View Full Version : skimmer/flying bases and Tomb blades

06-26-2013, 04:20 PM
Here's my conundrum, last night I got a set of tomb blades and was wondering how most people build theirs? I've got mine with the partical casters as they add some good cc to my army and was thinking about shield vanes to protect my investment. thoughts?

Now I just woke up and was looking at the pissy little bases they give you and I just went I don't like this at all so I got some spare skimmer ones I had for some reason and have them standing on them. But is that ok to do? they overhang the base in some places but not everywhere which makes me wonder if I can/ should

Cpt Codpiece
06-26-2013, 04:52 PM
i always just base on whatever base i like, only really issue comes in assault and its usually at your cost anyway.... so why anyone would complain i cant understand.

my exarchs, and IC's are all on terminator size bases, simply to add a bit more 'style', and since thats what this edition is all about you should model as you wish, if in doubt use the smaller base as a guide and make a subtle marker on your bigger base for assult and what not

06-26-2013, 07:04 PM
As per the BRB, pg 3: "The rules in this book assume that models are mounted on the base the are supplied with." Technically speaking, you should leave them on the small bases, even though they suck. In most cases, it won't make much of a difference, however, there are some situations, such as Canis Wolfborne (Codex: Space Wolves, pg 54): "Wrath of the Savage [special rule which grants +1 attack per model in base contact] . . . For those of you considering mounting Canis on a really large base to take advantage of this -- don't even think about it!"

An unscrupulous player could pull something like with Inquisitional Retinues, mounting the Crusaders on 40mm bases for "style" and use them to block the enemy from getting into btb with anything else in the retinue, but give all the retinue the ability to strike in CC by way of the 2-inch rule. Please note: I am not trying to call you out, Cpt Codpiece, I am simply using your terminology to show how someone could twist it around.

Back to the Tomb Blades, if you haven't glued the pegs to the stands yet, or have spare pegs, you could bring both types of bases maybe, use your preferred bases unless/until someone makes a complaint.

Mr Mystery
06-27-2013, 12:07 AM
Issues generally only arise from using small bases.

Model up both. That way if your opponent gets the arse, you're covered.

06-27-2013, 01:31 PM
Plus, clear flying stands tend to get ignored anyways, since pretty much every unit like Jetbikes or Gargoyles or Wave Serpents hang out over the edge of the flying stand anyways. Units like Gargoyles are very difficult to pack together thanks to their wings. If your opponent tries to give you crap about the size if your flying stand, he's probably just being a dick.