the stairs, as if threatening anything that might come up them. The Medusa's right arm is holding high a spear, point upwards, and her right breast is bare. Also, the Medusa's body is covered in scattered small cuts from which drips blood. The paint job is in the very clean GW style and looks very nice, but I do look forward to somebody doing a bit grittier, more realistic paint job on the Medusa in particular. Seriously, the Medusa is a pretty badarse model, and anybody who doesn't like it should be publicly ostracized. Behind the Medusa is what looks like a large mirror on a pedestal. The mirror frame is gold, and depicts cavorting Witch Elves. The mirror is painted to look like what appears to be a row of moons in a clear blue daytime sky (i.e. the mirror "looks through to another world" type of thing is what they were going for, I guess). Also, Lion mentioned snakes at the base of the Medusa's tail, but it may be that it is the Medusa's tail that actually splits into multiple serpents itself, as the snakes are painted a similar (though slightly lighter) shade of green to the Medusa's lower snake body. The angle of the pic doesn't show which is the case, so we'll most likely have to wait for the pre-order pics to determine that. For the Cauldron of Blood, at the back of the upper platform behind the Hag is the obligatory large statue of Khaine, sword held aloft.

Via Daigar 9-18-2013

Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box £30
PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks £25
Plastic Blackguard/Executioners £30
Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner £25
Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne £50
Plastic Hydra/Kraken £50
Plastic Witch Elf box £30

Via Faeit 9-20-2013

The guys over at 40k radio are saying Tyranids in January, as did a source I heard from yesterday. A two month release for Dark Elves seems very uncharacteristic right now, so who knows? I am still digging to figure out what is going on, as I was originally told that the White Dwarf for November featured Tyranids.

Dark Elves Release Schedule
First Month
Advanced order/white dwarf from Sat 28th Sept. (so the studio can talk about them at UK GD)
On shelves Sat 5th Oct.
-most of the plastics already mentioned-

Second month
Advanced order/White dwarf from Sat 26th Oct.
On shelves Sat 2nd Nov.
-even more plastic crack Inc. Shadowblade plastic clampack by far the best model of range IMHO

Release Schedule
September - 1st Dark Elves Advanced Orders/ On the Shelf October 5th
October - 2nd Dark ElvesAdvanced Orders/ On the Shelf November 2nd

The GW Dark Elves Trailer Arrives with a date of 9-28-2013


Rules via Kiwi Hammer (http://kiwihammer.co.nz/new-dark-elf-rulesinfo-from-the-wd/). 9-25-2013

New Releases

All of the new models look great
The DE Army book is written by Matt Ward
The largest dual kit is the Cauldron of Blood which allows you to make either a Cauldron of Blood or a Bloodwrack Medusa. You can also use this kit to make the special character Crone Hellebron.
The next dual kit is Witch Elves and the Sisters of Slaughter – Sisters of Slaughter are apparently the lost daughters of fallen noble houses and look great.
The new DE Core box allows you to make your warriors with Spears, Swords and Shields or Repeater Cross-bows.
The Dual Hydra/Kharibdyss kit looks pretty good, there are pictures of the Hydra with different paint schemes that actually look a lot better than the leaked photo we’ve already seen.
The Special Character Shadowblade is a single pose figure that will come in a clampack
There is a Lore of Dark Magic Card set being released.

Army Special Rules/Points Cost

Dark Elves now have the armywide special rule of ASF (unsure if this will apply to monsters/cold ones)
Dark Elves also have Hatred but presumably only in the first round
Black Guard have eternal hatred
New Rule called murderous prowess allows Dark Elves to re-roll 1′s to wound. Unsure if this will extend to shooting and magic.
There is a new Beastmaster Lord Level Character which costs 300 points when naked on a Manticore
Witch Elves are core and 11 points per model. They can also take magical banners.
A unit of 30 Spear Elves and of 30 Xbow Elves with Full command costs 390 points. Unsure what options were used but that means the warriors were 12 points per model.
A DE Sorceress Hero looks to be 80 points
Cauldrons of Blood still come out of Hero slots and look to have increased in points. They can join units and one of their powers allows a unit to re-roll to wound. In the Batrep a unit with a Cauldron and this buff up deletes a unit of Sobunz.
Bloodwrack Medusas are rare and have a shooting attack called Bloodwrack Stare. Not sure what it does
Hydras can now regain wounds in a manner similar to the Slann with the regen power of the old ones. They are now 180 points, have monster+handler but have to buy their breath weapon.
Lore of Dark Magic – The attribute is called spiteful conjuration and does extra wounds to enemies that have spells cast on them. Unsure of how the mechanic works but could be similar to Tz lore attribute?
Lore of Dark Magic – Only spell mentioned is called Word of Pain and it reduces WS/BS/I
A Dreadlord with Heavy Armour and a Shield on a Black Dragon costs 449 points.
Cold Ones are 30 points and have 2 Attacks, unsure if the cold ones themselves have ASF

Latest Rules 9-27-2013

via Geruchteckuche
Sisters of Slaughter: WS 6, I 6, A 2 and a 4++ ward.

via Jossy on Druchii.net
Black Guard are ItP, ASF, Eternal hatred, Stubbord, Murderess prowess
Stats are 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 6, 2, 9

War Hydra is 180 points including fiery roar. Interesting the WD description talks about a lashing tail and poisoned tipped claws (possible upgrades IMO). The WD describes the War Hydra being able to regain wounds during the game, and then goes on to say its like an improved regeneration rule.

Dreadspears are 9ppm with Shield and spear, whilst rptxbows are 12ppm.

All Dark Elves all have ASF, Hatred (High Elves), and murderess prowess special rules

Witchelves also have Frenzy, and Poisoned attacks ontop of ASF, Hatred (HE) and MP.
The frenzy is increased to +2 attacks with the CoB apparently (unconfirmed)

The CoB also magnifies murderous prowess - reroll all failed to wound rolls instead of just 1's

A High Beastlord has the ability to boost nearby monster units. Unsure of how. Presumably you can still get a beastlord hero as the High beastlord is a lord option.

The Medusa can be taken on a mount (bloodwrack throne) or on foot (er tail)
On foot it is 90ppm and is selected from the rare option, has some sort of shooting attack with kb

I am surprised and happy to see the return of points values in WD battle reports :mrgreen:

Edit: Hellbron is included in the CoB model. Yes Plastic Hellbron, alongside a Bloodwrack Medussa, and a Hag...

I forgot to add, I've had confirmation that Black Guard are on stock run down. That means only one thing...

The WD also supports this as it mentions several times the "total redesign" of the Dark Elves, with only the CoK and Corsairs being 'sacred'

More via Druchii.net
The Hydra btw lost its Regeneration. Has the ability to get Lifepoints back. It has d3 attacks + 1 attack for each lifepoint and will cost 160 points. (Without breath)

cauldron of blood will have a +5 Ward for the Unit its placed inside. It also gives Frenzy (Rage or what ever it is in english) if the Unit already has it, they will get 2 attackes instead of one.
It also gives something in a range of 6" around the CoB. But forgot what it is sorry.

The Medusa will have an ability to force Initative tests with models in base contact. And it has Killing blow as a Range attack. I think it was 3 Attacks.

Dark Elves Cover

06-27-2013, 06:06 AM
sounds awesome, 'those that needed it' doesn't really narrow it down though...

06-27-2013, 06:21 AM
The only Dark Elf Models That REALLY need it are the Warriors and Witch Elves.
Hyrda is a Maybe as if the Bolt Thrower but Warriors and Witch Elves are WAY Bad and they are the heart of some armies

Mr Mystery
06-27-2013, 06:51 AM
Warriors, Witch Elves, Fast Cavalry, Cold One Chariot......

06-27-2013, 06:57 AM
I could see them getting a giant hydra as their big kit, that would be boss.
warriors are dire and desperately need replacing, but then no other core have been replaced lately so they might want to do the special units

06-27-2013, 07:13 AM
I heard about Witch Elf CADs being spotted in late 2011 in my old rumours which are looking pretty good now... Had them corroborated by Hastings too. I guess you could say the WE CADs may have been for the Cauldron of Blud though. Still it could be:

Executioners/Black Guard
Witch Elves/Something or nothing

For the plastic kits.

06-27-2013, 09:03 AM
If I learned anything from the High Elf release, it is that GW is willing to go crazy for new releases. My bet is that if they do some new monster, there will be a variant that makes it a battle platform, or they will release some new madness that none of us expects, like some monstrous cavalry or something.

06-27-2013, 09:05 AM
I'm hoping for Witch Elves riding unicorns.

06-27-2013, 09:25 AM
I'm hoping for Witch Elves riding unicorns.

Heh Black Unicorns, what with Dark Pegasi and Dark Riders too that would make Dark Elves the evil MLP army! They could look pretty awesome too:


06-27-2013, 09:34 AM
First thing I thought of: 4292

06-27-2013, 09:53 AM

06-27-2013, 09:57 AM
I would assume "that need it" means:

Executioners - the current ones have the most breakable swords ever!
Black Guard - with costume design by The Munsters, and shoulder pads by Joan Collins
Witch Elves - look an entire unit of Elvira Queen of the Night...
Cauldron of Blood - its just so horrible I have no words - and I own one...
Chariot - Strangely, the chariot itself isn't horrid, its everything else around it.
Warriors/Crossbowmen - still workable but showing thier age at this point.

And I saved the best for last:

Morathi - the most pissed off High School Cheerleader in the old world. Melt down the old master please and start over.

GW prioritizes metal ugly models for updates before ugly plastic ones, so the talk of new Executioners/Black Guard and Witches would make sense.

This thing from Warhammer Online was always intriguing to me: the Rolling Temple of Khaine.

06-27-2013, 10:00 AM
I would kill for that. Literally. Seriously.

06-27-2013, 10:09 AM
This thing from Warhammer Online was always intriguing to me: the Rolling Temple of Khaine.

Now that is awesome! Make something like that but as a Cauldron of Blood and have it pulled by a teams of slaves in chains with a couple Witch Elves with barbed whips and a Hag Queen chanting etc.

