View Full Version : Your favourite 6th Ed rule.

Mr Mystery
06-24-2013, 12:49 PM
Nothing too taxing!

With 6th Ed rapidly approaching its 1st birthday, I fancied a froth about the new rules it introduced.

For me, it has to be Hammer of Wrath.

Visually it's awesome! After all, most units capable of doing are pretty heavy! Even the humble Assault Marine? When one of them lands on you, you're going to feel it! Lovely stuff!

And you?

06-24-2013, 01:07 PM
6th is by far my favorite incarnation of 40K that uses the 3rd Ed engine, and even tussles with 2nd Ed for my favorite overall so there's quite a few. If I had to pick, tho, it's probably snap shots. Great way to make heavy weapons on infantry much more flexible, as well as a solid method to do modifiers-without-modifiers for situations in which hitting something shouldn't be impossible, but much more difficult than normal.

Richard Buchanan
06-24-2013, 01:21 PM
I would say that my favourite 6th edition 40k rule is SMASH! (for mainly monstrous creatures) for two reasons.
A) The name, implying that anything on the wrong side of it is going to get damaged or destroyed
B) Monstrous creatures being able to get S10, to insta-kill most enemy characters or beat up vehicles.

Mr Mystery
06-24-2013, 01:56 PM
Snap shots are rather awesome, and have definitely revolutionised the game, especially when combined with over watch, which has seen the long overdue demise of CC Steamroller armies.

Plus, they've given vehicles a better role, as slim chance is better than no chance!

06-24-2013, 02:05 PM
I'd have to say hull points. Nothing more frustrating than getting 2 or 3 penetrating shots only to roll 1's and 2's or even 3's for weapon destroyed. I say this even though I play Imperial Guard and love putting plenty of Leman Russ', Chimera's and Valkyries on the table. I know a lot of people have complained about this but I feel like it reflects cumulative damage a little better than the old rules.

Mr Mystery
06-24-2013, 02:10 PM
In terms of hull points, I think they just need to ramp them up. I play Necrons, and I can Gauss the heaviest vehicles into the dirt all too easily.

Double them up (yeah, seriously!) and things improve :)

But yeah. Nice little innovation.

06-24-2013, 02:10 PM
It used to be wall of fire. It made Flammers of Tzeentch unchargeable. Now Wraithguard with D-Sycthes can take advantage of it.

Also rage. It really helps out tyranid who are feeders. Being out of synapse gives you +2 attacks on th charge.

06-24-2013, 02:13 PM
As a CSM player, I first of all thought of allies - bringing my mono-daemons back. But then I thought of all the nobbers with cron air + nob bikers and retracted that. Most useful for me at the mo? Vector Strike. Most cinematic? Throwing grenades. I love watching people chuck krak at fliers, almost like some schwarznegger film when you get a 6 and bang - its in the intake!

Second most annoying after a poorly thought out allies matrix? LOS-A.

Mr Mystery
06-24-2013, 02:39 PM
It used to be wall of fire. It made Flammers of Tzeentch unchargeable. Now Wraithguard with D-Sycthes can take advantage of it.

Also rage. It really helps out tyranid who are feeders. Being out of synapse gives you +2 attacks on th charge.

If I still had my Tyranids, I think I'd be experimenting with letting them off the lead. Shrikes would be useful. Keep Synpase until in range, then nick off and let the gribblies gribble their merry way!

Perhaps when they get a new book!

06-24-2013, 02:43 PM
In terms of hull points, I think they just need to ramp them up. I play Necrons, and I can Gauss the heaviest vehicles into the dirt all too easily.

Double them up (yeah, seriously!) and things improve :)
Honestly, I'd rather just see the Gauss rule revisited in some way. Aside from that quirk, Hull Points work pretty well as-is. Maybe a bump of one across the board is warranted, tho.

As a CSM player, I first of all thought of allies
Wasn't really thinking of allies as a "rule" per se - can I change my answer? :p

06-24-2013, 02:57 PM
6e Rapid Fire

06-24-2013, 03:15 PM
One of two.

Rage loosing the auto advance towards the nearest enemy unit.

Fearless no longer causing additional wounds when you fail combat

06-24-2013, 04:12 PM
For me it is the directional damage from attacks, particularly shooting. Admittedly, it does mean that Sergeants no longer lead from the front, but I think that is more than countered by the fact that out manoeuvring your opponent really means something to units other than vehicles. Without Look Out Sir! it would be terrible, but I think there is a nice balance to it at the moment.

06-24-2013, 04:39 PM
Look Out Sir is an overly complex mechanic. They can do better than the current wound allocation/LOS rules.

For me, it has to be Hammer of Wrath.

Visually it's awesome! After all, most units capable of doing are pretty heavy! Even the humble Assault Marine? When one of them lands on you, you're going to feel it! Lovely stuff!

Hammer of Wrath is like Tank Shock. It should be awesome, but isn't really that impressive.

Snap shots are rather awesome, and have definitely revolutionised the game, especially when combined with over watch, which has seen the long overdue demise of CC Steamroller armies.

