View Full Version : IA13: What do you hope to see?

The Sovereign
06-26-2013, 07:38 PM
So the devs at the last Forge World Open Day went on the record as saying IA13 will feature Dark Eldar. What sort of units/models are you hoping to see?

Personally, I just want more haemonculus options (especially a female!).

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-26-2013, 08:18 PM
A Super-heavy Slave-Barge-Skimmer would be pretty ballin'. Giant open-topped transport, the on-board tortured prisoners give all units who begin the game embarked a Pain Token?

Some form of Psyker option - perhaps a Haemonculous has captured and "repurposed" another race's Psyker at the heart of a Talos-like machine (stored outside of the Webway, of course). Perhaps you could choose the species of prisoner-psyker as part of the options? Humans get one discipline, Eldar another etc.

Also, an update on the Corsairs list would be a good include.

06-26-2013, 10:58 PM
Orkz looting a Raider or ravager, and crashing it into another dark eldar skimmer, with a full load of Ork boyz inside/on-top...
IA 8 only covered Goffs, Evil Sunz, and Deff Skullz. The Snakebites, Blood Axes, and Bad Moons have yet to be flushed out.
It would be nice to see Xenos on Xenos action, with both forces invading an Imperial-held world (cause the imperium has to be in somewhere) or something to that effect.

06-27-2013, 01:31 AM
It wouldnt be called "imperial" armour then, would it.
Fw have said all along the each book will be imperium versus ....
Its like the same old questions the designers get at every seminar.
Come on pickelz, keep up ;-p

06-27-2013, 10:09 AM
over-all, i would like to see Orks looting Eldar tech and using it in a reckless manner... but to have that it would have to be a three way battle, with orks eldar (reg or dark) and Imperium.

The Sovereign
06-27-2013, 10:38 AM
I agree, Picklez, a three way battle with Orks, DE, and IoM would be cool. But as Orks already have an IA themed after them (and significant FW model support), I doubt they're going to get another runaround too soon. Daemons and Sisters are actually in bad need of an IA too, I think.

06-28-2013, 12:11 AM
Some interesting new toys in the FA and Troops slots please. No Heavy Support...we're covered there! Maybe a dedicated AA flyer in FA a la the Crimson Hunter, but...you know...better and stuff.

06-28-2013, 12:57 AM
A female character from FW would be nice. I also hope they stick to DE being the only xenos, xenos races get little enough attention per book without splitting it between more than one race. Orks have already had their turn.

I also want a giant slave barge with weapons on.

06-28-2013, 03:43 AM
I'd like to see them update IA:11 first. My Corsair army is basically just crappy overpriced Eldar now and doesn't make much sense to play. FW really needs to support their products better.

06-28-2013, 03:46 AM
IA11 is getting an update soon, FW have said as much. They released the Tau book update less than a month after the codex released. Edited, repointed, added new stuff and sent to printers, returned in less than a month. Give them a bit of a break...

DE i'd like some kind of gargantuan Hemonculus bio-construct....

06-28-2013, 03:50 AM
IA11 is getting an update soon, FW have said as much. They released the Tau book update less than a month after the codex released. Edited, repointed, added new stuff and sent to printers, returned in less than a month. Give them a bit of a break...

DE i'd like some kind of gargantuan Hemonculus bio-construct....

Seriously bro, if I have to buy two crack-expensive IA books just to play Corsairs I'm going to be steamed. The book is what, less than two years old? I just got it...

06-28-2013, 03:55 AM
I know, i'm hoping they just do it as a PDF. Its less than 2 years as you said, and my first edition is signed by Talima. Can't warrent kicking out another 50 for the same book with some recosted units, whereas the Tau featured new fluff, new units and i'd never owned one.

Having spent 70 on a codex, 50 on Iyanden, 50 for the next book is out of my options right now

06-28-2013, 04:07 AM
I know, i'm hoping they just do it as a PDF. Its less than 2 years as you said, and my first edition is signed by Talima. Can't warrent kicking out another 50 for the same book with some recosted units, whereas the Tau featured new fluff, new units and i'd never owned one.

Having spent 70 on a codex, 50 on Iyanden, 50 for the next book is out of my options right now

I'm hoping for a PDF as well. The thing is that Corsairs need a really massive overhaul at this point. Just about every unit they have needs a significant update so it would be a very large PDF.

I just emailed FW customer service. I'll post back here if they say anything interesting about an update.

06-28-2013, 04:21 AM
They said on Facebook a while ago it would be a pdf.

06-28-2013, 04:32 AM

06-28-2013, 04:53 AM
They said on Facebook a while ago it would be a pdf.

... that you can download for the low, low price of 50 GBP.

Here's Forge World's email response to me:

"Hi there.

We will be reviewing the rules for our Eldar models over the next few months to bring them in line with the 6th ed 40k and the new Codex. However, work schedule for our book team is currently very busy so regrettably we are not able to give a more specific time frame than this, sorry."

So it will be a while :(