06-27-2013, 10:35 AM
High Elves didn't get new Spearmen and theirs are much worse than the Dark Elf ones, so I don't expect that to happen.

Witch Elves, Shades and Dark Riders need it far more though.

06-27-2013, 10:36 AM
So, still no Woodelves.....I am sad....

06-27-2013, 12:12 PM
I'm curious as to why when we are talking about DE models that really need updating, no one has mentioned the harpies which are probably the most hideous models GW have ever made. Not to mention being outrageously expensive. I was able to buy a box of Daemonettes and box of Tyranid Gargolyes to kit convert up 10 harpies and still save £5 over the cost of buying ten models. And I managed to make some models that don't make me want to stamp on them every time I see them.

06-27-2013, 03:06 PM
Shades, gargoyles and dark riders need replacing more than any others.

06-27-2013, 05:39 PM
Space Marines in September, and Dark Elves in Ocotber? I'm going to be so broke...

06-27-2013, 06:08 PM
I doubt Warriors will be redone. GW hasn't redone a single plastic box during the reign of 8th edition that I'm aware of. They are still focusing on converting metal, and to a lesser degree finecast, units into plastic. My predictions (not wishlisting since I don't play DE) are as follows:

Executioners/Black Guard combined Box
Witch Elves
Hydra (potentially mixed with another large monster)
Cold One Chariot (potentially combined with an altar of blood, although this is my least expected model/pairing).

Looking at Previous releases we usually see 2-3 plastic unit releases, 1 monster/big box, a handful of finecast characters (usually special characters), and a plastic generic character. I'm guessing we'll see a plastic lord since we already have a plastic sorceress.

06-28-2013, 07:28 AM
I think GW won't touch anything which is already plastic or finecast, especially the plastic which is dual kit like Warriors.
Things like Dark Riders & Manticore, which are kinds of signature stuffs for Dark Elves, would have a better chance to be remade, as they were not moved to the finecast like others, so there will be a "need".

As it seemed that not much of existing stuffs would occupy the options in the previous 8ed. updates, more than two would be too much.
GW would probably simply release new stuffs for the rest of the update so many of the players have no excuse not to buy them.
I think the finecast would be remade into plastic only after the stocks are cleared, or the molds are broken somehow.

06-29-2013, 03:51 AM
I doubt Warriors will be redone. GW hasn't redone a single plastic box during the reign of 8th edition that I'm aware of. They are still focusing on converting metal, and to a lesser degree finecast, units into plastic. My predictions (not wishlisting since I don't play DE) are as follows:

Executioners/Black Guard combined Box
Witch Elves
Hydra (potentially mixed with another large monster)
Cold One Chariot (potentially combined with an altar of blood, although this is my least expected model/pairing).

Looking at Previous releases we usually see 2-3 plastic unit releases, 1 monster/big box, a handful of finecast characters (usually special characters), and a plastic generic character. I'm guessing we'll see a plastic lord since we already have a plastic sorceress.

I'd agree with all those, though I reckon the WE will be a combo kit with a new unit.

06-29-2013, 11:55 AM
Heh Black Unicorns, what with Dark Pegasi and Dark Riders too that would make Dark Elves the evil MLP army!

Shh! Not too loud. You'll get Psychosplodge's hopes up!

This thing from Warhammer Online was always intriguing to me: the Rolling Temple of Khaine.

That's pretty cool, but makes me think of vampire Counts more than Dark Elves -- except for the pikes, anyway. Also, the scale! Wow!

06-30-2013, 02:37 AM
I've heard from two sources within GW that they have seen work in progress CAD thingamies for Dark Elf plastics, of which Witch Elves were named specifically. Another kit was mentioned as being Black Guard or Executioners. There was also another plastic kit he didn't recognise and some plastic characters. I'm embarassed to admit I can't find the original email to check exactly what he said. I think there may have been some large plastic critter as well.

I've had this corroborated by another rumourmonger (Hastings) who said it fits in with what he heard of Dark Elves coming in 2013 and CAD images meaning they are usually 18-24 months or so away from production.

As always, until pictures are leaked or GW sends out an email treat it as rumour not fact.

And newer rumours:

Oki-slash-doki, I have more Dark Elf rumours, from the same source as the first lot and also corroborated with a reliable rumourmonger (Hastings):
The rumours:
-plastic monster, possibly a hydra, not certain its for DE specifically which isn't a problem with SoM scrolls of binding
-plastic mounted character, possibly female
-dual kit chariot (this was mentioned by others already)
-plastic bolt thrower

Witch Elves, Black Guard and Executioners also all with extra coroboration. Late 2013 still the most likely slot for release.

Speculation and commentary:
A plastic hydra would be nice, the way GW are doing plastic kits it could really be big and dynamic. But they just Finecasterisated the old hydra (and the bolt thrower) so I felt this seemed a little odd. If the plastic Karl Franz/Griffon rider kit pans out it would be interesting to see if that impacts this rumour, a possible Morathi/Hellebron/generic hero kit? Just speculation. The dual chariot kit has been wishlisted/rumoured before, so nothing too new with that.

For the record I consider myself a rumour dissemination facilitator, not a rumourmonger.

As usual, don't believe it until GW announces it.
First posted these in late 2011 then the extra bits in early 2012, seems fairly consistent with what we are hearing now.

The Sovereign
06-30-2013, 08:15 AM
I can dig a new Dark Elves release (for kitbashing/converting my Dark Eldar). Hopefully some good witch elf bits to make a proper Lady Malys.

07-01-2013, 11:48 PM
I don't usually know anything or hear anything, but yesterday I was talking to someone who works for GW and he confirmed, to the best of his knowledge, this schedule:

August: Lizardmen, but that's not all
September: Big Surprise!
October: Space Marines, more than you expect
November: Dark Elves, more surprises
December: Hobbit
January: Dwarfs, and yes, more surprises

I stopped there because all I am really interested in are Dwarfs. I asked if the Big Surprise was Blood Bowl but he wouldn't say. I asked if the small surprises were supplement codices for 40k and he just smirked. I then asked if WHFB was going to get supplemental army books and he said he hadn't heard, but wouldn't be surprised.

I know people say these guys don't know any more than we do, but there it is for what it's worth.

Unproven source but seems plausible.

07-02-2013, 02:10 AM
Dark Elves? So soon? Interresting. Drachau needs new Blackguard and new Executioners! Crapy moulded draich....

07-02-2013, 04:28 PM
IIRC both Space Hulk and Dreadfleet were October, so I'm predicting we will see the long rumoured mystery box then (assuming it turns up), rather than September. Going two months without a new army release doesn't seem in GW's thinking, especially as sales from the box will be limited. Better to put it in October to balance the dip in sales for that quarter alongside the Xmas sales.

07-31-2013, 11:33 PM
via Warseer:

Dark Elves getting a hybrid kit....it is a plastic monster kit which can build a Hydra "supposedly the biggest monster there" or what is called a Warbeast of Karond Kar, don't quote me on the name....its what i'd call it....basically a monster and handler unit, with basic states, players can then pay points for upgrades, ie like +2 attacks, regen and etc...and therefore build if u want like a chimera or like basalisk or something in between, "yes something like acid blood upgrade"....no turn to stone upgrade but....think basalisk has something like that going by memory at the moment....

08-01-2013, 01:44 AM
Oh yeah, meant to post that.

08-02-2013, 03:30 AM
That sounds like fun. Breed your own monster. Though I can't help but feel it would have been better deployed in a skaven army book.

Power Klawz
08-20-2013, 05:00 PM
Interested to see what comes out of this release, haven't touched fantasy in quite some time... been waiting for the Dark Elf release!

As someone who owns basically every Dark Elf model released in the past 20 or so years I really hope to see some spectacular stuff. Witch elves specifically need new sculpts quite badly, along with dark riders who just... yeah. "Come at me bro" pose all the way.

08-25-2013, 06:38 AM
Just listed to 40k Radio's podcast.


His source has said that "Dark Elves are in October."

Might yet again throw a spanner into the schedule but I hope this ones true as I want Dark Elves.


08-28-2013, 03:57 PM
via Warseer's soulferin:

One of our country represenatives on ETC was speaking with some VIP (i can't say who are these people) whose name is seen in each of the army books. The VIP told him that he has already tested new DE. There will be plenty of new models, two new monsters, two models of hydra, very powerful offencive lore with nice attribute which will boost it in addition. From the items will be for sure Sacrifficial Dagger which will work similar to the old one. You get PD on 4+ but you can roll as many times as you want till you roll 4 or more. Cauldron of Blood will be in a unit. That's all what he can say for now.

08-29-2013, 07:36 PM
I appreciate the effort to keep these threads updated, but this is brutal. I feel like the GW lock down of info is even worse with the accelerated release schedule. It would be nice if they tipped their hand just a little before we get the "leaks."

Obviously the dagger won't be allowed to roll until it succeeds, and nothing here says anything. We can pretty easily infer what they will release based on how horrible some of the models are and perhaps expect 1 or 2 things beyond that (plastic/finecast characters, etc). Also, am I the only one that doesn't believe they will remake the hydra, when they can make a new $85 dual kit monster?

09-04-2013, 06:57 PM
Via 40KRadio 9-4-2013

1) NEW Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box(Makes Spearmen, swordsmen, & crossbowmen)
2) NEW PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks
3) NEW Plastic Blackguard/Executioners
4) NEW Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner(Pulled by horses)
5) NEW Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne(This model is AMAZING)
6) NEW Plastic Hydra/Kraken
7) NEW Plastic Witch Elf box

09-05-2013, 12:31 AM
Too much plastic I fear...

09-05-2013, 02:22 AM
Way too much plastic I think. I'd like to be wrong though, it would means all my Dark Elf rumours from 2011 are true. Take that Dakkadakka!

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-05-2013, 03:00 AM
7 plastic kits? yeah, I don't believe that. Then again, I didn't think Space marines would get as much as they did this month either - but then 3 of those kits are characters where as these are all normal multi-part kits by the look of it. I'll believe it when I see it.

