View Full Version : Eldar - 3000pts - 2 lists.

06-25-2013, 06:26 AM
Ok another 2 attempts at a Eldar Wraith List.
Max points 3000. 5 pts over is allowed.

List 1 is my more offensive list.
List 2 is in response to Drop pod Space Marine list
that has been kicking my *** for too bloody long.
Hate those things.

[List 1] 3003pts
Idea behind it -
Illic stays surrounded by the WraithSeer and WraithLords
And takes his shots while defended by the four Big guys.
Farseers and SpiritSeers join a WG units inside WS.
All the WG units speed ahead to take objectives.
The Spiders jump around with the WK to take out units.
Crimson hunter opertunity hunter.

Question on list:
1] Is there a recummended Warlord Trait group he should roll on?

Illic NightSpear - Warlord
SpiritSeers - x2, Runes of Battle.
Farseers - x2, Runes of Fate, Telepathy.
WraithSeer - D-Canon.

WraithGuard - 4 Units of 5.
-----Wavesperpent - TL Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Canon

Fast Attack:
Warp Spiders - 2 Units of 5.
-----Exarch - FastShot & Marksmen's Eye.

Crimson hunter - 1.
-----Exarch - Marksmen's Eye.

WraithKnight -

WraithLord - 3 Units!
------Flamers x2, StarCanon.

[List 2] -- 3001pts
Idea behind it -
Illic mans the Quad gun and fires that or his own gun.
Dark Reaper squad mans the Aegis line wioth their Exarch.
Should be able to take out Pods and the Squads within that pop out. I hope.
Setup on a edge and castle around it with the WG units.
Infront of them protecting them are the two WG units with the WraithSeer in between.
The WK and both Spiders units hop around together and make a nusance of themselves :).
Pathfinder units setup in cover to take potshots.
WindRiders held off to end to try to take objective.
Crimson hunter opertunity hunter.

Illic NightSpear -
WraithSpeer - D-Canon.
SpiritSeer - x2 Runes of Battle.

WraithGuard - 2 units of 10! D-Scythe.

PathFinders - 2 units of 5.

WindRiders - 1 unit of 5, 1 shuriken canon.

Fast Attack:
Crimson Hunter - 2 StarCanons.
----Exarch - Marksmans Eye.

Warp Spiders - 1 unit of 10.
----Exarch - Spineret Rifle, FastShot, Marksmans Eye.

Warp Spiders - 1 unit of 8.
----Exarch - Spineret Rifle, FastShot, Marksmans Eye.

WraithKnight -

Dark Reapers - 1 unit of 10.
----Exarch - FastShot, Marksmans Eye.

Aegis Def Line - Quad Gun.

06-26-2013, 05:56 AM
Any comment's or suggestions on the lists?

06-26-2013, 07:38 AM
I always find it tough to review lists with such high points totals, I guess because when you're sub-2000 your units need to have some cohesion and a plan and a way to exploit the opponent to your benefit. At 3000, it feels more like apoc and so it's just throw down what you like and have some fun.

I like bits from both lists, but not really either list. I think combining elements of each could be the best way for you. Create 'pockets' of the list that have synergy and make sure the points you're spending are leveraged to the max.

e.g. Eldrad in the first list. He's stuck in a wave serpent with some wraithguard. I'm not sure he's going to be able to be worth his points from that position. Generic Farseers tend to be better bang for buck than Eldrad with the new book and looking thru the lists, you have a couple of units where the easy access to two 'guides' would pay off. Examples being the Wraithknight, Pathfinders or the big Dark Reaper unit (which at that size probably doesn't need the exarch). You could park a generic seer with the Pathfinders and then give rerolls to hit to both them and the WK with ease. It'd also save you some points (from dropping Eldrad which you could throw into Jetbike squads (always aim for 3 and 1 cannon or 6 and 2 cannons. 5's not much use sadly.

Also worth noting that the Wraithseer is an MC, so can't hop in a transport with the wraithguard. I like all that t8 running around the table tho.

From the unit's you're using.. I'd probably go with something like:

farseer (guide +presc+other disc)

5x WG with a serpent (SL & Shuri)
5x WG with a serpent (SL & Shuri)
5x WG with a serpent (SL & Shuri)
5x WG with a serpent (SL & Shuri)
6x Jetbikes +2 Shuri
10x Pathfinders

Crimson Hunter Exarch
10x Warp Spiders

Wraithlord +SL +glaive
Wraithlord +SL +glaive
Wraithlord +SL +glaive

or just take a jetbike autarch with a mantle and 15 scatter serpents with 5 DA in them. ;)

06-26-2013, 08:33 AM
Thanks for the reply and suggestions.
Aye I forgot the size of the WraithSeer. Definitely cant go in the Waveserpent. :)
The 2nd List is more in response to a Space Marine army I play a lot against.
Drop Pod hell. So I designed this to castle up and lay on the death. .. hopefully.

Will look into the generic Farseers instead of Eldra.

06-26-2013, 09:38 AM
Removed Eldrad and the rangers and added in 2 Farseers and another Spiritseer.

I am liking the list more now. :)

06-26-2013, 09:43 AM
Well, surrounding yourself with a wall of t8 is a pretty good shield and should push most things coming in out of melta range of your tanks and out of rapid fire range of your pathfinders, jetbikes and spiders. It'll also render the bolters useless and so while you might lose a couple of lords to combined special weapons, you'll be well placed to counterassault or just blow them away with the WG s10 and the spiders monofilament.

going back to your orignal 4 questions. We answered #4.
#1 yeah, sure. it's still capacity 12 and the 5 wraithguard only take up 10 slots.
for #2 and #3 the warlord traits are random. You roll a d6 and you get what you get, so recommending a specific trait doesn't help much. The eldar trait table is pretty terrible imo, I'd been hopeful after seeing the tau one that GW would find a way to make all the future trait tables had useful results to one degree or another for most army builds, but with the eldar one, there's a strong chance you'll just get something utterly useless. 3, 5 and 6 are almost always pointless. 4 is decent only if your warlord's actually going to be exposed (and doesn't already have a reroll - mantle-tarch). 2 could almost be useful. it's like a free holofields for a turn, but you need to be pretty concentrated for it to affect enough vehicles and after turn 1 that's unlikely.. and in turn 1 you don't have a jink save anyway, so.. and a result of a 1 on the table gives you something that is only really useful if you're running banshees (no one does) or scorpions. everything else is either fleshbane or s6, that's wounding on a 2 anyway and so you don't really care about the 1s so much. I think I'll be avoiding the eldar traits completely and sticking with Personal unless my list really suits something from the other two trees.

06-26-2013, 11:35 AM
Updated the 2nd list to remove the Avatar and add in another unit of spiders.

Dave Mcturk
06-27-2013, 04:46 AM
illic and all other named characters have fixed warlord traits... although not clearly stated in the codex... the general rule seems to be that 'only the warlord' gets to use his trait... at high point games with two force orgs ? ... take your best characters ... or just go with four farseers...