5th ed saw the balancing of assault armies. 6th ed has basically seen the death of them.

In terms of hull points, I think they just need to ramp them up. I play Necrons, and I can Gauss the heaviest vehicles into the dirt all too easily.

Double them up (yeah, seriously!) and things improve :)

But yeah. Nice little innovation.

Hull Points is by far the single best thing they did to improve 6th over 5th. Gauss should probably be a little weaker.

06-24-2013, 06:09 PM
Hammer of Wrath.

Visually it's awesome! After all, most units capable of doing are pretty heavy! Even the humble Assault Marine? When one of them lands on you, you're going to feel it! Lovely stuff!

I would say that my favourite 6th edition 40k rule is SMASH! (for mainly monstrous creatures) for two reasons.
A) The name, implying that anything on the wrong side of it is going to get damaged or destroyed
B) Monstrous creatures being able to get S10, to insta-kill most enemy characters or beat up vehicles.

These two rules especially in combo are by far my most hated rules in 6th ed. HoW on bikes and Jump guys and such is nice an extra bonus attack on the charge cool, and smash double str and have ap 2 attacks cool, now when the old wraithlord/ new wraithknight charges why would you in any way shape or form get your armor save? and now double your str to 10 . . . . . . again why, even on the new wraithlord str 8/9 halving 3 attacks for the +1/2 str is stupid barring av 13+ walkers and av 14 all round vehicles.

In terms of hull points, I think they just need to ramp them up. I play Necrons, and I can Gauss the heaviest vehicles into the dirt all too easily.

Double them up (yeah, seriously!) and things improve :)

But yeah. Nice little innovation.

I look at gauss and laugh, because when new edition came out a buddy of mine wiped the floor with the Dark elder Haywire guns on the scourges saving points over the dark lances they could take. I will take necrons any day.

my favorite rules are overwatch and the 2d6 charge range.

06-24-2013, 06:23 PM
Bloodthirster dishing out 10+ smash attacks yeah..
MC's can get cover saves in area terrain and don't need to be 50%

06-24-2013, 06:40 PM
It's not one rule as such, but a whole bunch of little rules and that is the Battlefield Debris section of the book. I've not played enough 6th ed yet (only 2 games thus far) to really get a grip on the rules and be able to say what I like and dislike about them. But those couple pages of mini terrain pieces has inspired me to make scenery to represent them all (still a work in progress on some). I am awful for actually making time to get on with painting, but these mini projects keep me focused and while I'm working on them I tend to get other painting done too.

06-24-2013, 08:32 PM
No question, its the new Psychic powers. Biomancy especially, but it breathed life into my old Nids and made me confident playing them again.

06-24-2013, 08:33 PM
My favorite rule has to be the "Basic < Advanced" rule section on Page 7. of the BRB.
This helps alleviate arguments over what a model can or cannot do.

06-24-2013, 09:12 PM
Ap 1-2 no longer ignores fnp.

06-25-2013, 01:59 AM
As a mostly CSM player with daemon and Traitor Guard Allies, the rules which have helped me the most are Vector Strike, FNP, Smash, Challenges (even though they extend the game a little), precision shots (taking out that pesky Icon or Plasma gunner), Jink, intercept, It will not Die, Many units being re-designated (such as Bloodcrushers, the new Plague drones (jetpack cavalry), Dirge Casters, Chaos Marks for most unit in the CSM codex, and so many weapons now getting the Ignores cover rule make a lot of the "sit in cover and wait for the enemy to assault me armies not as effective. Over watch has changed the game a lot, as has pre-measuring, and the new assault rules. I have really felt the effects of the new transport rules. Not being able to assault even if you got out before the vehicle moved, makes some of my old tactics useless. The list goes on - Flesh bane, Armour bane, counter-attack, ATSKNF, poisoned, preferred enemy, shred, torrent and close combat weapons now having AP values.

06-25-2013, 02:20 AM
For me, it has to be Snap Shots, for the reasons listed earlier. Second/joint-first is Overwatch. Honourable mentions (in no particular order): Feel No Pain working against AP1-2 weapons, Look Out Sir!, Challenges, being able to throw grenades, the simplification of Night Fighting, close combat weapons now having AP values, plus lots of existing rules being given names like 'Unwieldy' and 'Shred', makes those rules *so* much easier to refer to! The new Psychic Powers are also awesome! ^-^

Rules I dislike: Rage (used to be very characterful and a reasonable de-buff on certain close combat monster units, now it's a lot less characterful and makes them *even better*), not being able to pick Psychic Powers (makes Psykers seem like scatter-brained imbeciles).