09-05-2013, 03:18 AM
1) NEW Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box(Makes Spearmen, swordsmen, & crossbowmen)

This one I'll take with a strong pinch of salt as there is already a plastic box set for them and GW haven't been replacing existing plastic troop sets of late, instead concentrating on replacing metal/finecast sets with plastic ones.

2) NEW PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks

Currently in metal which is a GW priority to eliminate from their lines, so very likely.

3) NEW Plastic Blackguard/Executioners

We've heard this set rumoured from several sources over the past year, both units are currently in vastly overpriced finecast so I reckon this one is quite credible.

4) NEW Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner(Pulled by horses)

No model for the Chariot at all in the current line and having a model for every army option at the release of the Army Book is a current (and very sensible) GW policy, so I reckon this one is highly likely.

5) NEW Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne(This model is AMAZING)

The current Cauldron of Blood model is frankly terrible (seriously how does it even get to the battlefield, it looks more like a scenery piece than a unit. the previous model on its carriage was far better). Not sure how much credence I give this one, but I would certainly like it to be true.

6) NEW Plastic Hydra/Kraken
7) NEW Plastic Witch Elf box

We've heard rumours about both of these for some time now. The Witch Elves and Hydra are old models and in highly overpriced finecast currently so I can believe that these are true, especially the Hydra, though I do question whether the other critter that kit can make is a Kraken, which is traditionally a sea creature (and a ruddy massive one at that!).

EDIT: Lending extra credence to the Witch Elves moving to a plastic box set would be that they have vanished from the GW website store!

Mr Mystery
09-05-2013, 03:28 AM
Hydra isn't old....

09-05-2013, 03:30 AM
Playing devils advocate for a moment it could be that GW have decided to turn their attention to some of their older or less popular plastic core/troop kits, we just had new tactical Marines afterall. It could also be the larger release size of Space Marines isn't an outlier but a new trend, that GW have decided their production capacity and peoples wallet capacity can cope with an increase.

09-05-2013, 03:48 AM
the warriors desperately need an update, but then so did the high elf core models, so who knows...

scroungerunner? surely scourge runner if it is real?

would certainly like that list to be true. I could see a two option box of elite troops like black guard and executioners.

09-05-2013, 05:43 AM
I don't think you can compare Space Marine Tacticals to really any of the Fantasy Core boxes. Space Marine tactical boxes probably outsell many entire army lines in Fantasy.

As far as unpopular core... the Dark Elf core is far better than say Tomb Kings. Skeletons are just the old base skeletons with an extra sprue with flavor bits (not even enough to cover 1/2 of the models). While I concur that many core models need a revamp I think GW is still focusing on bringing out 1 large monster kit per army and a few other plastic updates for metal/finecast kits.

Given that the Dark Elves have so much metal and finecast I could see them getting a heftier update. I think that it's more likely that the Chariot and the Cauldron of Blood are in the same box. If so that would take it down to a slightly more realistic number of releases.

09-05-2013, 06:29 AM
Playing devils advocate for a moment it could be that GW have decided to turn their attention to some of their older or less popular plastic core/troop kits, we just had new tactical Marines afterall. It could also be the larger release size of Space Marines isn't an outlier but a new trend, that GW have decided their production capacity and peoples wallet capacity can cope with an increase.

I buy it and I really hope you're right. I also think it makes a bit of sense since they need to expand their player base again. An almost completely redone range lends itself to that more than a piecemeal release. I also don't see whey they wouldn't just do a one huge release. Both WoC and VC got large releases with about this many kits, put the wave and book releases together and it's not substantially different. I don't see why it is so unlikely, especially since this is an army that desperately needs it.

That being said, I would be very surprised if they redid a core box. The DE spears are much better than the High Elves, but stranger things have happened.

09-05-2013, 06:38 AM
I don't think you can compare Space Marine Tacticals to really any of the Fantasy Core boxes. Space Marine tactical boxes probably outsell many entire army lines in Fantasy.

Well you can, because it is a precedent for updating a core. The fact they were selling well could also have meant that GW wouldn't replace them because there was no compelling need to.

But remember that I was playing devils advocate there, I still think this is too many kits and new plastic core would be the least likely to appear if the release is the standard four kits.

09-05-2013, 10:31 AM
That list looks a bit large.

I can see all of it minus the Core Warriors.

That said, many of those kits would be the small one-sprue jobs, which don't use up the same resources as the big full sized kits.

Space Marines was interesting in that it was 100% plastic. I wonder if Dark Elves will continue the trend. If it does, I signals the beginning of the end of Finecast.

09-05-2013, 10:56 AM
Way too much plastic I think. I'd like to be wrong though, it would means all my Dark Elf rumours from 2011 are true. Take that Dakkadakka!
Bring the rain on dakkadakka, it's basically 40k facism in a website!

Lets hope they are as good as the new DEldar revamp for fantasy :-)

09-05-2013, 10:59 AM
Space Marines was interesting in that it was 100% plastic. I wonder if Dark Elves will continue the trend. If it does, it signals the beginning of the end of Finecast.

I hope so. While it has improved since they first started using it, models are still very hit and miss. Plus the single plastic clam packs are almost universally awesome.

Justus Ackermann
09-05-2013, 11:33 AM
This one I'll take with a strong pinch of salt as there is already a plastic box set for them and GW haven't been replacing existing plastic troop sets of late, instead concentrating on replacing metal/finecast sets with plastic ones.

Currently in metal which is a GW priority to eliminate from their lines, so very likely.

We've heard this set rumoured from several sources over the past year, both units are currently in vastly overpriced finecast so I reckon this one is quite credible.

No model for the Chariot at all in the current line and having a model for every army option at the release of the Army Book is a current (and very sensible) GW policy, so I reckon this one is highly likely.

The current Cauldron of Blood model is frankly terrible (seriously how does it even get to the battlefield, it looks more like a scenery piece than a unit. the previous model on its carriage was far better). Not sure how much credence I give this one, but I would certainly like it to be true.

We've heard rumours about both of these for some time now. The Witch Elves and Hydra are old models and in highly overpriced finecast currently so I can believe that these are true, especially the Hydra, though I do question whether the other critter that kit can make is a Kraken, which is traditionally a sea creature (and a ruddy massive one at that!).

EDIT: Lending extra credence to the Witch Elves moving to a plastic box set would be that they have vanished from the GW website store!
I generally agree with you assessment. Concerning the Hydra/Kraken: Well it would make sense model-wise, Hydras with their many necks/heads and a Kraken with a lot of tentacles share a certain anatomical similarity ;)

09-05-2013, 11:40 AM
I concur with all Brak's points. Anything in metal is a definite, any infantry units in finecast are very likely. Existing plastic units are unlikely. Until they did the tactical squad for SM, they hadn't done one for ages and they don't want to release too many new kits as over-saturation may hit sales.

09-05-2013, 05:18 PM
How would they justify a kraken on land though? Land-crawling kraken? (like how some octopodes can crawl out of water for a time)

It could be done, 6 heads + 4 legs = lots of tentacles, have a different body 'top' (shared underbelly) and a different face and it's easily done.

Plastic witch elves is a must, finally might mean my cult of khaine fantasy becomes reality! (especially if they can be taken as core with a specific HQ choice!!)

09-06-2013, 09:50 AM
Well, there's this thing (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer/Warhammer_Monsters/MERWYRM.html) that is a sea creature which can go on land. They have never really said much about krakens beyond that they are bad *** monsters, so they can fluff it up however they like.

09-06-2013, 04:54 PM
I hope they do a new release for Shades too if they are also doing Dark Riders. But all I can say is THANK GOD they are finally redoing the warriors. I have plenty of corsairs in my army but the warriors and crossbowmen just look awful next to the new sculpt corsairs. I hope they keep the aesthetic theme going and they all look good together. If they turn out anything like the Dark Eldar they should be gorgeous.

09-07-2013, 05:09 AM
I really wouldn't get your hopes up for new warriors. They are probably the least likely of the rumours.

09-07-2013, 06:55 AM
I saw somewhere that Dark Elves are getting army wide Always Strikes First, what do you guys think? Seem likely or?

09-07-2013, 08:06 AM
I saw somewhere that Dark Elves are getting army wide Always Strikes First, what do you guys think? Seem likely or?

I don't think any one knows for sure, but it would make sense from a streamlining perspective, and seeing how they have unified a lot of the magic lores, would not surprise me. I know fluff wise some people disagree, but the main HE rule isn't ASF, it's martial prowess, so giving DE ASF isn't some horrible fluff mangling.

I think that it also makes more sense than superficially differentiating between them by saying these elves are fast and those elves are mean.

09-12-2013, 05:31 AM
New roundup of wht people have said about the look of the kits:

Lets do quick roundup
1) NEW Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box(Makes Spearmen, swordsmen, & crossbowmen)
The new Warriors look quite different to me. But then again I am a big geek that notices stuff like that. They have cloaks that come down their back and all the helmets don't cover the eyes any more.
The cloaks hang down from underneath the shoulder armor and cover the back of the chain mail. It definitely is new for them but it looks really cool. The Druchii warriors also have shoulder armor. It makes them look simply awesome. The skull embossed on their shields looks great too.
The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings.
It does not appear that any of the banners have designs sculpted onto them. The pictures we have of the warriors show 2 regiments, one armed with swords and shields and one armed with spears and shield. Our source tell us that they will make crossbows but we don't have a picture of them.
2) NEW PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks
Warlocks appear to have one hand weapon
The warlocks are bare chested, and the weapons look mundane...aka not glowing. They look like large jagged daggers. They are held in reverse grips which looks pretty slick. The warlock champions eyes are glowing which IMO hints at some magical abilities.
The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings.
The Dark Riders are very cool looking. Sleek looking horses with only a bit of armor. All of the Riders are hunched over in the saddle to give the illusion of speeding fast cav. The helmets appear to be open faced and they are armed with spears in the picture I have, once again that doesn't mean they wont get crossbows (in the pictures we have they are in the back ground behind the Warlocks).
There does not appear to be a command group for the Warlocks, only a unit champion.
3) NEW Plastic Blackguard/Executioners
The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings. The Executioners appear to have skull faced helms. The theme to me appears to be a more sinister version of their High Elf bretheren. The plate armor has very spiked and jagged edges. The style will still fit well with the Shades and Reaper but next to these new models they will look very dated.
-Black Guard look very stalwart with large halberds and high helms with 3 spikes on each side with a flowing plume on top. Their armor is black trimmed in gold and they have dark purple cloaks. The unit champion is holding a sword by the hilt with the blade planted in the ground. Musician is a drummer.
-The executioners have what look like skull helms, and their armor is a brighter silver than the Black Guard. Their tunics are red in color and the Draiches are all held on the left hand side of their bodies (their left our right). They look very cool ranked up.
The Executioner champ is armed with an axe and is holding the decapitated head of a High Elf. Pretty dang cool.

