View Full Version : beam question?

06-26-2013, 08:49 AM
I had this thought and realize beams can hit friend or foe. This thought came to mind with +4 and +5 fnp in a deamon army. I know the first model hit hs to be an enemy target. However I was thinking of having a beam hit my own models so I can force toughness test on my models to try for +1 FnP. It would be awesome to have a +2 invulnerable saving model that can re roll and have +3 feel no pain. It's rather easy to do with flying circus, especially if one of your MC's are grounded.

06-26-2013, 08:54 AM
I am away from my books, so I can't look this up, but is a beam considered a template? If so, are you allowed to deliberatly place a template to hit your own models?

06-26-2013, 09:19 AM
I am away from my books, so I can't look this up, but is a beam considered a template? If so, are you allowed to deliberatly place a template to hit your own models?

You have to select an end point. The first model hit must be an enemy model. I have thought about using beams to fire in combat. The main point is the first model hit have to be a legal target. It specifies friend or foe can be hit.

Which means for example I can beam an enemy model out of combat and have the rest of my beam hit models in combat.

You can't place templates on your models. They can deviate into them, but you can't do it on purpose.

06-26-2013, 11:40 PM
The big issue is that GW hasn't really defined what a "Beam" or "Line" should be counted as, and what rules it should follow.

A Template actually only refers to the Teardrop that is used mostly for Flamers and such. Blasts and Large Blasts are "Blast Markers" or something silly. They follow a lot of the same rules, and the word Template is what we interchange between them, but they are different. So is the Line. Except the only definition they give for it is that it is approximately the width of a tape measure on it's side (i.e. as close to 1 Dimensional as possible). They don't say it follows the normal template/blast marker rules, so as long as it doesn't violate the few rules given, it seems fine by me that it can hit your own dudes.

06-27-2013, 01:10 AM
There doesn't need to be a definition as to what a beam should be counted as because it's nature is fully described in its rule.

I don't seen anywhere that it says the first model hit has to be enemy either.

The line is 1mm long and extends from the Psyker to the end point. So if he is at the back of a unit he can shoot through all of them to get to the front. If you wanted to line all your guys up and shoot them there is nothing technically stopping you from doing that.

06-27-2013, 04:31 AM
There doesn't need to be a definition as to what a beam should be counted as because it's nature is fully described in its rule.

I don't seen anywhere that it says the first model hit has to be enemy either.

The line is 1mm long and extends from the Psyker to the end point. So if he is at the back of a unit he can shoot through all of them to get to the front. If you wanted to line all your guys up and shoot them there is nothing technically stopping you from doing that.

I have to referance where you have to hit the same target first. For example if you are firing a second weapon the beam have to also hit that target first.

I don't want to hit all my guys. I just want to wound one to get +1 fnp.

06-27-2013, 08:42 PM
The only requirement is for the beam to hit the same unit that the rest of the squad has, or will, fire at first.
If the psyker is in fact attached to a unit and that unit is going to fire that is.