EDIT: More honourable mentions: Fearless no longer causing additional wounds when you fail combat, directional damage from shooting, Hull Points (Gauss needs a bit of a nerf, in my opinion, though... Rending perhaps?), pre-measuring (helps new players, and with the Realm of Battle gameboard it's a necessity, as experienced players can measure distances using the width of the tiles, and new players cannot, which is a little too close to cheating, in my book), 2d6 charge range (with pre-measuring, it's pretty much necessary), Rapid Fire (I never liked the way the Rapid Fire worked in 5th, though it was good in 2nd Edition)

More dislikes: The Allies Matrix. As stated above, it seems poorly thought-out: Black Templars and Sisters of Battle aren't Battle Brothers (or at *least* Allies of Convenience?)? *WHY*?! Also, Stub Pistols being Str 3 AP -, when the other weapon in the Stub family is Strength 4 AP 6. Plus, it means that there are not two, but *three* weapons with a profile of Range: 12" Str 3 AP - Pistol 1! The Autopistol is a great alternative from a hobby perspective (I personally don't like laser weapons), but the Stub Pistol is just redundant. =/

06-25-2013, 02:55 AM
What does "LOS-A" mean? =S

Lost Vyper
06-25-2013, 04:22 AM
Like : PRE MEASURING (everything is more logic now, the person with the best estimate doesnīt always win), Challenges, Snap Shots, Fast Skimmers :)

Dislike : No assaulting (Eldar player here :) ) from the motionless vehicle, NECRONS in general...randomness in general, and the fact, that GW canīt proof read their books and the way everything is all over the book/codexes (fe. new Eldar one)

But still better than 5th in my opinion

06-25-2013, 04:43 AM
I like the fact that being Fearless doesn't make you take a bunch of saves at the end of the turn if you lost combat. The fact your wraithlord could be killed by Grots that normally can't hurt him because his friends got killed was silly

06-25-2013, 04:56 AM
Allies, definitely allies!

06-25-2013, 06:50 AM
I hate premeasuring with a passion. I remember when you had to guess with barrage weapons. I took advantage of GW tables that was broken in 2'x2' sections. Made it easier to guess. Also knowing things like how long is terrain and model base sizes actually helped out. It added an edge to the game which helped me win :(.

Rampage is an awesome 6th rule which on a Thirster it receives d3 extra attacks as long as he is outnumbered.

Challenges only benefit some armies really. However it either keeps the powerfist guy out of a fight or get's him killed.

I like the no assault at the bottom of turn one and from reserves.

Also every edition since 4th have been beating down on assaults:
3rd edition you used to be able to consolidate into other units which made some units unkillable
4th edition got rid of that rule and also nerfed rending which used to be auto wounds on 6s to hit.
5th edtion made it a lot easier to see models. You can now shoot through trees, etc. Easier to see made it less likely assault unit a can get across the table. Oh and no more assaulting out of vehicles( could had been 4th). 5th made blast templates more leathal. In a way 4th nerfed combat hard, while 5th improved on ranged armies.
6th edition added more ranged buffs move and shoot rapid fire, over watch making 5th edition range buffs even worst.

06-25-2013, 09:57 AM
I hate premeasuring with a passion. I remember when you had to guess with barrage weapons. I took advantage of GW tables that was broken in 2'x2' sections. Made it easier to guess. Also knowing things like how long is terrain and model base sizes actually helped out. It added an edge to the game which helped me win.

This. This is sooooooo true.

"Guess 27 and a half inches.... DIRECT HIT!"

I miss those days.

06-25-2013, 10:10 AM
Wound allocation. Makes models like taking 3 carnifexes with a prime blessed w/endurance actually good now.

06-25-2013, 11:25 AM
Allies, definitely allies!


Mr Mystery
06-26-2013, 05:15 AM
Another reason to love snapshots....you can still do them whilst going to ground or otherwise pinned.

And yeah, chucking of grenades is good too! I'm sure there's at least one Dreadnought or Tyranid monstrosity been sent packing by a well aimed Krak Grenade!

06-26-2013, 05:39 AM
Another reason to love snapshots....you can still do them whilst going to ground or otherwise pinned.

And yeah, chucking of grenades is good too! I'm sure there's at least one Dreadnought or Tyranid monstrosity been sent packing by a well aimed Krak Grenade!

With the aid of marker lights you can fire at full bs while gtg.

Dave Mcturk
06-29-2013, 03:50 PM
battle brothers... "hello baron, welcome onboard !"

07-01-2013, 09:04 AM
My favorite thing about 6e is the amount of whining about Necrons there is.

07-01-2013, 03:07 PM
I like the way models are removed as casualties. A good leader stands behind his men.

Dave Mcturk
07-01-2013, 03:35 PM
the 3" you cant charge me if you cant see me rule... I can hear you, I can smell you, but I cant see you ....

07-01-2013, 03:47 PM
I like the way models are removed as casualties. A good leader stands behind his men.

Makes them easier to shoot when they run in cowardice
Just like the "good" old days...

07-01-2013, 04:04 PM
Makes them easier to shoot when they run in cowardice
Just like the "good" old days...

The Commissar's combat shield is made of his subordinate troops.

Biely Apakoha
07-02-2013, 04:10 AM
My favorite rule is the Puppet Master psychic power, havn't rolled it yet but I can't wait to take control of my brothers Riptide and blow up his own units with it.

07-07-2013, 08:17 PM
overwatch no doubt.