4) NEW Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner(Pulled by horses)
The new chariot crew is armed with spears and what looks to be a large crossbow or bolt thrower on the chariot.
For the Scroungerunner charoit the crew look similar to Corsairs. The passenger shooting the crossbow/boltthrower has what appears to be a sea dragon cloak on. There are reins but they look like just normal black leather. The horses look awesome and angry. Both are black in color with red eyes. The chariot only has one wheel that is centered on the back part. Sounds stupid, looks cool. And as usual nasty spikes and blades al
And yes the Cold Ones on the chariot match the current Cold One Knights.

5) NEW Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne(This model is AMAZING)
The Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne look very cool. If you are a fan of the newer larger models GW has been putting out for WHFB you will really dig it. It is a bit toned down compared to the Empire Celestial Hurricanum/Luminark of Hysh and has blades and hooks on it to make it very sinister and Dark Elf.
The Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne are on a bigger base than the chariot base.
Yes the Cauldron and the Blood throne both have 6 wheels. They are on the same chassis, just with different stuff on the altar. I just noticed that the Witch Elves on Blood Throne have metal masks that cover the front of their face with the exception of their chin and mouth area and of course their eyes.
Ok and now to answer the Medusa question: She has the lower body of a snake and it appears there are other snakes on her base. The right side of her torso is bare, including her breast. In her right hand she is holding a spear. She has armor over her left breast and has a nasty looking clawed gauntlet on her hand. Her mouth is agape and she has snakes for hair. There is also a significant amount of blood on the model.

6) NEW Plastic Hydra/Kraken
About Hydra:It looks bigger and beefier.
Yes the Hydra does have 2 handlers.
-The Kraken has 5 heads/fanged maws. The have spines and scales with smooth neck and belly flesh. Scales are painted a Dark Grey with the softer flesh painted blue. Looks awesome.
The Kraken doesn't have tentacles, it has four legs with webbed appendages ending in claws and it also has a tail.
Yes the Kraken has multiple heads. From the pic it looks like there is one main head with eyes and the other four necks end with fanged maws. Very cool looking. It may sound stupid to people as it is walking but wait until the picture comes out before passing judgement.
You have to clear your head of any preconceived notions of what a Kraken is or looks like. Because lets face it, an 8 legged octopus creature flopping around on land would just not look right. It has 4 limbs that end in webbed feet with claws on them. It also has 5 heads. The main head has beady little eyes right above the mouth. The lower jaw on the main head extends kind of like an octopus tentacle but with teeth on it. The other heads end in an mouth with teeth and 4 claws around the head that look to facilitate grabbing their next meal.

7) NEW Plastic Witch Elf box
-The pictures we have of the Witch Elves has them with two hand weapons.
The witches are also sporting thigh high boots and are very dynamic with their poses. I wonder how much of a pain in the butt it will be to get them to rank up.
The Witch Elves look great. No mowhawks or anything like that. Long flowing hair, thigh high black boots and red loincloths and for lack of a better terms bras. They appear to have open mouths so lord only knows what they are saying before they come in and hack my poor High Elves to bits.
There appears to be a command group for the Witch Elves.

Crone Hellebron?
-Apparently one of the pics we have is Crone Hellebron. She is a little more armored up than a normal WE. She has a sword and a small blade (I am thinking Deathsword and Parrying Blade). She definitely has the big hair like in her artwork in the current army book.She looks young like a regular WE. She has a a bit more clothing, but not much. She has a gold mask covering her face that extends upwards in a crown like fashion. Both arms are raised towards the sky.

Mr Mystery
09-12-2013, 05:40 AM
Crone Hellebron does make sense if we are indeed getting a plakky Cauldron of Blood, seeing as she used to be able to take one as a mount.... See the War Altar of Sigmar for more.....

09-12-2013, 10:47 AM
Hurry up and be November already.

09-12-2013, 12:45 PM
I expect WE/Shades duel kits like the HE SW/MG

09-12-2013, 04:31 PM
I'm probably going to redo everything but my Corsairs.

White Tiger88
09-12-2013, 04:41 PM
Witch Elfs better show boobage....i need something to use as better demonette models -_-

09-13-2013, 12:37 AM
Thigh high boots and bras apparently, so should be fairly revealing.

White Tiger88
09-13-2013, 01:32 AM
Thigh high boots and bras apparently, so should be fairly revealing.

I love this information and you for delivering it oh mighty female overlord of the forums. (Besides TheGirl who is are benevolent overlord and non-Dark elf..)

09-14-2013, 11:23 PM
Hurry up and be November already.

October - November is Nids. Both are armies I collect though so it's going to be a rough few months for my wallet!

The Sovereign
09-14-2013, 11:35 PM
What's the medusa model for? Is that something from the Dark Elves fluff (sorry, I'm a 40K player)? Will it likely be in scale with normal Dark Elves, or bigger?

Lots of potential bits raiding here for my Dark Eldar! Especially for a proper Lady Malys.

09-15-2013, 03:19 AM
October - November is Nids. Both are armies I collect though so it's going to be a rough few months for my wallet!

I thought October was the mystery box?

09-15-2013, 04:08 AM
Sadly not, if the mysteryu box is coming at all it's not October. Unless 40k Radio are wrong.

09-15-2013, 04:48 AM
It's going to be a good Gamesday this year I guess, what with all the releases we have had this year, those to come and throw in FW too. Looking forward to seeing some pics of the DE ASAP. All sounds great so far.

09-15-2013, 05:25 AM
It's going to be a good Gamesday this year I guess, what with all the releases we have had this year, those to come and throw in FW too. Looking forward to seeing some pics of the DE ASAP. All sounds great so far.

Games Day is the day after White Dwarf is released, so we will know what is out and see pictures of the stuff before Games Day

09-16-2013, 12:44 PM
Sadly not, if the mysteryu box is coming at all it's not October. Unless 40k Radio are wrong.

Which they maybe. Still, that means a month less to wait for some sexy new witches.

09-17-2013, 06:13 AM
Description of the big kit:

The whole contraption is a large lower platform on six wheels with a smaller raised platform towards the rear, which is reached by two staircases that curve from the lower center outward to the left and right front of the upper platform. The upper platform is where the Hag stands/Medusa is coiled. Near the top of each staircase is a witch elf guard, and they stand with their feet on different levels of the stairs in a nice "guarding" action pose. Those that guard the Medusa have spears, which they are pointing down the stairs, as if threatening anything that might come up them. The Medusa's right arm is holding high a spear, point upwards, and her right breast is bare. Also, the Medusa's body is covered in scattered small cuts from which drips blood. The paint job is in the very clean GW style and looks very nice, but I do look forward to somebody doing a bit grittier, more realistic paint job on the Medusa in particular. Seriously, the Medusa is a pretty badarse model, and anybody who doesn't like it should be publicly ostracized. Behind the Medusa is what looks like a large mirror on a pedestal. The mirror frame is gold, and depicts cavorting Witch Elves. The mirror is painted to look like what appears to be a row of moons in a clear blue daytime sky (i.e. the mirror "looks through to another world" type of thing is what they were going for, I guess). Also, Lion mentioned snakes at the base of the Medusa's tail, but it may be that it is the Medusa's tail that actually splits into multiple serpents itself, as the snakes are painted a similar (though slightly lighter) shade of green to the Medusa's lower snake body. The angle of the pic doesn't show which is the case, so we'll most likely have to wait for the pre-order pics to determine that. For the Cauldron of Blood, at the back of the upper platform behind the Hag is the obligatory large statue of Khaine, sword held aloft.
I'll be in my bunk.

Mr Mystery
09-17-2013, 06:25 AM

Detailed description adds credence.

09-17-2013, 10:12 AM
That or grade a bull poo. Probably what you said though.

09-18-2013, 09:07 AM
Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box £30
PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks £25
Plastic Blackguard/Executioners £30
Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner £25
Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne £50
Plastic Hydra/Kraken £50
Plastic Witch Elf box £30
Prices, obviously. Scroungerunner still sounds weird.

09-18-2013, 10:23 AM
Maybe it scrounges corpses to feed slaves? Scrounges money so you can buy new models? =p

I do hope its more than 10 witches per box since 6E I have wanted a khanite force.

Also *NOT A RUMOUR JUST MY GUESS* the medusa + mirror possibly 'amplifys' her gaze so it works like a bound spell to debuff enemy units? I also suspect it will be in the scale of the coven blood throne from VC.

09-18-2013, 10:26 AM
Thinking it over I think the price list is made up. It lacks characters and magic cards and includes the Scourgerunner/Scroungerunner typo. Not to mention two fifty pound big kits in one release is a lot, Lizardmen and WoC both had one fifty pound kit and one thirty five pound kit. Some armies didn't even get a fifty pound kit.

09-18-2013, 01:46 PM
It's shaping up to be a big release, but I would assume the pictures will break this weekend.

If the studio thinks the army is fundamentally strong but the miniature range is ancient and horrid, they may decide on a big reboot to both update and get rid of a bunch of metal kits.

