View Full Version : Space Marine Bikes: How many?

06-25-2013, 01:29 PM
Question: When you take Space Marine bikes as "Troops", can you take 3 or 6 units?

Follow-up Question: How many bikes can you comfortably shove into an 1,850 list?

<lol> I recently came into a pile of unassembled bikes....

06-25-2013, 01:39 PM
Since you can take six units of troops and the bikes come out of the troops allowance, the answer would seem to be six, unless I've missed something.

As for the other question, that really belongs in the tactics thread, but if you take them with out any upgrades, six full squads of 8 bikes comes in at 1290. You would also need to add the mandatory captain on bike to that. How you kit them out beyond that depends on what you want them to do. Given there are strong rumours of White Scars supplement in the autumn, I'd suggest waiting to see what happens with that before making any major decisions on a bike based army.

06-25-2013, 01:42 PM
You can take up to 6 units as Troops. As for how many bikes you can shove into an 1850 list, I'm not sure. You can certainly get 54 bikes into a list like that (6 full bike squads) with room left over for an HQ, though I don't know how advisable that is.

Allen Broussard
06-25-2013, 02:46 PM
the max bike count you can have in a single FoC is 96

2 captains on bikes with command squad on bikes=12 bikes

6 bike squads as troops=54 bikes

3 bike squads as fast attack=27 bikes

3 techmarines on bikes

comes out to 2820 pts with bog standard wargear..........

Expensive though. point total is pretty high.

Allen Broussard
06-25-2013, 03:01 PM
oh forgot to add the points for the 2 command squads. stick another 410 points on that

06-25-2013, 03:34 PM
6 units was my thought as well. I wasn't sure if there was a restriction since they are originally drawn from the FA section.

Beside the hours required to paint 54+ bikes, attempting to maneuver that many across the game table would be quite a feat!

Thanks for the input gang - I knew I could count on the closet bike generals out there to have numbers handy!!

06-25-2013, 03:47 PM
I think bike spam can be funa great on the table though it can be easily countered.. my reapers would be giddy seeing a ton of bikes coming their way... still i sometimes run a small points bike list

khan on moondraken

3x 8 space marine bikes w/ 2 plasma and 1 attack bike with multimelta

add another 2x plasma squad in and at 1250 you zip around and shoot a ton jinking and playing keep away from cc stuff, quite fun to play

06-25-2013, 07:22 PM
the max bike count you can have in a single FoC is 96


Expensive though. point total is pretty high.

Cheat a little and replace the FA bikes with scout bikes (still bikes!) and I came up with 3095pt for 99 bikes with no upgrades.

06-27-2013, 07:28 AM
Wait for the new SM codex before you buy 96 bikes though.

06-27-2013, 07:37 AM
Or the White Scars supplement?