It's rare for such a large set of models, but they did it before with 40K Dark Eldar.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-18-2013, 02:25 PM
Well, the space marine release has had 8 kits (including the 3 character sprues). With two larger plastic releases in a row, it does make me wonder if this is setting a new standard for releases? also like the SM release, I don't see any finecast stuff. Interesting.

09-18-2013, 02:29 PM
Thinking it over I think the price list is made up. It lacks characters and magic cards and includes the Scourgerunner/Scroungerunner typo. Not to mention two fifty pound big kits in one release is a lot, Lizardmen and WoC both had one fifty pound kit and one thirty five pound kit. Some armies didn't even get a fifty pound kit.

I do hope so EG, £30 for 10 warriors is too stupid, even for GW. £30 for 15 maybe (similar to £20 for 10) but I suspect that if they have some sense it will be £22.50 for 15 or 16.

Also maybe the scrounge runner is like some sort of road runner but is scrounges / scavenges its food ! =p

09-18-2013, 06:26 PM
also like the SM release, I don't see any finecast stuff. Interesting.

SM's did however have 4 Finecast characters released for them just a month prior as part of the Apocalypse release wave.

Mr Mystery
09-18-2013, 11:36 PM
It's shaping up to be a big release, but I would assume the pictures will break this weekend.

If the studio thinks the army is fundamentally strong but the miniature range is ancient and horrid, they may decide on a big reboot to both update and get rid of a bunch of metal kits.

It's rare for such a large set of models, but they did it before with 40K Dark Eldar.

Dark Eldar needed it, being an effective ground up relaunch.

Dark Elves just don't need that much work.

Hydra model in particular is one of their newest models and a very nice one at that.

09-19-2013, 12:31 AM
Dark Elves need a fair bit of work, they have a lot of Finecast and the plastic core is almost universally reviled.

09-19-2013, 05:26 AM
Dark Elves need a fair bit of work, they have a lot of Finecast and the plastic core is almost universally reviled.

As a dark elf player who agrees that the plastic core needs updates, I still feel the High Elves are worse off.

Mr Mystery
09-19-2013, 05:33 AM
It's only the Warriors that need it. They were our sole plastic box up until the last book.

Corsairs are lovely, and the Cold One Knights are awesome.

09-19-2013, 05:34 AM
Plus Witch Elves, Black Guard, Executioners, chariots, Cauldron of Blood and Dark Riders.:p

Mr Mystery
09-19-2013, 05:38 AM
Yes but they're not plastic, are they? You stupid woman! *ducks*

There is stuff that needs an update, but the same is true of most armies (barring Empire and Ogres for my money. Arguably Vampire Counts, but they mostly just need new Zombies) but I very much doubt we'll get it all.

09-19-2013, 06:31 AM
You're lucky I know you're joking.:p

I'm just saying that Dark Elves are in need of a pretty big update too, not as much as Dark Eldar but no one but SoB are as bad as that.

09-19-2013, 06:34 AM
As a dark elf player who agrees that the plastic core needs updates, I still feel the High Elves are worse off.

The High Elves problem with availability of the plastics is a far bigger problem than the quality of the spearmen or archers. Try to build units of half the plastic units, and you'll find that you end up with too many command, not enough rank-and-file, or 10 plastic swordmasters, and the rest finecast of the old sculpt. I would hate to be starting High Elves right now.

That said, if they do update the Dark Elf Warriors, it is only one extra box to entirely revitalize a range. That seems worth it from a production standpoint if I was GW. I hope they go all-out on Dark Elves, like they did for Dark Eldar. No game can have too many Elves!

Mr Mystery
09-19-2013, 06:46 AM


WD is released week on Saturday. By now, we would expect quite a bit of froth on the 40k section if it was a 40k release.


Could it be Dark Elves this month? Guess the teaser due on Monday will tell!

09-19-2013, 10:03 AM


WD is released week on Saturday. By now, we would expect quite a bit of froth on the 40k section if it was a 40k release.


Could it be Dark Elves this month? Guess the teaser due on Monday will tell!

Haven't the Dark Elves been confirmed yet? :p

A rumour on Faeit points to a Dark Elves release spread over two months. They are definitely the October release, but November as well? Not buying it. If they were updating more kits, they wouldn't do it two months in a row, they would spread it out ala Warriors of Chaos and Daemons. Also, I would be incredibly surprised if there isn't a 40K release in November to capitalize on Christmas shopping...

09-19-2013, 10:16 AM
Haven't the Dark Elves been confirmed yet? :p

A rumour on Faeit points to a Dark Elves release spread over two months. They are definitely the October release, but November as well? Not buying it. If they were updating more kits, they wouldn't do it two months in a row, they would spread it out ala Warriors of Chaos and Daemons. Also, I would be incredibly surprised if there isn't a 40K release in November to capitalize on Christmas shopping...

That would also create an interesting situation where GW would have to say that it was a two part release, and what is coming out the following month, which removes the new release secrecy.

09-19-2013, 10:17 AM
You think the plastic elves are bad now...


Watch out for that guy in the front - he's got dynamite!

09-19-2013, 10:21 AM
Haven't the Dark Elves been confirmed yet? :p

A rumour on Faeit points to a Dark Elves release spread over two months. They are definitely the October release, but November as well? Not buying it. If they were updating more kits, they wouldn't do it two months in a row, they would spread it out ala Warriors of Chaos and Daemons. Also, I would be incredibly surprised if there isn't a 40K release in November to capitalize on Christmas shopping...

Does anyone REALLY think GW would devote a 2-month release window to Fantasy right up against the peak revenue holiday shopping season? When instead they could drop ANY 40K army in November and make more than double the revenue?

Remember what GW cares most about...

09-19-2013, 10:25 AM
I'm more inclined to believe in an unusually large release a la Space Marines than it spread over two months for the same reasons. Though Dark Elves are popular and with a big revamp GW might think it worth their while, but even so I doubt it.

09-19-2013, 11:16 AM
The Lack of leaked photos is agonizing.

That being said, it's working. I've been anticipating them all month, checking all the usual sites multiple times daily for a glimpse of them.

Everything that has been described now just sounds phenomenal. Can't wait to see it, though this much excitement ahead of time combined with my very vivid visual imagination may disappoint me. The plague drones had me so pumped for giant fly cavalry.. I started planning out realistic metallic colour schemes for them, you name it. by the time I saw them and they ended up looking... a lot less like real flies that I had hoped... well, i don't won any right now. lol

09-19-2013, 01:11 PM
Does anyone REALLY think GW would devote a 2-month release window to Fantasy right up against the peak revenue holiday shopping season? When instead they could drop ANY 40K army in November and make more than double the revenue?

Remember what GW cares most about...

Loyalty? Value for money? Public opinion? Sisters of Battle?

09-19-2013, 04:54 PM
I hope they replace those hideous Shades! That is the worst troop model in the range. hopefully we get some truly terrifying character models and a new Malekith.

09-19-2013, 06:55 PM
Has GW ever done a two month release before? It would seem to be an odd strategy to place a single army in the spotlight for two months before Christmas, but then again, wouldn't it have made more sense to push Space Marines over the holidays? I don't know if we can really fathom their marketing strategies anymore, other than to say that they must have a particular strategy, even if we would disagree with it or not understand it. Despite our rage of nerd opinions, these guys do tend to know what they are doing, from the perspective and goals they are living by.

I am looking forward to the Dark Elf release, however, and I really wish we were seeing pics now... not reading second-hand descriptions of pics two weeks before they are shown officially. I'd rather know these "leaks" six months earlier, or just wait to see the release for myself :p It doesn't help that a lot of the rumors sites (not BOLS) post misleading blog titles such as "Dark Elf Models", inclining me to click and be disappointed every other day. Hah!

09-20-2013, 01:41 AM
Haven't the Dark Elves been confirmed yet? :p

A rumour on Faeit points to a Dark Elves release spread over two months. They are definitely the October release, but November as well? Not buying it. If they were updating more kits, they wouldn't do it two months in a row, they would spread it out ala Warriors of Chaos and Daemons. Also, I would be incredibly surprised if there isn't a 40K release in November to capitalize on Christmas shopping...

The guys over at 40k radio are saying Tyranids in January, as did a source I heard from yesterday. A two month release for Dark Elves seems very uncharacteristic right now, so who knows? I am still digging to figure out what is going on, as I was originally told that the White Dwarf for November featured Tyranids.

09-20-2013, 02:07 AM
The guys over at 40k radio are saying Tyranids in January, as did a source I heard from yesterday. A two month release for Dark Elves seems very uncharacteristic right now, so who knows? I am still digging to figure out what is going on, as I was originally told that the White Dwarf for November featured Tyranids.

Yeah, I'm starting to come back down to earth on Tyranids, but it seems they will be the next 40K codex according to pretty much every rumour source, which puts them in January regardless. 40K Radio are saying that November will be a host of megaforces and bundle deals much like last November with the Necron and Space Marine (and so on) megaforces. They also said Tyranids in January, followed by Dwarves in February and Imperial Guard in March. Speculation here, considering 40K Radio seem to be the "new Hastings", it seems like they must have a very high up source to be getting both such a specific release list and the early leaked pictures of both Space Marines and Dark Elves.

09-20-2013, 03:42 PM
via Faeit 9-20-2013

Dark Elves Release Schedule
First Month
Advanced order/white dwarf from Sat 28th Sept. (so the studio can talk about them at UK GD)
On shelves Sat 5th Oct.
-most of the plastics already mentioned-

Second month
Advanced order/White dwarf from Sat 26th Oct.
On shelves Sat 2nd Nov.
-even more plastic crack Inc. Shadowblade plastic clampack by far the best model of range IMHO

Release Schedule
September - 1st Dark Elves Advanced Orders/ On the Shelf October 5th
October - 2nd Dark ElvesAdvanced Orders/ On the Shelf November 2nd

Mr Mystery
09-20-2013, 05:02 PM

2 month schedule thing......

You know, it could be accurate. Assuming November is the mystery box, they could still do a raft of Dark Elf models....

09-21-2013, 12:34 AM
perhaps fans could manage the release a bit more - a new army every month is too costly for some 'all armies' collectors. if the army window doubles to 2 months, i could see myself being able to manage the frenzy a bit more at my own pace. this would also allow for the army to have some continued presence in the spotlight. we'll see what happens

09-21-2013, 03:19 AM
If it is a two month window, I doubt very much it will be permanent. GW does not want books lingering around without models and switching to two month windows either doubles the length of an edition or means you get some books not getting updated in an edition, which is something they are trying to avoid. I'm sorry billy, but there are few enough 'all army collectors' for them not to be worth GW considering. Plus, they'd much rather keep the hype going for the next new army and keep sales high than try to drag out over two months. Most likely is mystery's suggestion that these will be a few new models alongside a bigger release like a mystery box, much like they keep dropping a fee new hobbit figures every month. That would especially make sense if the mystery box is 40k themed.

09-21-2013, 07:45 AM
Interestingly, I think I recall the releases being spread across 2 months back in the 90s. There would frequently be the plastic box and book in month one, WD would have the battle report and studio army, and then the second month would be other units, and WD would focus on what staff members were doing with the models.

09-21-2013, 08:05 AM
The Dark Eldar release was spread over November 2010 I believe, with the second wave coming later in the month. Not sure it was as late as the next month though.

09-22-2013, 07:29 AM
October release:

Dreadspears(Warriors?) £20
Shadowblade £12
Witch Elves £35
Cauldron of Blood £45
Kharibdyss £40

from indie retailer, BTW no pic.

edit: Army book and Magic Card set too, but no "battleforce".
Thirty five pounds for ten Witch Elves is a lot, they better be nice.

09-22-2013, 12:26 PM
OK, there are a few things Dark Elves really need IMHO, besides turning metal and fine cast to plastic,
1:new Shades
2: new Malekith
3: a decent Hellebron and Manticore.
4: New Dark Riders on non-cartoony horses.
5 a unit of dark pegesus riders would rock.
New warriors would be low on my list.

09-22-2013, 01:02 PM
OK, there are a few things Dark Elves really need IMHO, besides turning metal and fine cast to plastic,
1:new Shades
2: new Malekith
3: a decent Hellebron and Manticore.
4: New Dark Riders on non-cartoony horses.
5 a unit of dark pegesus riders would rock.
New warriors would be low on my list.

if 40k radio is right, and they probably are. Youre going to be a bit disapointed, because the only things on your list thats getting new models are the dark riders and hellebron.

09-23-2013, 02:46 AM
What does everyone think of the whole "Dark Elves spread over two months" rumour? Doesn't seem like it will be the case, IMO, but seems to be getting quite a bit of steam. It just doesn't seem to make sense for GW to devote two months to a Fantasy release instead of their biggest money-maker in Space Marines, for example...

09-23-2013, 03:02 AM
It is being strongly rumoured but it does seem hard to believe.

09-23-2013, 04:39 AM
I think the killer for me is that 40K Radio haven't said anything about two months of Dark Elves.

09-23-2013, 05:51 AM
I can't see it. Which doesn't mean it isn't going to happen.

09-23-2013, 09:06 AM
New teaser is up, for this month's Dark Elves.

09-23-2013, 09:20 AM
Arousing. Someone needs to leak pictures already.

09-23-2013, 11:47 AM
And here it is...


09-23-2013, 11:57 AM
I'm having a coniption over here. we need pics already.

09-23-2013, 12:03 PM
All of it sounds cool but, there isn't a leak to see what the new stuff looks like so I'm not going to set aside money to buy any of it.

Mr Mystery
09-23-2013, 03:54 PM
All of it sounds cool but, there isn't a leak to see what the new stuff looks like so I'm not going to set aside money to buy any of it.


09-23-2013, 11:35 PM
US prices via Faeit:

Everyone is whining about the cost of the Witch Elf kit, predictably enough. Still cheaper than Finecast. To be fair they had better be damned nice to warrant the cost but if they are people will pay it. also a dual build kit, two female units in one ftw. Speculation is that Witch elves will move to core, I do hope so.

09-24-2013, 12:07 AM
But no mention on that list of any new suppliments ?

09-24-2013, 12:19 AM
New supplements might be digital only, so they wouldn't be on the list.

09-24-2013, 12:19 AM
Nice one Eldargal! Witch elves moving to core would be pretty amazing, fingers crossed. If those models are anything like the plastic sorceress, they will be very nice indeed. Good to see Shadowblade in plastic too

09-24-2013, 12:21 AM
New supplements might be digital only, so they wouldn't be on the list.

didn't the farsight supplement end up on the list?

09-24-2013, 12:23 AM
Well it's on that lsit because physical copies are coming, I don't recall it being on the previous months list.

09-24-2013, 12:32 AM
Yes, without derailing from Dark Elves release (which holds no interest for me really) I was looking for maybe a Space Marine one, but as EG pointed out this is a physical product price list. Thanks for pointing that out. :)

09-24-2013, 12:35 AM
Well it's on that lsit because physical copies are coming, I don't recall it being on the previous months list.

Sorry yeah I meant when the digital was released I'm pretty sure it was listed....I'll go check faiet.

edit: hmm kind find anything I think your right then, digital only doesn't get mentioned.

09-24-2013, 12:36 AM
The sisters of slaughter are rares: enemies is base contact with them lose rank bonuses.
Hydras are specials can upgrade to get a strength 4 breath attack, no regen but can regrow heads (recover lost wounds) just like the slann can with his discipline.
The kraken thing has a special ability that triggers when all 5 of its attacks hits ( gets an extra attack that inflicts additional hits) has a scaly skin save and causes terror. Enemy models in base contact must re roll successful leadership tests. Both use the monster and handler rules.
They have 2 signature spells just like high magic. One of the spells goes off on a 8+ and grants a unit +1 strength and then you gain D3 power dice but if you gain 3 power dice this way the wizard suffers a wound with no saves allowed.
The army has always strikes first.
Murderous Prowless: models with this rule re roll 1s when rolling to wound.
Wizards casting Dark Magic add plus 1 to their casting attempts.
That is all I remember from what my source told me. Hope it helps.
If accurate, Sisters of Slaughter = Skaven obliterfriers.

09-24-2013, 12:49 AM
haha bout time something hard countered skaven slaves.

09-24-2013, 01:01 AM
I don't really care about the new models we know whats coming, can we get some news on the new rules and what magic items are staying/coming/going?

Mr Mystery
09-24-2013, 02:53 AM
If accurate, Sisters of Slaughter = Skaven obliterfriers.

I dunno.....entire list sounds a little bit Monkey's to me....

ASF, and re-roll ones to hit? Don't buy it.
Kraken thing...not seeing it up on that list, unless it's the Khayrbididdiiddiiddis thingy.

Also, do we know Witch's (WITCH!) are 10 per box? Could be 20?

09-24-2013, 02:58 AM
It's unlikely the Witch elves are 20 to a box, it will be ten for thirty to thirty five pounds probably. Dual build with more sprues than a typical 10 model box though.

The kraken thing is Kharybdis.:)

The rules rumours are, at this point, the most dubious of them to be frank.

Mr Mystery
09-24-2013, 03:08 AM
Particularly the re-growing heads thing....just seems really clunky compared to 'hey, let's leave it with Regen!'.

But you never know! I'm a cynical sod until things are in my hands (fnarr)

Dreadspears are of interest....I wonder if rather than redone Warriors, they might be a new unit...

09-24-2013, 05:21 AM
Images should be incoming shortly.

09-24-2013, 05:28 AM
*Watches thread intently* :)

Mr Mystery
09-24-2013, 05:34 AM
Not sure I want to see them now to be honest...

At least not in the usual 'crap-o-vision' rumour mongers use these days.

Would quite like to just pick up my WD and see them for the first time. And indeed, see them for the first time without received opinions and moronic, childish names for the models from the usual 'nothing is ever good enough if it's from GW' hate mob.

Plus, it's a test of willpower. And I am giving up smoking as of this evening*...so stretching willpower sounds like a laugh!

Got a small amount of baccy left. Might as well use that up!

09-24-2013, 05:46 AM
Photo thread here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?35747-Dark-Elf-Pictures).

09-24-2013, 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by Scizorsfury

Ok, who's Scizorsfury? I haven't heard that name before ...

Not sure I want to see them now to be honest...

At least not in the usual 'crap-o-vision' rumour mongers use these days.

I'm not sure it's wise to be hanging around on a rumour thread then :p

09-25-2013, 02:43 AM

Army Special Rules/Points Cost
Dark Elves now have the armywide special rule of ASF (unsure if this will apply to monsters/cold ones)
Dark Elves also have Hatred but presumably only in the first round
Black Guard have eternal hatred
New Rule called murderous prowess allows Dark Elves to re-roll 1′s to wound. Unsure if this will extend to shooting and magic.
There is a new Beastmaster Lord Level Character which costs 300 points when naked on a Manticore
Witch Elves are core and 11 points per model. They can also take magical banners.
A unit of 30 Spear Elves and of 30 Xbow Elves with Full command costs 390 points. Unsure what options were used but that means the warriors were 12 points per model.
A DE Sorceress Hero looks to be 80 points
Cauldrons of Blood still come out of Hero slots and look to have increased in points. They can join units and one of their powers allows a unit to re-roll to wound. In the Batrep a unit with a Cauldron and this buff up deletes a unit of Sobunz.
Bloodwrack Medusas are rare and have a shooting attack called Bloodwrack Stare. Not sure what it does
Hydras can now regain wounds in a manner similar to the Slann with the regen power of the old ones. They are now 180 points, have monster+handler but have to buy their breath weapon.
Lore of Dark Magic – The attribute is called spiteful conjuration and does extra wounds to enemies that have spells cast on them. Unsure of how the mechanic works but could be similar to Tz lore attribute?
Lore of Dark Magic – Only spell mentioned is called Word of Pain and it reduces WS/BS/I
A Dreadlord with Heavy Armour and a Shield on a Black Dragon costs 449 points.
Cold Ones are 30 points and have 2 Attacks, unsure if the cold ones themselves have ASF

From Plastic Krak (http://plastickrak.blogspot.co.nz/2013/09/dark-elves-rules-leaks.html)

Mr Mystery
09-25-2013, 03:17 AM
No Sir, I don't buy it.

ASF, Hatred, and re-roll one's to wound? Not a chance is that army wide.

First, ASF gives a Hatred equivalent in most situations anyway. Re-roll one's to wound? Perhaps on specific units, but I don't believe that will be army wide!

Cauldrons were also previously Rare, so rumours seem a bit off.

09-25-2013, 05:22 AM
No Sir, I don't buy it.

ASF, Hatred, and re-roll one's to wound? Not a chance is that army wide.

First, ASF gives a Hatred equivalent in most situations anyway. Re-roll one's to wound? Perhaps on specific units, but I don't believe that will be army wide!

Cauldrons were also previously Rare, so rumours seem a bit off.

letting them keep hatred is probably more so they get rerolls against highelves. With the creation of the bloodwrack shrine, the cauldron may have been bumped to a hero mount, which would really suck since its going to eat into sorceress points badly.

Mr Mystery
09-25-2013, 05:29 AM
Hold on...

Thinking about it.....

Cauldrons come with Hags, and as Rare. It's been ages since I read my Dark Elf book (not in this edition I'd say!) so I can't rightly remember if Hags are heros as well.....

I reckon we're seeing a lot of incorrect supposition in amongst these 'rumours'.

09-25-2013, 05:32 AM
I believe Hags are heroes, it has been a long time since I played DEs

09-25-2013, 05:40 AM
Warriors 12 points and witch elves only 11?? The 5 point increase for warriors only for asf and possibly murderous prowess (insane...). I don't understand that. The rest of the changes seems very balanced to me so I cant understand this dramatic increase in points. The cold one knights increase only in three points and they gain a extra strength 4 attack and asf (very reasonable). If thats true the warriors will never see the daylight. I mean look at out high elf brethren nobody uses spear elfs and with the new rumored dark elves rules our spearman should be at least 1 point cheaper (martial prowess>murderous prowess in most cases).

Mr Mystery
09-25-2013, 05:45 AM
Kind of meant Cauldrons were mounts for Hags, and a Rare choice later in the list :p

But yeah. Angrybear raises a fair point....the reported points seem a bit wonky.

Really expecting this to be utter bunkum. But....you never know.

09-25-2013, 06:08 AM
I just took my High Elves book and started thinking about the 12 point warrior and I might found a clarification. The high elf spear man is 9 and is probably identical to our warrior. If gw possible thinks that murderous prowess is as good as martial prowess the warrior would be 9 (same author so no reason not to be). So what could be this 3 point difference? First I thought heavy armor. But heavy armor is not three points, surely gw knows this. But maybe an assassin is included in the point cost? That would be a very logical explanation for the increased points. (390 points-30 for command and -90 for an assassin (previous 7th cost) means the warrior is 9 points (270/30:P).

Mr Mystery
09-25-2013, 07:09 AM
Dude. Rumours are rumours.

Unless you've seen the book, you don't know the points values. If this guy is extrapolating from WD, he's likely done it wrong.

Or it's all pulled from his botty.

09-25-2013, 07:33 AM
Dude. Rumours are rumours.

Unless you've seen the book, you don't know the points values. If this guy is extrapolating from WD, he's likely done it wrong.

Or it's all pulled from his botty.

Captain obvious:P No but seriously all he says makes very good sense so it has a great "chance" to be true. Yes it are still rumours but I just gave an explanation for the costs he gave. My calculation was based on the old book and the newly written high elf book (probably the same author as our upcoming 8th dark elf book). My post was just to make sense of the only strange number in his post.

09-25-2013, 11:28 AM
Rules via Kiwi Hammer (http://kiwihammer.co.nz/new-dark-elf-rulesinfo-from-the-wd/).

New Releases

All of the new models look great
The DE Army book is written by Matt Ward
The largest dual kit is the Cauldron of Blood which allows you to make either a Cauldron of Blood or a Bloodwrack Medusa. You can also use this kit to make the special character Crone Hellebron.
The next dual kit is Witch Elves and the Sisters of Slaughter – Sisters of Slaughter are apparently the lost daughters of fallen noble houses and look great.
The new DE Core box allows you to make your warriors with Spears, Swords and Shields or Repeater Cross-bows.
The Dual Hydra/Kharibdyss kit looks pretty good, there are pictures of the Hydra with different paint schemes that actually look a lot better than the leaked photo we’ve already seen.
The Special Character Shadowblade is a single pose figure that will come in a clampack
There is a Lore of Dark Magic Card set being released.

Army Special Rules/Points Cost

Dark Elves now have the armywide special rule of ASF (unsure if this will apply to monsters/cold ones)
Dark Elves also have Hatred but presumably only in the first round
Black Guard have eternal hatred
New Rule called murderous prowess allows Dark Elves to re-roll 1′s to wound. Unsure if this will extend to shooting and magic.
There is a new Beastmaster Lord Level Character which costs 300 points when naked on a Manticore
Witch Elves are core and 11 points per model. They can also take magical banners.
A unit of 30 Spear Elves and of 30 Xbow Elves with Full command costs 390 points. Unsure what options were used but that means the warriors were 12 points per model.
A DE Sorceress Hero looks to be 80 points
Cauldrons of Blood still come out of Hero slots and look to have increased in points. They can join units and one of their powers allows a unit to re-roll to wound. In the Batrep a unit with a Cauldron and this buff up deletes a unit of Sobunz.
Bloodwrack Medusas are rare and have a shooting attack called Bloodwrack Stare. Not sure what it does
Hydras can now regain wounds in a manner similar to the Slann with the regen power of the old ones. They are now 180 points, have monster+handler but have to buy their breath weapon.
Lore of Dark Magic – The attribute is called spiteful conjuration and does extra wounds to enemies that have spells cast on them. Unsure of how the mechanic works but could be similar to Tz lore attribute?
Lore of Dark Magic – Only spell mentioned is called Word of Pain and it reduces WS/BS/I
A Dreadlord with Heavy Armour and a Shield on a Black Dragon costs 449 points.
Cold Ones are 30 points and have 2 Attacks, unsure if the cold ones themselves have ASF

09-25-2013, 11:59 AM
supprised that these (http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.php?showtopic=177534&st=400) haven't made their way to the thread

09-25-2013, 12:36 PM
Dude. Rumours are rumours.

Unless you've seen the book, you don't know the points values. If this guy is extrapolating from WD, he's likely done it wrong.

Or it's all pulled from his botty.

Given they don't print points costs in the battle reports these days I'd be amazed if this was extrapolation from there. 11 points for spearmen seems reasonable enough, especially if they get all those buffs. There is no way they should only be a point more expensive than empire spearmen as they currently are. Cheaper than witches makes sense given that witches have no armour. I personally don't buy ASF and hatred, as other have pointed out, ASF cancels hatred against anything that isn't an elf. If they do that, most likely it's only against high elves.

supprised that these (http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.php?showtopic=177534&st=400) haven't made their way to the thread

Probably because there's a whole thread of them. You can find it here. (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?35747-Dark-Elf-Pictures)

09-25-2013, 12:53 PM
Given they don't print points costs in the battle reports these days

They did in the most recent battle report, Black Templars vs Nurgle Marines and Nurgle Daemons, so they may have just changed this policy again ...

09-25-2013, 02:02 PM
Oh right. I haven't got round to reading the space marine issue yet. Be a welcome change if they have, I had no idea how balanced the non-point games were with the lack of points displayed.

09-25-2013, 02:57 PM
Yes the picture makes the COB an obvious mount (like Screaming Bell or Coven Throne). Hopefully it will have a 4+ ward as it will be cannon bait big time (just like Screaming Bell and Coven Throne). Gorgeous model though.

It will have a +5 Ward for the Unit its placed inside. It also gives Frenzy (Rage or what ever it is in english) if the Unit already has it, they will get 2 attackes instead of one.
It also gives something in a range of 6" around the CoB. But forgot what it is sorry.

The Hydra btw lost its Regeneration. Has the ability to get Lifepoints back. It has d3 attacks + 1 attack for each lifepoint and will cost 160 points. (Without breath)

The Medusa will have an ability to force Initative tests with models in base contact. And it has Killing blow as a Range attack. I think it was 3 Attacks.

Thats the stuff i still have in mind. there was more but i dont remember it.

Some rumors from druchii.net. All credits go to Askador.

09-26-2013, 09:18 AM
Some extra rules and clarifications from Faeit (http://natfka.blogspot.com.au/2013/09/more-dark-elf-rules-sisters-of.html).

via Geruchteckuche
Sisters of Slaughter: WS 6, I 6, A 2 and a 4++ ward.

via Jossy on Druchii.net
Black Guard are ItP, ASF, Eternal hatred, Stubbord, Murderess prowess
Stats are 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 6, 2, 9

War Hydra is 180 points including fiery roar. Interesting the WD description talks about a lashing tail and poisoned tipped claws (possible upgrades IMO). The WD describes the War Hydra being able to regain wounds during the game, and then goes on to say its like an improved regeneration rule.

Dreadspears are 9ppm with Shield and spear, whilst rptxbows are 12ppm.

All Dark Elves all have ASF, Hatred (High Elves), and murderess prowess special rules

Witchelves also have Frenzy, and Poisoned attacks ontop of ASF, Hatred (HE) and MP.
The frenzy is increased to +2 attacks with the CoB apparently (unconfirmed)

The CoB also magnifies murderous prowess - reroll all failed to wound rolls instead of just 1's

A High Beastlord has the ability to boost nearby monster units. Unsure of how. Presumably you can still get a beastlord hero as the High beastlord is a lord option.

The Medusa can be taken on a mount (bloodwrack throne) or on foot (er tail)
On foot it is 90ppm and is selected from the rare option, has some sort of shooting attack with kb

I am surprised and happy to see the return of points values in WD battle reports :mrgreen:

Edit: Hellbron is included in the CoB model. Yes Plastic Hellbron, alongside a Bloodwrack Medussa, and a Hag...

I forgot to add, I've had confirmation that Black Guard are on stock run down. That means only one thing...

The WD also supports this as it mentions several times the "total redesign" of the Dark Elves, with only the CoK and Corsairs being 'sacred'

More via Druchii.net
The Hydra btw lost its Regeneration. Has the ability to get Lifepoints back. It has d3 attacks + 1 attack for each lifepoint and will cost 160 points. (Without breath)

cauldron of blood will have a +5 Ward for the Unit its placed inside. It also gives Frenzy (Rage or what ever it is in english) if the Unit already has it, they will get 2 attackes instead of one.
It also gives something in a range of 6" around the CoB. But forgot what it is sorry.

The Medusa will have an ability to force Initative tests with models in base contact. And it has Killing blow as a Range attack. I think it was 3 Attacks.

Interesting stuff to say the least. It sounds like the Hydra got its much needed nerf, it doesn't have true Regeneration anymore but has a way to regrow wounds. My take is that this will work similarly to It Will Not Die from 40K, something like "on a 5+ at the end of your turn, the Hydra gains a wound" but it only goes up to a maximum total. Having D3 attacks plus the number of wounds sounds like, unfortunately (for other armies), it will have a bare minimum 6 attacks each round as I am assuming like most monsters it has 5 wounds. Still pretty ridiculous, but it sounds like it will be a lot easier to kill so there is that. That the breath weapon is a fiery roar leads to me believe it is a flat Strength 4 flaming breath weapon.

So it seems Murderous Prowess (the re-rolls 1s to wound) is indeed the Dark Elf equivalent to High Elves' Martial Prowess. Dark Elves have Hatred of High Elves, while High Elves are Immune to Panic against Dark Elves. Seems pretty fair to me. I wonder what people think is better, fighting in an extra rank, or re-rolling 1s to wound?

Those Sisters of Slaughter have a pretty crazy stat-line. They seem like the Dark Elf equivalent, in a sense, to Phoenix Guard; Black Guard, on the other hand, seem like White Lions without great weapons.
Spearmen being 9 points is very fair, lines them up perfectly with High Elves. Nice, they were too cheap before. Repeater Crossbowmen being 2 points more expensive than High Elf Archers is also fair.

Witch Elves, at 11 point Core models, sound absolutely crazy. Between Frenzy and paired hand weapons, they either have three or four attacks base each with Poison, Always Strikes First and re-roll 1s to wound. That is absolutely ludicrous! I think I can see where everyone will be spending their Core points from now on! Jeez.
Interesting other stuff, and Black Guard being run down probably means they will be part of the second wave release.
The Cauldron of Blood seems like it will be awesome, giving its unit a 5+ ward save, Frenzy/boosted Frenzy, and re-roll all wounds rather than 1s. Would make Witch Elves even more ludicrous.

Hunh.....the Witch Elf models are a lot nicer with those clear photos.....hmmmm. I wanted to do a Slaanesh Daemon army, maybe I can do this instead. Argh, damnit GW! Too many releases!

09-27-2013, 12:56 PM
Dark Elves cover 9-27-2013


09-27-2013, 01:16 PM
Do we know if Harpies are still in the book?

09-27-2013, 02:23 PM
Do we know if Harpies are still in the book?

I can't see why they wouldn't be... they seem more at home there than in the Beasty book

Forgotten Heretic
09-27-2013, 02:31 PM
I'm interested to see what they have done with corsairs, rules and points-wise

White Tiger88
09-27-2013, 05:52 PM
.,.....70 bucks for Witch Elfs??????? What the hell....they are a 11p models a model so you will be spending.....what 280 bucks for a unit?


American Prices
Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Shrine $75.00
Witch Elves $60
Kharibdyss / War Hydra $65
Shadowblade $20
The Cult of Khaine $329.75
Dreadspears / Darkshards / Bleakswords $35
Armybook $49.50
Dark Elves 1-Click new release collection $304.50

Canadian Prices
Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Shrine $90.00
Witch Elves $70
Kharibdyss / War Hydra $80.00
Shadowblade $25
The Cult of Khaine $387.75
Dreadspears / Darkshards / Bleakswords $40
Armybook $59.50
Dark Elves 1-Click new release collection $364.50

09-27-2013, 06:52 PM
.,.....70 bucks for Witch Elfs??????? What the hell....they are a 11p models a model so you will be spending.....what 280 bucks for a unit?


American Prices
Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Shrine $75.00
Witch Elves $60
Kharibdyss / War Hydra $65
Shadowblade $20
The Cult of Khaine $329.75
Dreadspears / Darkshards / Bleakswords $35
Armybook $49.50
Dark Elves 1-Click new release collection $304.50

Canadian Prices
Cauldron of Blood / Bloodwrack Shrine $90.00
Witch Elves $70
Kharibdyss / War Hydra $80.00
Shadowblade $25
The Cult of Khaine $387.75
Dreadspears / Darkshards / Bleakswords $40
Armybook $59.50
Dark Elves 1-Click new release collection $364.50

They have officially jumped the shark. There is no way that those prices can be justified. If there were 20 in a box yes, but not for 10. For 20 witch elves (maybe a 250 point unit which is your core at 1k) you can get 2 tactical squads and a rhino - that's 350pts of solid troops, giving you potentially 4 scoring units which all won't be killed by one uberspell.

09-27-2013, 11:07 PM
Hellebron looks amazing:
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m3470238a_99120212009_2013CauldronOfBlood04_873x62 7.jpg

As does the Medusa:
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m3470268a_99120212009_2013CauldronOfBlood10_873x62 7.jpg

09-27-2013, 11:16 PM
Yes they are nice. I just looked at the pre-orders and they have a 1 click for the Cult of Khaine for $329.75 US but you can buy them separately for $315 US. Wonder what gives.

09-28-2013, 12:46 AM
Right, been examing the photos on GW.com closely:

Cauldron of Blood/Bloodwrack Shrine:
My favourite big kit since the Coven Throne, I think this is gorgeous. The Cauldron of Blood is my favourite of the two, I think it's just magnificent and very Temple of Khaine. The Bloodwrack Shrine is wonderful but not quite as spectacular as the CoB. I do love that buying two kits to make one of each will net me a spare plastic statue of Khaine to use as an Avatar though. The sculpt of Hellebron included in the kit is my favourite sculpt from this release, absolutely stunning. The other Witch Elves are also beautiful though I don't like the face of the Hag as much as the others, hoping it is the paintjob. The price seems reasonable for such a large and impressive kit.

Karibdyss is amazing, easily the stand out of the two kits. Just so creepy and sinuous, with the eyeless maws gaping at you. The one on it's chest is particularly creepy. The hydra is a bit more goofy, but personally I really like it. I think it will be improved with a better paintjob, indeed I think it looks less cartoony in the 360 photo. The handlers both look suitably rugged and the female reminds me of Aurra Sing so +1 points right there.

Witch Elves/Sisters of Slaughter.
I've been waiting many years for good, plastic Witch Elves and I was worried I'd be disappointed. I was not. The Witch Elves are beautiful and scary both at the same time. Not to mention perfectly feminine which is a plus, GW have certainly improved in their sculpting of women in recent years. I'd have liked a bit more variety of poses but it's not a big deal. I actually prefer these new plastic WEs to the Raging Heroes version which is saying something as I'm a big RH fangirl. The Sisters of Slaughter are brilliant as well, I love the creepy masks. I think they will make for excellent Dark Eldar Bloodbrides as well as their proper use. Price is a bit disappointing but the quality of the sculpt makes them worth personally.

A very, very welcome new kit for the Dark Elf core. I'm a little disappointed at the lack of females though, I hope we don't end up with a situation where all the heavily armoured troops are men and the only women are lightly armoured Witch Elves. The sculpts themselves are excellent, some of the hands are still bit big though but not irritatingly so and you can still paint them as gloves if need be.

I don't like him. It's an extremely well executed, dynamic sculpt but I just find it lacking and not particularly intimidating. I prefer the existing Finecast assassin.

Overall, giving this release 9/10. Hope the rules are solid and well balanced. Witch Elves being core is a big plus for me.

Oh I forgot, the best bit? There is a second waving rumoured to be coming next month by a source who has been 100% accurate so far.:)

09-28-2013, 01:41 AM
Interesting choice on connecting the legs to the torsos... lot less variability but much to be gained in production value? (thats the only reason i could come up with for doings so)

09-28-2013, 02:42 AM
Hellebron is off the hook. They're doing wonders with plastic characters these days.

Black Guard and Executioners, previously Finecast, aren't available from GW's website right now. Between that and the interview with the designers saying they wanted to redo the whole range, and only Cold One Knights and Corsairs - the two most recent plastic kits - were off the table, I'd expect a new plastic Black Guard/ Executioners box next month. I'd almost guarantee it. Maybe next month will be a grab-bag release?

For 20 witch elves (maybe a 250 point unit which is your core at 1k) you can get 2 tactical squads and a rhino - that's 350pts of solid troops, giving you potentially 4 scoring units which all won't be killed by one uberspell.

Yes, you could have those things, but then you would be playing a different game entirely. I mean, really.

09-28-2013, 02:44 AM
Yup, the source on Warseer who has been 100% right so far (with SM and now Dark Elves) says a second wave in a few weeks with Executioners, Black Guard, Dark Riders and a chariot, The latter two being dual kits.

09-28-2013, 02:47 AM
A chariot, eh? That'd be cool.

Lizardmen was my previous favourite release this year. Now I'm not so sure.

09-28-2013, 02:50 AM
Cold One Chariot and something called a Scourgerunner.:) Picture of the Executioners and Black Guard in the Dark Elf Picture topic.